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EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER: ECO/10/277233/SI KICK-OFF MEETING Brindisi, 21 July 2011
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners Partners presentation
Project objectives, results and technical description Coffee break Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners Partners presentation
Project objectives, results and technical description Coffee break Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure 3
Partners presentation
Consorzio CETMA Consorzio TRE PANDORA GROUP MOTULAB ACCIONA Albanian Constructor Association
It’s a nonpolitical and non profit voluntary organization
Albanian Constructors Association It’s a nonpolitical and non profit voluntary organization Established the 12th October 2001 Covers all the Republic of Albania territory It counts more than 400 members
To protect and represent the interests and rights of:
ACA’s TARGET To protect and represent the interests and rights of: constructors construction companies companies of construction materials’ production companies of installation design companies and also protect the urban environment
Albanian Construction Association serve encouragement in:
ACA’s TARGET Albanian Construction Association serve encouragement in: development of construction contemporaneous techniques of application construction materials production
dissemination and to carry out the activities related to:
ACA’s Involvement to carry out the activities related to: dissemination and promotion of contacts for the creation of European partnerships; it will facilitate the spreading of ECOPLASBRICK particularly in the Balkans and in East Europe. to favour the introduction in the building market of new, innovative and more environmental friendly products.
Crucial for the European partnership promotion.
ACA’s Involvement Allowing a proper market replication in the building sector in Albania. Responsible for disseminating the project results in other European countries. Crucial for the European partnership promotion.
ACA’s Role Disseminating information and project application through workshops, in Tirana and ACA’s branches. Informing designers through workshops for alternative constructions materials. Advising Constructors Association in Macedonia, Kosovo etc, regarding the project results.
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners Partners presentation
Project objectives, results and technical description Coffee break Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure 11
Project objectives, results and technical description
Title: Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field Acronym: EcoPlasBrick Agreement number: ECO/10/277233/SI Start: 1 July 2011 End: 30 June 2014
Separate collection, sorting
The need Plastic waste Separate collection, sorting Products: PET, PP, PE By-products: Mixed plastic waste Landfill Incineration Aggregates, Plastic lumbers
The need DIRECTIVE 2008/98/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives Article 4 Waste hierarchy
EcoPlasBrick objectives
To promote an innovative, eco-sustainable and more environmentally friendly recycled plastic-based panel for the building industry, using as raw material scrap resulting from sorting plastic waste, coming from both solid urban and industrial/agricultural/commercial waste. - To develop a sizeable European market for this new, eco-sustainable building product, initially focusing on the segments of elevated floors and ventilated facades.
EcoPlasBrick expected results
Availability to building market of environmentally friendly recycled products able to compete with the traditional ones in terms of mechanical and aesthetical properties A reduction in the unsorted plastic wastes destined to landfill and incineration and a corresponding increase in the volume sent to mechanical recycling Creation of partnerships among European industries Product chain Raw material suppliers Panel producers End users Builders
EcoPlasBrick technical description
Potential market Given the ETS (EU Emissions Trading Scheme) proposal for a 20% abatement of CO2 emissions by 2020, growth opportunities for industries in the following areas will arise: - Use of renewable resources in construction and manufacturing - high market potential; Resource saving and waste minimizing production processes, involving technologies for process measurement and control - very high market potential. The production capacity of the new production line of MOTULAB will be 12,000 panels/year. However, the aim is to reach a production of tons/year (by the involvement of other plastic panel producers not part of the project) at the end of the project, that represents approximately a 2% market share in EU27
EcoPlasBrick technical description
Method for the manufacturing of ECOPLASBRICK Panel The innovative idea promoted by this project, is to use mixed plastic waste as the core of a sandwich panel with a gres face-sheet (skins) on both sides. The panel will be obtained using the compression moulding process tested during the preparatory research activities already carried out. The process foresees only a rough grinding of non-washed plastic waste (2/3 cm sized against the 4/8 mm normally requested by other processes).
