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The American Revolution. Questions Why was there a revolution? Why did it succeed? What were its consequences for Britain?

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution. Questions Why was there a revolution? Why did it succeed? What were its consequences for Britain?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution

2 Questions Why was there a revolution? Why did it succeed? What were its consequences for Britain?

3 Causes Colonies tended toward independence French threat gone Enforcement of old laws Constitutional arguments inconsistent Focus on Parliament

4 Two Parliamentary Ideas British: Parliament of whole empire (virtual representation) America: Colonial legislatures separate

5 Economic Factors Primary

6 Timing Peace of Paris 1760s politically unstable in Britain

7 Why America Won British military disadvantages –America huge –American army wouldn’t engage –Supply train –No clear military objective –Franco-American alliance (1778)

8 Why America Won, part 2 British political disunity –Not necessarily pro-American –Distaste for fighting fellow subjects

9 Consequences Independence French gain territory Spanish get Florida and Minorca British lose prestige Imperialism now needs non-economic justification

10 Effects in Britain King’s power begins to decline Economic Reform Act (1782) Spirit of reform

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