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Energy Transfer Through an Ecosystem. BELL RINGER In your journals… ZList some of your favorite foods. ZCan you trace your food back to it’s source of.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Transfer Through an Ecosystem. BELL RINGER In your journals… ZList some of your favorite foods. ZCan you trace your food back to it’s source of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Transfer Through an Ecosystem

2 BELL RINGER In your journals… ZList some of your favorite foods. ZCan you trace your food back to it’s source of energy?

3 Objectives ZStudents will describe vocabulary words (Autotrophic, Heterotrophic, Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Decomposer). ZStudents will apply vocabulary words to a food chain or food web. ZStudents will formulate how much energy is transferred (and how much energy is lost) with each stage of a food chain/web. ZStudents will create a food chain/web which synthesizes their knowledge of energy transfer through a food chain, energy lost and vocabulary words.

4 Vocabulary Words ZAutotrophic ZHeterotrophic ZProducer ZPrimary Consumer ZSecondary Consumer ZDecomposer

5 Trophic ZPertaining to nutrition. ZThe feeding habits or food relationship of different organisms in a food chain.

6 2 Types: ways organisms get energy ZAutotrophicZHeterotrophic

7 Autotrophic Organisms ZSelf-sustaining or self-nourishing organisms Ze.g. green plants, algae, and certain bacteria ZA.K.A. Producers

8 Heterotrophic Organisms ZUnable to self-nourish. ZFeeds on organic matter produced by, or available in, other organisms. ZE.g. birds, cats, fish, mushrooms, some bacteria. ZA.K.A. Consumers and Decomposers

9 Producer Z An autotrophic organism capable of producing its own food through the process of photosynthesis (using light energy) Ze.g. green plants, algae, and certain bacteria

10 Consumer ZAn organism that obtains food by feeding on other organisms or organic matter due to lack of the ability to manufacture own food. Za heterotroph. ZE.g. birds, fish,dog, human

11 Primary Consumer ZAny organism that consumes or feeds on autotrophs or decaying matter. ZE.g. cows

12 Secondary Consumer ZAn organism that largely feeds on primary consumers. ZE.g. wolf

13 Decomposer Zan organism that eats dead or decaying organisms ZE.g. fungus such as mold or mushroom, some bacteria

14 Beach Ball Game 1.Autotrophic 2.Heterotrophic 3.Producer 4.Primary Consumer 5.Secondary Consumer 6.Decomposer

15 Energy is lost between stages ZEnergy is lost as heat. ZEnergy is lost as waste. ZEnergy is used during respiration. ZAnimals don’t usually eat all of the food available in the organism they feed on.

16 Group Activity ZMake a food web using at least one ingredient from your group’s food box. ZLabel/include all vocabulary words: Autotrophic, heterotrophic, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, decomposer. ZInclude how many units each organism would have if 10,000 units of energy fall onto the producer. (producer incorporates 1% of energy that falls onto it. Only 10% of energy passes from one stage to the next)

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