EcoPlasBrick technical description
Advantages introduced by EcoPlasBrick solution Compared to its competitors, building products made of recycled plastic panels using the “ECOPLASBRICK” technology have several advantages: - the core of the panels is made of mixed plastic waste, a zero cost raw material, - the process does not foresee the presence of resins or glues, - easy to handle, - resistant and durable, - Recycled and recyclable
Technical description
Preparatory research 20
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners Partners presentation
Project objectives, results and technical description Coffee break Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure 21
Financial & Administrative Issues
Budget: Total eligible costs of the action are estimated at €.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Duration of the project: Starting date – 01/07/2011 Duration – 36 months Reporting periods: Month 1 – Month 10 – First technical progress report Month 1 – Month 20 – Interim technical implementation report and Interim financial statements Month 21 – Month 28 – Second technical progress report Month 1 – Month 36 – Final technical implementation report and Final financial statements + where required, Certificates on the financial statements
Financial & Administrative Issues
Eligibility criteria: Costs must relate to the action and be necessary Costs must be reasonable and justified Costs must have been budgeted Costs must be generated during the period of the action, i.e. from contract start (exception of costs relating to final reports and audit certificates -> Max. + 2 months) Costs must abide by the relevant general accounting principles and participant’s internal rules + comply with sound financial management Costs must be identifiable and verifiable in particular being recorded in the accounting records of the beneficiary and determined according to the applicable accounting standards of the country where the beneficiary is established and according to the usual cost-accounting practices of the beneficiary Costs claimed during project must actually be incurred
Financial & Administrative Issues
Ineligible costs (see grant agreement): Return on capital Debt and debt service charges Provisions for losses or potential future liabilities Interest owed Doubtful debts Exchange losses VAT, unless the beneficiary can show that he is unable to recover it Costs covered by another action receiving a Community grant Excessive or reckless expenditure
Financial & Administrative Issues
Some formal principles in establishing the budget will ease everybody's life All costs should be budgeted in whole Euros Round the figures, do not just hide the decimals All costs should be budgeted net of value added tax (VAT) The proposer may only budget gross amounts (incl. VAT) if he provides a certificate from his tax authority stating he can not recover VAT
Financial & Administrative Issues
Direct costs: The eligible direct costs for the action are those costs which are identifiable as specific costs directly linked to performance of the action and which can therefore be booked to it direct. In particular, the following direct costs are eligible: Direct staff costs assigned to the action Travel and subsistence allowances for staff taking part in the action, Subcontracting costs entailed by other contracts awarded by the beneficiary for the purposes of carrying out the action The purchase cost of equipment (new or second-hand) Other specific costs, these are costs arising directly from requirements imposed by the agreement (dissemination of information, specific evaluation of the action, audits, translations, reproduction, etc.)
Financial & Administrative Issues
Direct staff costs: Only technical and specialised staff may be declared Costs for administrative support staff belong to the indirect cost category Identify each category of staff in a clear and unambiguous manner Examples of staff categories: project manager, expert, senior expert, junior expert, senior engineer, technician, etc The inclusion of freelance ‘staff’ (=inhouse consultants) depends on their contractual terms and conditions of work: They work in the premises of the beneficiary using its infrastructure They take directions from the beneficiary The outcome of the work belongs to the beneficiary Teleworking only if standard working conditions are applicable to the teleworker
Financial & Administrative Issues
Staff cost per hour: Only the cost of staff assigned to the action may be declared: comprising actual salaries plus social security charges and other statutory costs included in the remuneration. Real costs = direct labour costs i.e. wages and salaries plus related obligatory social security charges and other statutory costs (numerator). The denominator is the average number of productive hours : Productive hours are the hours worked, whether for a commercial or project purpose or for internal matters The average number of productive hours observed is 147 hours per month, with a lower limit of 130 hours per month The EACI will review rate calculations on this basis The number of hours declared must reflect the work that has been done. The labour rate reflects the economic conditions prevailing for the beneficiary.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Travel & subsistence costs: Only for staff taking part in the action (travel costs of subcontractors should be included in the subcontracts) The travel costs should be based on the beneficiary’s usual practices and reflect the most economical options Keep track of trips (e.g. keep flight boarding passes) Check if the amount of trips is reasonable
Financial & Administrative Issues
Subcontracting: Relates to purchase of services, not of goods! Subcontracting may only cover the execution of a limited part of the action: Limited tasks outsourced by the beneficiary, and for hiring special expertise Does not include services ancillary to the main work, e.g. printing of documents, which should be declared under "Other specific costs" Subcontractors should be selected on transparent grounds, to the best offer, taking into consideration price and quality (best value for money) In a very simplified procedure, three different offers should be obtained and evaluated against common established criteria Beneficiaries can not subcontract services or sell equipment to one another or internally (e.g. between departments or affiliates)! < 35% of total eligible costs, unless justified in Annex I A clear description of the service should be given with the name of the provider
Financial & Administrative Issues
