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Remote Sensing of Our Environment Using Satellite Digital Images to Analyze the Earth’s Surface.

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Presentation on theme: "Remote Sensing of Our Environment Using Satellite Digital Images to Analyze the Earth’s Surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Sensing of Our Environment Using Satellite Digital Images to Analyze the Earth’s Surface

2 CIR Film at Close Range

3 Air Photos

4 Artist’s Rendition of SPOT Satellite

5 Definition of Remote Sensing Remote sensing is the science and art of acquiring information (spectral, spatial, temporal) about material objects, area, or phenomenon, without coming into physical contact.

6 EMR In remote sensing, information transfer is accomplished by use of electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

7 Electromagnetic Radiation


9 Electromagnetic Spectrum


11 Geraniums - Normal Color Film

12 Geraniums - CIR Film

13 Normal Color/CIR Comparison

14 Thermal Radiometer

15 Archeology Site - South Dakota

16 Big Brother Watching…..

17 Interactions between Matter and Electro-magnetic Radiation All matter reflects, absorbs, penetrates and emits electro-magnetic radiation in a unique way. For example, the reason why a leaf looks green is that the chlorophyll absorbs blue and red spectra and reflects the green spectrum

18 Landsat MSS - Where??

19 Where?




23 What Season?

24 See the Line?

25 Significant Variations in Land Cover and Land Use

26 Ready to Go!

27 What Scale?

28 PacMan Farm….

29 Gharb, Morocco

30 Gharb - Pre-Harvest

31 Gharb - Post-Harvest

32 Sakur, Japan

33 Chernobyl - 1986

34 Ocean Measurements

35 California Mosaic

36 MSS (80m) vs. TM (30m)

37 SPOT - Washington DC (10m)

38 Ikonos 1- and 4-meter resolution

39 Jefferson Memorial 1m Ikonos

40 Military Intelligence Satellites The KH-12 series, the last for which some specifications can be found, is reputed to achieve a resolution of 2+ cm, although images of this sharpness haven't been released.

41 Spatial Resolution Detection vs.Recognition

42 San Francisco

43 2x Enlargement

44 4x Enlargement

45 8x Enlargement

46 NYC Landsat TM

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