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Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 1 ILIAS in HADES Update on IRMM’s Underground Activities Mikael Hult Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements Radionuclide Metrology Sector
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 2 IRMM in ILIAS In JRA 1 and JRA 2 (All ILIAS funds spent already!!!) Main support to GERDA Harmonisation of measurements (intercomparison, metrological aspects, Monte Carlo simulations of strange geometries) Underground storage / production Radiopurity measurements (NAA analysis)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 3 Transport data Number of transports* of detector to/from HADES: 55 Detector days: 2219 Special contract with EURIDICE for access outside normal working hours (8-16) => (7:30 => 16:45) * also by Herbert Strecker MPI-K-HD
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 4 Storage + transports Detectors GeO 2 from Krasnoyarsk, enriched in Ge-76. For GERDA Phase II. Crystals
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 5 Activation minimisation through optimised logistics instead of underground production Report in progress: “On the underground production of high purity germanium detectors” Mikael Hult, Stefan Schönert, Allan Caldwell, Josef Janicsko, Vasiliy Kornoukhov, Julio Morales, Sergey Belogurov 1EC-JRC-IRMM, Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel, Belgium 2Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany 3Max Planck Institut für Physik, München, Germany 4Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 5University of Zaragoza, Spain JRA1 Deliverable
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 6 Table of contents Executive Summary (MH) 1. Introduction 1.1. Germanium (MH) 1.2. Development of HPGe-detectors (MH) 1.3. Cosmogenic radionuclides produced in germanium (SB) 1.4. European users of HPGe produced underground (MH) 1.5. World-wide users of HPGe produced underground (MH) 2. Production and use of germanium 2.1. Overview of germanium producers (MH) - also detector manufacturers?? 2.2. The technical steps in the production of high purity germanium 2.2.1. Enrichment (VK) 2.2.2. Reduction of the raw materials (JJ) 2.2.3. Zone refinement (JJ) 2.2.4. Czochralski Growth (crystal pulling) (JJ) 2.2.5. Recycling of material (JJ) 2.2.6. Manufacturing of non-segmented HPGe-detectors (SS) 2.2.7. Manufacturing of non-segmented HPGe-detectors (AC) 3. Optimisation of logistics for above ground production (MH+SS+AC) 3.1. Benchmark test within GERDA (SS) 4. Production of HPGe underground 4.1. Selection of suitable sites (JM) 4.2. Selection of suitable production steps (AC) 5. Discussion (MH+SS+JM+AC) 6. Conclusions (MH+SS+AC+JM) 7. References (MH and all other contributors)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 7 Measurement data Number radiopurity measurements for GERDA: 28 Detector weeks: 63 Number radiopurity measurements for CELLAR: 10 Detector weeks: 20 April 2005- Nov 2007
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 8 Metrological aspects First GERDA intercomparison 2005 (Baksan, LNGS, IRMM, MPI-K-HD) Work on improving robustness and performance of Monte Carlo calculations for FEP efficiency calculations papers on: - FEP eff. Depending on various geometrical parameters - FEP eff. Depending on decay data - Effect of tilting, misalignment
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 9 Some measured samples
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 10 GERDA Collaboration meeting with visits to SCK, HADES, Canberra Semiconductor and Umicore - 3.5 days 7 th CELLAR meeting (also with visits) - 2 days. Meetings at IRMM in 2007
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 11 JRA1 or JRA2 (or both) (+N2?) (LN 2 ?) Half day visit to SCK and HADES Half day visit to Canberra Semiconductor + Umicore Meeting at IRMM in 2008??