Equipment: The purchase cost of equipment (new or second-hand) must be written off in accordance with the tax and accounting rules applicable to the beneficiary and generally accepted for items of the same kind. Only the portion of the equipment’s depreciation corresponding to the duration of the action and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the action may be taken into, except where the nature and/or the context of its use justifies different treatment.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Other specific costs: These are costs arising directly from requirements imposed by the agreement. Such costs include all the other direct costs that cannot be included under the previous cost categories for direct costs. Examples: Costs of financial guarantees Costs of certificates on financial statements Printing of dissemination material, subscription fees to conferences Specific evaluation of the action Travel costs for people who are neither members of staff nor subcontractors (for instance experts) Translations, reproduction, etc. Specific costs incurred by the coordinator for fulfilling his responsibilities in his capability of the body responsible for the overall management of the action and the co-ordination of the beneficiaries !! Electricity & Gas are do not belong to “Other Specific Costs”. They are part of overhead.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Indirect costs: The eligible indirect costs for the action are those costs which are not identifiable as specific costs directly linked to performance of the action which can be booked to it direct, but which can be identified and justified by the beneficiaries using their accounting system as having been incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs for the action. They may not include any eligible direct costs. Indirect costs are eligible for flat-rate funding fixed at 7% of the beneficiaries total eligible direct costs. Indirect costs need not be supported by accounting documents.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Non-eligible costs: Return on capital Debt and debt service charges Provisions for losses or potential future liabilities Interest owed Doubtful debts Exchange losses VAT, unless the beneficiary can show that he is unable to recover it; Costs declared by a beneficiary and covered by another action or work programme receiving a Community grant Excessive or reckless expenditure
Financial & Administrative Issues
VAT issue: As a general rule - all costs should be declared net of value added tax (VAT) BUT! - The beneficiary may declare gross amounts (incl. VAT) if he/she provides a certificate from his tax authority stating he can not recover VAT
Financial & Administrative Issues
Budget transfers: A beneficiary may, when carrying out the action, adjust the estimated budget by transfers between items of eligible costs, provided that this adjustment of expenditure does not affect the implementation of the action and the transfer between items does not exceed 20% of the total costs of the action. Beneficiaries may, when carrying out the action, transfer between themselves the estimated budget set out in Annex II, provided that this adjustment of expenditure does not affect the implementation of the action and the transfer does not exceed 20% of the total eligible costs of the recipient beneficiary and the transfer does not exceed 50% of the total costs of the giving beneficiary.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Funding rates: Name Status % EC funding CETMA Other 50 Consorzio TRE Pandora Small Motulab Acciona Large ACA The Agency will contribute a maximum of € for the project.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Payments: First pre-financing The first pre-financing is intended to provide the beneficiaries with a float. The Agency will transfer the First pre-financing to the coordinator within 45 calendar days from the date when the signed agreement and all the mandates are officially received. The first pre-financing is equal to 30% of the maximum EC funding specified in the agreement, i.e. 30% * € = ,90€ Second pre-financing The coordinator may request a second pre-financing payment provided that 100% of the first pre-financing payment has been used up. The amount of the second pre-financing shall be paid to the coordinator upon approval by the Agency of the interim technical implementation report of the action and the interim financial statements. The aggregate amount of the pre-financing payments shall represent 60% of the maximum amount of the grant. Payment of the balance (the final payment) Payment of the balance, which may not be repeated, is made after the end of the action on the basis of the costs actually incurred by the beneficiaries in carrying out the action, and deducting the amount of any pre-financing previously paid to the beneficiary. The payment of balance shall be effected on approval by the Agency of the final technical implementation report of the action and the final financial statements.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Payments (2): * Provided that 100% of the first pre-financing payment has been used up ** Based on the eligible costs actually incurred, and considering the amount of any pre-financing previously paid to the beneficiary
Financial & Administrative Issues
Certificate on financial statements: Each beneficiary for whom the amount of Community funding exceeds € shall provide an external audit report on the action’s accounts at the time of the Final payment.
Consortium Agreement
Financial & Administrative Issues
Consortium Agreement Structure: Definitions Purpose Entry into force, duration and termination Responsibilities of Parties Liability towards each other Governance structure Financial provisions Action results Access rights Non-disclosure of information Misellaneous Signatures Attachments
Financial & Administrative Issues
Consortium Agreement 6. Governance structure The Steering Committee is the decision-making body of the Consortium. The PSC consists of 6 members, i.e. one representative of each partner. Each representative in the PSC will be authorised to act on behalf of the partner who appointed him. The PSC will be chaired by the Project Co-ordinator. The PSC will be established during the kick-off meeting. It is in charge of monitoring and supervising the progress of the project according to the agreed workplan and in the respect of the contract obligations. It is responsible for pointing out any evidence of mishandling or wrongdoing of the partners of the Consortium and requesting immediate remedial actions.
Financial & Administrative Issues
Consortium Agreement Structure: Definitions Purpose Entry into force, duration and termination Responsibilities of Parties Liability towards each other Governance structure Financial provisions Action results Access rights Non-disclosure of information Misellaneous Signatures Attachments
Financial & Administrative Issues
Consortium Agreement 7. Financial provisions 1. Principles of financial contribution distribution The Project will be co-financed by the Agency at the following funding rates:
Financial & Administrative Issues
2. Funding principles Each party will be funded in accordance with its actual duly justified eligible costs only. If a Party spends more than its allocated share of the Consortium Budget will be funded only in respect of duly justified eligible costs up to an amount not exceeding that share. 3. Payment schedule Two separate instalments for pre-financing First pre-financing Second pre-financing The Final payment
Management support to the CO
