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PAPERNOL Recycle Paper to Ethanol UT-Chattanooga Jim Henry 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "PAPERNOL Recycle Paper to Ethanol UT-Chattanooga Jim Henry 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAPERNOL Recycle Paper to Ethanol UT-Chattanooga Jim Henry 2007

2 UT-Chattanooga 2007 Aquila Hughley Blake Nida Jennifer Johnson Jimmy Grant PAPERNOL The Team

3 Economics Environmental Issues Ethical Issues Social Issues Political Issues Contemporary Issues Multi-scale processing Design Aspects

4 1.Multi-scale processing 2.Contemporary Issues 3.Political Issues 4.Social Issues 5.Ethical Issues 6.Environmental Issues 7.Economics 8.Student Responses This Presentation

5 Benefits of Ethanol from Waste Paper Reduce need for Petroleum Oil Take less energy to produce versus other types of Ethanol Reduce the amount of wastes in landfills Reduce CO 2 release Expand Orange Grove Centers 8. Student Words Results

6 Multi-scale Contemporary Issues Political Issues Social Issues Ethical Issues Environmental Issues Economics 8. Student Survey Results For 6 aspects of the project

7 “Before the Papernol project, I had awareness of CONTEMPORARY issues in chemical engineering design.” 4 – Extremely True 3 – Somewhat True 2 – Not Much Not 1 – Not true at all 8. Student Survey Results

8 Multi-scale Contemporary Issues Political Issues Social Issues Ethical Issues Environmental Issues Economics 8. Student Survey Results BeforeAfter 3.254 4 33.5 3.254 4 4 4 -- Extremely True 3 -- Somewhat True

9 BeforeAfter 3.254 4 33.5 3.254 4 4 Multi-scale Contemporary Issues Political Issues Social Issues Ethical Issues Environmental Issues Economics 8. Student Survey Results 4 -- Extremely True 3 -- Somewhat True

10 1. The (Multi-Scale) Process

11 2. Contemporary Issues Ethanol for Fuel Replacement Corn or Switchgrass Feedstock (Pimentel’s arguments) Food Prices Ethanol Transportation

12 3. Political Issues Imported oil Subsidies for crops

13 4. Social Issues Orange Grove Centers Chattanooga’s public paper recycling facility employs over 100 developmentally disabled citizens

14 4. Social Issues Orange Grove Centers Chattanooga’s public paper recycling facility employs over 100 developmentally disabled citizens Our charge is to mesh our process with that facility’s capacity AND design the process to be operated by developmentally disabled citizens

15 5. Ethical Issues Pollution Farming Employment displacement

16 6. Environmental Issues Carbon footprint Landfill demand reduced Captured CO 2 for sales

17 7. Economics Capital Investment: $3,000,000 Annual Operating: 600,000 Annual Revenue: 1,200,000 Annual Profit: 600,000 Return on Investment: 20%

18 BeforeAfter 3.254 4 33.5 3.254 4 4 Multi-scale Contemporary Issues Political Issues Social Issues Ethical Issues Environmental Issues Economics 8. Student Survey Results

19 PAPERNOL successfully promoted student awareness of “softer,” non-technical aspects in engineering design Conclusion

20 UT-Chattanooga 2007 Jimmy Blake Jennifer Aquila Grant NidaJohnsonHughley PAPERNOL The Team

21 Future A design-and-build lab-scale project is underway this year It is sized to mesh with our unit-ops distillation column

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