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 Attended Harvard in 1876  Changed his career choice from science to becoming a lawyer  Continued law school at Columbia  Throughout college he wrote.

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2  Attended Harvard in 1876  Changed his career choice from science to becoming a lawyer  Continued law school at Columbia  Throughout college he wrote the novel, The Naval War of 1812

3  Began attending Republican meetings and expressed his disapproval of Big Business/Bosses and corrupt political machines  The Republican party nominated him for state assembly in 1881. He won.

4  Teddy began his political career at age 23 making him the youngest assembly man in New York  Teddy had to leave law school and in the assembly, he was not well received. He was mocked and given names like, “Young Squirt Lordship” and “Exquisite Mr. Roosevelt”.  At a Tavern, a man mocked Teddy with the names and Teddy hit him multiple times. Teddy was never mocked again and was elected two more terms. He became known as “The Young Reformer”.

5  1886 Teddy attended the Republican Convention in New York.  He was noticed at the convention and asked to run for Mayor.  Roosevelt worked 18 hours a day and gave three to five speeches a night.  He lost to a Democrat, Abram Hewitt.

6  Roosevelt and George Bird Grinnell formed the Boone and Crockett Club in 1887  Its purpose was to preserve the American Wilderness  The Club sparked other protective measures enacted by the federal government.  Forest Reserve Act  Park Protection Act (Protecting Yellowstone Park)


8  1889- President Benjamin Harrison offered teddy the position of United States Civil Service Commissioner in Washington, D.C.  Teddy worked to reform the “Spoils System”  He resigned from the Civil Service in 1895

9  The New Mayor offered Teddy a job as one of three New York City police commissioners  Teddy took the job and attempted to enforce the law that prevented the sale of liquor in New York on a Sunday  Teddy fired many corrupt police, even ones in high ranked positions  He left the Police Department in 1897

10  During William McKinley’s second term, Roosevelt was asked to help campaign.  Teddy thought he would be rewarded for his efforts by being offered the position of Secretary of the United States Navy  Teddy did receive the position against McKinley’s better judgment.

11  Roosevelt wanted to set Cuba and the Philippines free from Spain  He also wanted the United States to annex the Hawaiian Islands

12  Roosevelt resigned from the Navy and helped form a volunteer Calvary  There were 23,000 applicants and Roosevelt only picked 1,000 men  He picked the men based on riding ability, marksmanship, toughness, and athleticism  Roosevelt placed himself second in command as a Colonel  The Rough Riders fought at the famous battle of San Juan Hill

13  On September 17, 1898 Roosevelt announced that he would run for Governor if he was nominated.  On November 8, 1998, Teddy, 39 years old, was elected Governor of New York  Roosevelt’s top priority was to protect New York forestland  He supported laws to prevent pollution from saw mill industries that dumped chemicals

14  Roosevelt was nominated Vice President for William McKinley by the Republicans  They won the election and were inaugurated in 1901  On September 14, 1901 President McKinley was shot and killed at the Worlds Fair in Buffalo, New York.  Teddy became the 26 th President at 42 years old- the youngest man to hold office at that time

15  Teddy supported measures to ensure safety of foods and medicines by sponsoring the Pure Food and Drug Act  Roosevelt came up with the policy, “Square Deal”, which broke up big trusts  June 17, 1902 Congress passed the Reclamation Act  May 1908, during Roosevelt’s second term, he held a conference on conservation in Washington, D.C.

16 Square Deal

17  May 1908, during Roosevelt’s second term, he held a conference on conservation in Washington, D.C.  The National Conservation Commission was formed as a result of the meeting  Another Conference was held in 1909 with International attendees

18  Congress passed the Spooner Bill in June 1902. Authorizing the construction of the Panama Canal  Panama rebelled against Colombia. In order to keep Colombia from putting down the rebellion, the United States positioned a gunboat in Panama’s harbor  Panama declared its independence as a Republic on November 6, 1903

19  Roosevelt was criticized for his “Gunboat Diplomacy”  Roosevelt was know for his Big Stick Policy in Foreign affairs.  “Speak softly but carry a big stick”

20  Roosevelt brought together Russia and Japan at a meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire during the Summer of 1905  On September 5, both sides compromised and signed a peace treaty  Roosevelt mediated the agreement and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize  Teddy refused to accept the $37,000 prize and donated the money to a committee for industrial peace

21  Theodore Roosevelt left the Presidency at the age of 51 in 1909

22  Kelley, Alison Turnbull. "Theodore Roosevelt. " Great American Presidents. Ed. Kate Sullivan. Philadelphia: Chelsea, 2004. N. pag. Print.  Waldman, Steve. Teddy Roosevelt. N.d. CD- ROM. Beliefnet. Oct. 2008.  Pestritto, Ronald J. Theodore Roosevelt. N.d. CD-ROM. The Wall Street Journal. 2005.  Kramer, Jeffrey. "Square Deal." Cartoon. PBworks 2 June 1906: n. pag. Electronic. Mstartzman. 2005.

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