D’Appolonia S.p.A., based on its long experience in the coordination of EC-funded projects (including projects under programmes managed by the EACI), will support the Coordinator (CO) CETMA in its management role for all the project duration Activities of the Company will include administrative, contractual and financial assistance D’Appolonia will also provide support to CETMA concerning market analysis and road-mapping activities
Management structure and procedures
Organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms
Management structure Organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms
General Structure The Steering Committee, SC, is the decision-making body of the Consortium The CO is the legal entity acting as the intermediary between the Parties (CBs) and the Agency. The Coordinator shall, in addition to its responsibilities as a Party, perform the tasks assigned to it as described in the EACI-GA and the CA The WP Leaders assist the SC and the CO throughout the different phases of the Project (technical implementation, market replication, dissemination)
Members of the SC SC shall consist of one representative Member of each Party Each Member shall be deemed to be duly authorised to deliberate, negotiate and decide on all matters listed in Article of the CA The CO shall chair all meetings of the SC, unless decided otherwise by the panel itself The Parties agree to abide by all decisions of the SC
Operational Procedures for the SC
In order to ensure democratic representation in meetings, any Member: should be present or represented at any meeting may appoint a substitute or a proxy to attend and vote at any meeting shall participate in a cooperative manner in the meetings
SC Representatives Election
Title Representative First and Family name Partner NOTE Dr/Mr/Ms CETMA (Co) Consorzio TRE Pandora Motulab Acciona ACA
Voting Rules and Quorum
The SC will not deliberate and decide validly unless three-fifths (3/5) of its Members are present or represented (quorum) Each Member has only one vote Defaulting Parties may not vote Decisions shall be taken by a majority of three-fifths (3/5) of the votes
Project reports and documents
Practical procedures and deadlines
Reporting requirements
Using inputs from the co-beneficiaries (CBs) in the GA, the coordinator (CO) is required to put together each report as a single document in English language and to ensure that it is submitted to the EACI by the agreed deadline
Overview of reporting to the EACI
The CBs shall submit, through the CO, the following documents: 1 project information sheet 2 technical progress reports 1 interim technical implementation report + 1 interim financial statement 1 final technical implementation report + 1 final financial statement Additionally, all partners have to provide to the realization of a dedicated project web site
The Project web site Has to provide: Set up either as:
outline of the project project activities progressions important medium to disseminate all electronic deliverables of the project Set up either as: own website or at the premises of the CO or at one of the CBs’ Internet site Reachable by private (all project partners) & public sections Must be: easily accessible at the latest 6 months after the starting date, 01/01/2012 available until at least 2 (two) years after the end of the project duration, July 2016 (Art. I.2.2 of the GA) updated according guidance, recommendations and other best practice guides provided on the CIP Eco-innovation website proactively promoted and carefully monitoring its use
Technical Progress Reports
Through the CO and in the format provided by the Agency, the Co-beneficiaries shall submit: 1st technical progress report, covering M1-M10, within 31/05/2012 an interim technical implementation report (and interim financial statements), covering M1-M20, within 31/03/2013 2nd technical progress report, covering M21-M28, within 30/11/2013 a final technical implementation report (and final financial statements), within 60 days from end of project activities, 31/08/2014
Other Project Templates
You can find Eco-Innovation logos and other templates for financial and contractual documents at: innovation/docs/call09/template_timesheet_financial.xls innovation/docs/contract/mandate_model09.doc
Final Technical Implementation Report
Together with the final financial statements and a cover letter in which the coordinator requests the payment of the balance, these documents must be submitted by the CO in one consolidated package (Art I.5.3 and I.6.4 of GA) The final technical implementation report must: follow the template (provided on the website) integrate the contribution from each CBs contain in an annex: the Layman’s report the final version of the project information sheet copies of the deliverables produced during the reporting period
Confidentiality & Publicity
ARTICLE II.5 of the Grant Agreement The Agency and the beneficiaries undertake to preserve the confidentiality of any document, information or other material directly related to the subject of the agreement that is duly classed as confidential, if disclosure could cause prejudice to the other party. The parties shall remain bound by this obligation beyond the closing date of the action. II.5.1 Unless the Agency requests otherwise, any communication or publication by the beneficiaries collectively or any one of the beneficiaries individually about the action, including at a conference or seminar, shall indicate that the action has received funding from the Community. Any communication or publication by the beneficiaries collectively or any one of the beneficiaries individually, in any form and medium, shall indicate that sole responsibility lies with the author and that the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Practical remarks
Specific Document Format Requests
Documents must be submitted in English Indicate clearly the project number and acronym in the subject line: EcoPlasBrick Logo of Eco-Innovation – Pilot and market replication projects has to be included in all communication or publication by the CBs collectively or individually about the action, including conferences or seminars (Art. II.5.1 of the GC) All public documents will be published by the EACI on the programme website at, as previously indicated:
Thank you for your attention
Sara Parodi
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners Partners presentation
Project objectives, results and technical description Coffee break Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure 67
Work programme WP nr. WP description WP leader WP1 Management CETMA
Industrialization activities MOTULAB WP3 Product design and validation ACCIONA WP4 Environmental compatibility analysis TRE WP5 Exploitation and Business Plan WP6 Dissemination activities ACA
Work programme Hours distribution CETMA TRE Pandora MOTULAB ACCIONA
ACA Tot. WP1 Management 1500 120 2100 WP2 Industrialization activities 2500 800 580 4700 8580 WP3 Product design and validation 320 2200 1340 3320 7760 WP4 Environmental compatibility analysis 200 2890 100 3190 WP5 Exploitation and Business Plan 2800 3480 WP6 Dissemination activities 700 240 2010 3310 8020 6250 1600 6500 3800 2250 28420