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 12 The EU Institutions Court of Auditors JRC can apply for funding from DG RTD like any other institution. The only restriction is that JRC persons are not allowed to co-ordinate indirect actions The Council of Ministers Committee of the Regions Court of Justice The European Commission (the ‘College’ of Commissioners ) Economic and Social Committee SG RELEXENTRENV SANCO JRC ….... IHCP... RTD IRMMIPSC ….. IPTS ….... Directorates General: the “Commission services” JRC Institutes: European Parliament
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 13 Structure of the DG-JRC IRMM – Geel, Belgium - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements Staff: 250 IE – Petten, The Netherlands - Institute for Energy Staff: 180 ITU – Karlsruhe, Germany - Institute for Transuranium elements Staff: 250 IPSC - IHCP - IES – Ispra, Italy - Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection - Institute for Environment and Sustainability Staff: 350, 250, 370 IPTS – Seville, Spain - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Staff: 100 7 Institutes in 5 Member States Total staff: ~ 2200 people
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 14 Personnel involved in ILIAS activities – 2006 and 2007 Uwe Wätjen (D), Sector Head Radionuclide Metrology, in EUROMET Technical Committee Ionising Radiation, CCRI Section II, Eurom art. 35 etc. Mikael Hult (S), Group leader low-level measurements, Coordinator of CELLAR 2000-2006, Gerd Marissens (B), Chief technician Joël Gasparro (F), Postdoc Patric Lindahl (S), Postdoc Elisabeth Wieslander (S) PhD student
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 15 Olen – Geel – Mol - Dessel
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 16 Canberra Semiconductor Umicore SCKCEN + VITO (+ HADES) 5 km IRMM BR1 (700 kW) + BR2 (10 MW)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 17 Nearby facilities Canberra Semiconductor – for HPGe detector assemblies Umicore – for Ge crystal growth IRMM – for radioactivity measurements (low-level or high accuracy) IRMM – other facilities: LINAC, Van de Graaff, reference facilities in analytical chemistry etc. SCK – HADES, 2 research reactors and analytical facilities
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 18 Transport times Canberra – IRMM (20 minutes) Umicore – IRMM (20 minutes) IRMM – HADES (15 minutes) Canberra/Umicore – HADES (~30 minutes)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 19 Radionuclide metrology - Facilities IRMM operates 7 HPGe-detectors for ultra-low level - spectrometry in the HADES underground laboratory (-225 m) at SCKCEN Laboratories with a large number of different primary and secondary standardisation instruments Source preparation laboratories, including chemical facilities Mass determinations traceable to the IRMM standard of 1 kg which is directly traceable to the BIPM 1 kg standard, the SI unit
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 20
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 21 HADES = High Activity Disposal Experimental Site Located at SCKCEN, Mol, Belgium, operated by EURIDICE Oct. 2007
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 22 Ge-production (i) 1) Raw material: residue from e.g. Zn-ore with 3-5% Ge 2) Reduction of Ge-oxide 3) Zone-refinement repeat 4) Czochralski growth Measurements Resistivity Hall DLTS Resistivity measurement Zn-plant Balen
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 23 Ge-production (ii) Reduction of Ge-oxide Needs a powerful furnace. A bit difficult to put underground but possible Zone-refinement 12-13 days work (24/24)=> > 1 months without shift work Relatively easy to put underground (“low power”, some gas) Czochralski growth 2-3 days Relatively easy to place underground (small “low power”, some gas)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 24 Underground production Main problem related to cost and safety The “pulling” achieves a high degree of purification. Possible to place only pulling step underground. Pulling needs clean room => expensive Conclusion (for the moment) optimise (=minimise) transport time. Technical report (Schönert)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 25
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 26 Detectors in HADES Ge-9 ? Well-type 2008 ? Ge-6 + Ge-7 =>sandwich /sandwich-2
