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Special Education and the Law Fall 2009. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Zero Reject (Group 1) Non-Discriminatory Evaluation (Group 2)

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education and the Law Fall 2009. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Zero Reject (Group 1) Non-Discriminatory Evaluation (Group 2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education and the Law Fall 2009

2 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Zero Reject (Group 1) Non-Discriminatory Evaluation (Group 2) Appropriate Education (Group 3) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) (Group 4)( Procedural Due Process (Group 5) Parent-Student Participation (Group 6)

3 The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Please see Figure 107 in your text.

4 Members of an IEP Team A parent, both parents, guardian, or other legal family representative; One or more general education teachers, as appropriate; A special education teacher; Representative of the district (local education agency) who understands special education and district resources; The student (when appropriate)*; and An individual qualified to interpret evaluation results; Other individuals important to the team, depending on the student’s strengths and needs. being done)

5 The Continuum of Services General education Resource Rooms Special classes Special schools Homebound services Hospitalization

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