Work programme: schedule
WP 1: Management WP leader: CETMA Duration: 1 to 36 months Aims:
timely and cost-efficient implementation of proposed activities attainment of expected results and fulfillment of project objectives communication of project progress to the EC. MOTULAB TRE CETMA ACCIONA PANDORA ACA 71
WP 1: Management WP leader: CETMA Duration: 1 to 36 months Tasks:
1.1 – Inception phase 1.2 – Project meetings 1.3 – Indicators monitoring Team responsible for implementation and internal management of the project. The Team responsible will be the reference person for the communications with the coordinator and/or the other project partners. Project Steering Committee SC functions: to supervise the progress of the project, to verify that the objectives and expected results are being met, to control whether the project is implemented timely and cost-efficiently, to highlight the problems and indicate what remedial actions need to be put in place. 72
WP 1: Management …within 22 July
Team responsible – Steering committee establishment: Partner Team responsible / Steering Committee CETMA Alessandro Marseglia TRE Carmine Pascale PANDORA Alessia Guarnaccia MOTULAB ACCIONA ACA …within 22 July 73
Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner
WP 1: Management Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner Participant no. and short name Contributions of this participant Hours foreseen 1. CETMA 1.1: Overall project management and co-ordination 1.2: Organisation and management of kick-off meeting, 6-monthly Team meetings and annual SC meetings 1.3: Progress monitoring 1.500 2. TRE 3. PANDORA 4. MOTULAB 5. ACCIONA 6. ACA 1.1: Participation in kick-off meeting 1.2: Participation in all other project meetings 120 hours for each partner, total 600 hours Total staff costs in €: 93.566 74
WP 1: Management Deliverables Deliverable N° DELIVERABLE NAME
Responsible Month of completion D1.1 Kick-off minutes CETMA 1 D1.2 Project meeting minutes 6, 12, 18, 24, 30,36 D1.3 Steering committee minutes 12, 24, 36 D1.4 Progress Report (including performance indicators) 10, 28 D1.5 Interim Report – Technical and financial (including performance indicators) 20 D1.6 Final Report (including performance indicators) 36 75
WP 2: Industrialization activities
WP leader: MOTULAB Duration: 1 to 24 months Aim: The industrial partner MOTULAB will become able to produce the innovative recycled plastic panel. MOTULAB will purchase the complete industrial line for panel manufacturing.
WP 2: Industrialization activities
TASKS 2.1 Requirements definition Analysis of current regulations and technical standards requirements, properties of interest for the market and identification of characterisation tests for the different possible applications: 2.2: Identification of most suitable face-sheets and optimization of panel properties ... the most suitable types of face-sheets, or skins (i.e.: commercial gres, aluminium, wood sheets) will be identified, aiming at the maximization of bonding resistance between the skins and the plastic core. 2.3: Purchase, installation, and start-up of a new industrial line The line, complete with the new foreseen equipment, will be purchased, installed and started-up by MOTULAB, to begin producing recycled plastic panels 2.4 Scaling up of the manufacturing process order to optimize process parameters, minimise costs , minimise the environmental impact of the process
WP 2: Industrialization activities
Acquisition of face sheets, characterization tests Characterisation test on panel obtained with different process parameters (CETMA) 2.1 – 2.4 CETMA 2.2 TRE 2.3 MOTULAB PANDORA 2.4 Face sheets suppliers, datasheets Analysis of the productivity and plastic panel properties (MOTULAB/CETMA) Installation, start up Production of samples Supplier identification , testing, purchase
WP 2: Industrialization activities
Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner
WP 2: Industrialization activities
Deliverables Deliverable N° Deliverable name (self-explanatory) Type of deliverable Quantification Locations/ Language(s) Accessibility of deliverable Month of completion D2.1 Requirements definition N° 1 Technical report Max 20 pages English PU 6 D2.2 Identification of most suitable types of face sheets (skins) and optimization of panel properties Max. 40 pages CO 12 D2.3 Purchase, installation, and start-up of a new industrial line Industrial production line 1 MOTULAB D2.4 Scaling-up of the manufacturing process Max. 30 pages 24
ACA Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
WP3: Product design and validation
Work Package Description The main objective of the WP3 is the design of different solutions and applications of the panels as environmentally friendly construction components. ACTIVITIES Vertical solutions (ventilated façades, self-standing walls) 2. Horizontal solutions (raised floors)
WP3: Product design and validation
Work Package Description Work package no: 3 Start date: MONTH 12 End date: MONTH 36 Work package title PRODUCT DESIGN AND VALIDATION Partner Number 1 2 4 5 6 Partner Shortname CETMA TRE PANDORA MOTULAB ACCIONA ACA Task Participation Technical support 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 TASKS 3.1. Design of vertical solutions 3.2. Validation of vertical solutions TRE ACCIONA 3.3. Design of horizontal solutions 3.4. Validation of horizontal solutions 3.5. Technical-commercial schedules
WP3: Product design and validation
Tasks Description Task 3.1 “Design of vertical solutions” Task 3.3 “Design of horizontal solutions” Defining the optimal size of the panels for different applications Optimization of panel properties T 2.2 Product Design T 3.1, T 3.3 Production of panels T 3.2, T 3.4 Validation TRE ACCIONA WP2 WP3 (TRE) MOTULAB
Manufacture and Test of for different solutions
WP3: Product design and validation Tasks Description Task 3.2 “Validation of vertical solutions” Task 3.4 “Validation of horizontal solutions” Testing the mechanical and thermal/fire properties of full scale elements Mechanical Properties Thermal and Fire properties Validation T 3.2, T 3.4 Manufacture and Test of full scale Elements for different solutions TRE ACCIONA WP3 WP6 Dissemination Activities (ACA)
WP3: Product design and validation
Tasks Description Task 3.5 “Technical-commercial schedules” Description of applications, technical data, environmental and economic aspects, etc. Test results T 3.2, T 3.4 Technical-commercial Schedules T 3.5 ACCIONA WP3 (TRE, ACCIONA) Environmental Compatibility analysis WP4 (CETMA, TRE, MOTULAB)
WP3: Product design and validation
Methodology Steps: 1.Design of the panels: optimal dimensions for different applications. 2.Production of the panels. 3.Manufacture of full scale elements. 4.Validation: testing the mechanical and thermal/fire properties, depending on the application. 5.Evaluation of the results. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the different designs to select the best option for each application. 6.Description of technical-commercial schedules for each product.