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 27 Muon Background in HADES (at 500 m w.e.) E (Channel Number) Countrate (day -1 ) -background Muon Background Muon fluence rate: ~ 0.13 m -2 s -1
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 28 Background reduction ≈ 30% ≈ 40% > 60% Background integrated count rate for the Sandwich HPGe detectors (40-2700 keV): Ge-6 & Ge-7 : 400 counts / (d kg)
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 29 JET Low-level measurements – a growing field! Hiroshima Radiation Protection Safeguards Ref.measurements Neutrinos / Neutrinos / Isotopic fingerprints Isotopic fingerprints Tokai-mura Decay data Small samples High temporal resolution Benchmarking Fast measurements Radiopurity for detector construction
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 30 Low-level measurements – a growing field! The number of low-background HPGe-detectors in operation underground within the present set of partner laboratories of the network CELLAR. Increase: 2.3 detectors / year
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 31 Collaboration of European Low-level underground LAboRatories Mission: Mission: To promote higher quality and sensitivity in ultra low-level radioactivity measurements for the improvement of crisis management, environment, health and consumer protection standards of Europe. 14 ISST Nova Gorica, 2005
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 32 CELLAR-Partners LSCE+LMRE - France ( -2200 m ) LSCE+LMRE - France ( -2200 m ) LNGS - Italy ( -1700 m ) LNGS - Italy ( -1700 m ) PTB - Germany ( -490 m ) PTB - Germany ( -490 m ) IRMM - EU ( -225 m ) IRMM - EU ( -225 m ) IFIN-HH Bucharest IFIN-HH Bucharest – from 2006 University of Iceland ( -165 m ) University of Iceland ( -165 m ) Universita` dell'Insubria Universita` dell'Insubria – from 2006 VKTA - Germany ( -50 m ) VKTA - Germany ( -50 m ) IAEA-MEL – Monaco (-15 m) IAEA-MEL – Monaco (-15 m) MPI-Heidelberg - Germany ( -10 m ) MPI-Heidelberg - Germany ( -10 m ) ARC-Seibersdorf – Austria ARC-Seibersdorf – Austria – from 2003
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 33 University of Iceland - 350 Some European underground radioactivity laboratories All depths in m w.e. HADES - 500 Felsenkeller - 125 MPI Heidelberg - 15 ASSE - 1100 Modane - 4800 IAEA-MEL Monaco - 30 Confranc tunnel - 2450 Gran Sasso - 3800 Mont Blanc tunnel - 5000 Gotthard tunnel - 3700 Pyhäsalmi Baradello Hill Unirea Tübingen - 10 Boulby Wraclaw
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 34 A suitable CELLAR measurement Use of activation technique to be able to determine the loss of charged particles from the plasma ULGS measurements : need low background due to very low activity & small samples.
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 35 JET : Sample holder ≈ 10 cm LiF B4CB4C Ti W B4CB4C
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 36 ULGS measurements : JET 10 B(p, ) 7 Be 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be 184 W(d, ) 182 Ta 182 W(n,p) 182 Ta 184 W(n, ) 181 Hf 48 Ti(d, ) 46 Sc 46 Ti(n,p) 46 Sc Neutrons approx. the same activity throughout the sample. Charged particles big variation in activity
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 37 Next experiment at JET Analyse also short lived radionuclides like V-48 (16 d) and Sc-47 (3.4 d) and Cr-51 (28 d) Use 18 detectors (2 samples for one week on each detector) => Networking (maybe via TA2?? or too early) Other CELLAR projects (TA2?) Hiroshima JCO accident Intercomparisons Reference materials (MPI, IAEA, IRMM) Joint purchases, detector test, shared experiences, Environm. radioact. (IOPS) water columns (IAEA) Geology decay data Neutron physics
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 38 I the trend continues……….
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 39 University of Iceland - 350 A few of the European underground radioactivity laboratories HADES - 500 Felsenkeller - 125 MPI Heidelberg - 15 ASSE - 1100 Modane - 4800 IAEA-MEL Monaco - 30 Confranc tunnel - 2450 Gran Sasso - 3800 Mont Blanc tunnel - 5000 Gotthard tunnel - 3700 Pyhäsalmi Baradello Hill - XXX Unirea - XXX Tübingen - 10 Boulby Ykkeskannava Falu gruva Sala gruva Magaluf Santa’s cave Murphy’s mine Trappist keller Alonso’s The Viking hole Viking cave
Zaragoza 23.11.2007 – ILIAS JRA1 / N2 annual meeting Mikael Hult 40 Why not? - as long as it makes the world a better place or gives us the mass of the neutrino
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