WP3 Product design and validation
Planning TASK 2011 2012 2013 2014 III IV I II TASK 3.1 D 3.1 TASK 3.2 D 3.2.1 D 3.2.2 TASK 3.3 D 3.3 TASK 3.4 D 3.4.1 D 3.4.2 TASK 3.5 D 3.5 DELIVERABLE DELIVERABLE NAME DELIVERY DATE PARTNERS INVOLVED D 3.1 Design of vertical solutions Month 18 TRE D 3.2.1 D 3.2.2 Validation of vertical solutions Full scale example of vertical solution for demonstration purposes Month 30 Month 36 D 3.3 Design of horizontal solutions ACCIONA D 3.4.1 D 3.4.2 Validation of horizontal solutions Full scale example of horizontal solution for demonstration purposes D 3.5 Technical-commercial schedules
Work Package 4 Environmental compatibility analysis
The environmental compatibility analysis, based on an LCA analysis, will aim at assessing the entire product/process. Overall objective of the work package is to evaluate the applicability for the Eco-label and/or for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). Activities will begin from an up-to-date analysis of the current Product Groups and related Criteria for the award of the Eco-label and of Product Categories and related Product Category Rules (PCR) for EPD. The LCA analysis will then be conducted keeping in mind both the product group criteria and the PCR, for the definition of the goals and scope and for the impact assessment and interpretation of the analysis’s results. The last step will be the production of technical documents needed to support the application for the ECO-label certification and/or for the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), sub-contractors (to be identified) will be hired to support the WP leader in these tasks. Duration: month 1 to month 36 Partners involved: TRE (WP leader), CETMA, MOTULAB
Work Package 4 Environmental compatibility analysis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WP1: Management WP2: Industrialization activities WP3: Product design and validation WP4: Environmental compatibility analysis 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 WP5: Exploitation and Business Plan WP6: Dissemination Activities
Work Package 4 Environmental compatibility analysis
4.1 Requirements analysis for Eco-Label and Environmental Product Declaration (Type I and III). Analysis of the existing Product Categories and related Product Category Rules (PCR) for Environmental Product Declaration and of Product Groups and related Criteria for the award of the ECO-label certification. The aim is to support and address the definition of the goals and scope for LCA-Analysis. Duration: month 1 to month 12 Partners involved: TRE Subcontractor: TBD (TRE) Deliverable: D4.1 Requirements for Environmental Product Declaration (report)
Work Package 4: Environmental compatibility analysis
4.2 LCA Phase I: Definition of the Goal and Scope for the case and Data Inventory. These activities will be conducted on the basis of the results of task 4.1 and according to ISO standards, in particular: ISO Environmental management. Life-cycle assessment. Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis Phase II: Impact assessment Impact will be assessed through the evaluation of the selected indicators and according to ISO standards, in particular: ISO Environmental management. Life-cycle assessment. Life-cycle impact assessment Duration: month 12 to month 24 Partners involved: TRE, MOTULAB (Support the data collection for the LCA inventory) Deliverables: D4.2.1 LCA phase I: Definition of goal and scope, Data inventory D4.2.2 LCA phase II: Impact assessment (reports)
Work Package 4 Environmental compatibility analysis
4.3 LCA - phase III: Interpretation The interpretation of the results will be conducted according to ISO standards, in particular: ISO Environmental management. Life-cycle assessment. Life-cycle Interpretation Duration: month 18 to month 30 Partners involved: TRE Deliverable: D4.3 LCA phase III: Interpretation of results (report)
Work Package 4 Environmental compatibility analysis
4.4 Environmental Product Declaration Documentation The aim of this task is to produce the requested technical documentation to support the application for the award of the Eco-label and/or for the production of Environmental Product Declaration. Such documentation will be in accordance with the results of the previous tasks, and based on the existing Product Categories for the EPD and Product Groups for Eco-label. The results of the present task will be the: Product related information; Environmental performance related information; Additional environmental information. The activities will be carried out complying to the ISO standards, in particular: - ISO Type I environmental labelling – Principles and procedures for the Eco-label ; ISO Environmental labels and declarations – Type III ISO Sustainability in building construction - Environmental declaration of building products for the Environmental Product Declaration . In case the proposed solution should not fit the existing Product Categories for the Environmental Product Declaration (Type III) or the Product Groups for Eco-label (Type I), activities will focus on the production of a Type II Environmental Label according to the standard: ISO Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling).
Work Package 4 Environmental compatibility analysis
4.4 Environmental Product Declaration Documentation Duration: month 24 to month 36 Partners involved: TRE Subcontractor: TBD (TRE) Deliverable: D4.4 Technical documentation for Environmental Product Declaration (report eng/ita )
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
WP leader: CETMA Duration: 1 to 36 months Market uptake of EPB panels at European level 5.1 Market analysis and roadmapping 5.2 Exploitation plan 5.3 Business plan Possibility for the partners to enter the market and generate revenue during the project!!
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
Revenue possibilities EPB products market EPB partner product Motulab panels Acciona ventilated façades elevated floors Pandora patent market replication through new stakeholders involvement ACA CETMA TRE time EBP project
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
Revenue possibilities Motulab: total budget: 647 k€ EC contribution: 324 k€ max income from selling ECB panels before the end of the project: 324k€ EPB products market Acciona: total budget: 188 k€ EC contribution: 94 k€ max income from selling ECB final product before the end of the project: 94k€ time EBP project Pandora: total budget: 99 k€ EC contribution: 50 k€ max income from selling the ECB patent before the end of the project: 50 k€
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan CETMA will be supported by DAPP
5.1 Market analysis and roadmapping CETMA will be supported by DAPP Assess the European construction market for the introduction of EcoPlasBrick products (ventilated facades and elevated floors markets) Conduct a Lead Market Analysis to identify a shortlist of countries with favorable market conditions for the uptake of EPB products Develop a road-map for the market uptake of EPB products within Europe thanks to the identification of potential end-users
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
5.2 Exploitation plan Strategy for an appropriate management of the knowledge generated in the project and IPR (Consortium Agreement) European extension of the patent “Procedure for making an eco-sustainable building component” Strategy for maximising the exploitation potential of the project results, evaluating exploitation routes, target groups and markets, competitors, exploring marketing options Strategy for mobilising a wide market uptake, reaching a critical mass during and after the project Pre-series manufacture to be used to show the innovative solution to potential customers
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
Identification of the economic and environmental benefits of the promoted products The definition of products’ key features, to make these more appealing for potential customers Market barriers A detailed description of the potential customers Economic and financial projections
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
2011 2012 2013 2014 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-33 34-36 5.1 Market Analysis and road-mapping 5.2.1 Consortium Agreement 5.2.2 Exploitation Plan 5.3 Business plan Schedule Deliverables Deliverable N° Deliverable name (self-explanatory) Responsible Month of completion D5.1 Market Analysis and road-mapping CETMA 6 D5.2.1 Consortium Agreement 3 D5.2.2 Exploitation Plan 12, 36 D5.3 Business plan 24, 36
WP 5: Exploitation and business plan
Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner Participant no. and short name Contributions of this participant Hours foreseen 1. CETMA 5.1: Market Analysis and road-mapping 5.2: Exploitation Plan 5.3: Business Plan 2,800 2. TRE 4. MOTULAB 5. ACCIONA 6. ACA 5.2: Support CETMA in developing the Exploitation Plan 120 hours for each partner, total 480 hours 3. PANDORA 5.2: Support CETMA in developing the Exploitation Plan; European extension of the patent “Procedure for making an eco-sustainable building component” 200 Total staff costs in €: 152,825
Work Package 6 WP 6: Dissemination activities WP leader: ACA
Duration: 1 to 36 months The work package covers resources to contribute, upon request by the EACI, to common dissemination activities and a final evaluation with the aim to increase synergies between projects supported by the eco-innovation initiative and to increase their visibility. In addition, this work package includes project specific dissemination activities.
Work Package 6 Pre-defined tasks TASKS
Project Information Sheets: Creation and regular update of project information for EACI/DG ENV online information systems (adapted to your reporting schedule). Contribution, upon request by the EACI, to the development of additional information material (News Flash, videos, images etc.) in the quality and form specified by the EACI. Upon request, participation and/or contribution, to information and dissemination events (contractors’ workshops, conferences, briefing days, exhibitions, etc.) related to eco-innovation or other relevant EU programmes. Producing a layman's report before the end of the project that summarises the project objectives, actions and tangible results and is intended for the general public (5-10 pages long, in English and, optionally, in the main project languages). Evaluation of project impacts after the project duration: completing a questionnaire on economic and environmental impacts two years after the project has finished.
Work Package 6 Project-specific tasks: TASKS
6.6: Setting up of project web portal. 6.7: Presentation of project’s results at workshops and conferences 6.8 demonstration of EPB products 6.9: Promotion of contacts in view of the establishment of business partnerships.
Work Package 6 DELIVERABLES Deliverable N°
Deliverable name (self-explanatory) Type of deliverable Quantification Locations/ Language(s) Accessibility of deliverable Month of completion D6.1 Project information updates text, ppt 5 times EN PU (together with reports) D6.2 Inputs to additional common information material related to eco-innovation actions input to posters, articles for newsletters, visuals, interviews on request by EACI (or local, as appropriate upon request D6.3 Project presentations ppt presentation, participation in events max 2 times (or local, as appropriate) D6.4 Layman's report Brochure 5-10 pages EN (optional: others) 30 D6.5 Evaluation report Report max. 5 pages to be agreed 2 years after project
Work Package 6 DELIVERABLES D6.6 Project web portal Web portal
Non quantifiable English PU 6 D6.7 Presentation of project’s results at workshops and conferences Technical description and PowerPoint presentation Max. 20 pages To be defined D6.8 Demonstration of the ECOPLASBRICK products Presentation of project’s results at specialised trade fairs and exhibitions At least 1 D6.9 Promotion of contacts text English, national To be agreed 36
Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner
Work Package 6 Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner Participant no. and short name Contributions of this participant Hours foreseen 1. CETMA All pre-defined dissemination activities 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 6.6: Project web portal set-up 6.7: Project’s results presentation at workshops and conferences 6.8: Participation in specialised trade fairs and exhibitions 6.9: Support in making contacts 700 2. TRE Contribution for writing reports (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5) 120 3. PANDORA 4. MOTULAB 6. ACCIONA 6.9: Support in making contacts particularly in Spain 240 7. ACA Periodical reporting on WP progress to the Coordinator. 6.9: Promotion of contacts in view of the establishment of business partnerships focusing initially on Albania, Balkans and Central&Eastern European Countries 2,010 Total staff cost in €: 98,620
Work Package 6 The Albanian Constructors Association will reflect its dissemination activities with: Workshops Conferences, mainly technical Brochures, Fairs
ACA’s collaborative association in:
Work Package 6 In its annual working plan ACA foresee the arrangement possibility of workshops regarding technical achievements: ACA’s branches ACA’s collaborative association in: Kosovo Macedonia, etc Technical workshops organized in Albania
ACA participates in technical conferences in Albania and abroad
Work Package 6 ACA organizes technical conferences that can be seen as a focal point in the dissemination activity. ACA participates in technical conferences in Albania and abroad These participation can be seen as a good reference for the dissemination activities planned.
Brochures publishing takes a considerable part of ACA’s budget
Work Package 6 Brochures publishing takes a considerable part of ACA’s budget Technical brochures Informative brochures Thematically brochures
ACA participate twice a year in fairs
Work Package 6 ACA participate twice a year in fairs Spring fair an international fair Autumn fair an international fair also
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners
Implementing your project, content and requirements Partners presentation Coffee break Project objectives, results and technical description Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to CETMA laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure
Agenda Welcome and introduction of partners
Implementing your project, content and requirements Partners presentation Coffee break Project objectives, results and technical description Financial and Administrative Issues Work programme and role of each partner Lunch Visit to CETMA laboratories Planning of first 6 Months Activities Meeting closure 116
Planning of first 6 Months Activities First six months schedule
Planning of first 6 Months Activities
WP2: Industrialization activities WP leader: Motulab Task Responsible Results Delivery month 2.1 Requirements definition CETMA Deliverable 2.1 6 2.2 Identification of most suitable face sheets TRE Face sheets suppliers, datasheets 2.3 Purchase, installation, and start-up of a new industrial line MOTULAB Supplier identification, testing, purchase
Planning of first 6 Months Activities
Recapitulation: first 6 month activities for each partners CETMA Task Result Deadline 1.1 Inception phase kick off minute 30 July 2011 5.2.1 Exploitation Plan Consortium Agreement 30 September 2010 2.1 Requirement definition Deliverable 2.1 30 December 2011 5.1 Market analysis and road-mapping Deliverable 5.1 6.1 Project information updates Deliverable 6.1 6.6 Setting of the project web portal Web portal
Planning of first 6 Months Activities
Recapitulation: first 6 month activities for each partners TRE Task/sub-task Result Deadline 2.2 Identification of most suitable faces sheets First results on suppliers, datasheets 30 December 2011 4.1 Requirement analysis for Eco label and EPD First analysis results 6.7 Project’s result presentation 6.8 Support in making contact
Planning of first 6 Months Activities
Recapitulation: first 6 month activities for each partners PANDORA Task/sub-task Result Deadline 2.3 Purchase, installation and start up of the new industrial line Support to Motulab for the technical specification of the new industrial line 30 December 2011 6.7 Project’s result presentation 6.8 Support in making contact Project Logo within the end of October
Remember : The Eu co-funding will be proportional
Planning of first 6 Months Activities Recapitulation: first 6 month activities for each partners Motulab Task/sub-task Result Deadline 2.3 Purchase, installation, and start-up of a new industrial line Supplier identification, testing and purchasing purchasing within the end of September 2011 – installation and start up within December 2011 6.7 Project’s result presentation 6.8 Support in making contact Remember : The Eu co-funding will be proportional to the period of months used for the action!!!
Planning of first 6 Months Activities
Recapitulation: first 6 month activities for each partners Acciona Task/sub-task Result Deadline 6.7 Project’s result presentation 6.8 Support in making contact
Planning of first 6 Months Activities
Recapitulation: first 6 month activities for each partners ACA Task/sub-task Result Deadline 6.7 Project’s result presentation First results 6.8 Promotion of contacts in view of the establishment of business partnerships
MUSTS ! Keep the track of all the activities you carry on within the project (photos, reports, …) ! Use all the opportunities you have to show the solution promoted by the project (conferences, fairs, contacts with other industries, …) ! Respect the deadlines ! Keep the coordinator informed about any kind of unexpected event you would face with
6 MONTH MEETING 31 January 2012 When… Where… TRE Naples
Thank you for your attention and cooperation
Meeting closure Thank you for your attention and cooperation See you at the next meeting…
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