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Marketing Strategies:

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1 Marketing Strategies:
11 & 12 Chapter Marketing Strategies: Course: BUS 101 Lecturer: Aunima Nazmun Nahar (NNA)

2 Product Life Cycle PLC)


4 Product Life-Cycle Strategies
2. Introduction Stage Slow sales growth Little or no profit High distribution and promotion expense Dreyer’s, the largest ice cream maker in the United States, promoted an essay contest as a first step to giving away 1,500 free ice cream parties to get people to try its lower-fat ice cream called Slow Churned Ch 9 -4 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education

5 Product Life-Cycle Strategies
3. Growth Stage Sales increase New customers New competitors enter the market with similar offerings Price stability or decline to increase sales Profits increase Ch 9 -5 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education

6 Product Life-Cycle Strategies
4. Maturity Stage Sales slows down Increase product availability Weaker competitors leave the market Price reduces Firms concentrate on capturing competitors’ customers Aggressive promotion Note to Instructor Cars are very mature products so companies are always coming up with new models and features. This is a link to a very funny YouTube ad about a new car product. Cell phone network companies in Bangladesh are continuously promoting their product to capture competitors’ customers Ch 9 -6 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education

7 Product Life-Cycle Strategies
5. Decline Stage Competitors gradually exit Decline stage is caused by Product innovation shift in consumer preferences Technological change Due to technological change, vcr and floppy became extinct and cd ‘s product life cycle became in the declined position Ch 9 -7 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education

8 Expanding Marketing’s Traditional Boundaries: Nontraditional Marketing

9 Nontraditional Marketing
Person Marketing Efforts designed to attract the attention, interest, and preference of a target market toward a person are called person marketing

10 Nontraditional Marketing
Place Marketing: Marketing campaigns to attract people to a particular area, such as a city, state, or nation. E.g. incredible india campaign to promote India,

11 Nontraditional Marketing
Event Marketing: Marketing or sponsoring short-term events such as athletic competitions and cultural and charitable performances is known as event marketing.

12 Nontraditional Marketing
Cause Marketing: Marketing that promotes a cause or social issue, such as preventing child abuse, antilittering efforts, and antismoking campaigns, is cause marketing. E.g. anti smoking, anti drugs campaign, clean india campaign

13 Nontraditional Marketing
Organization Marketing: Marketing campaign which influences consumers to accept the goals of, receive the services of, or contribute in some way to an organization. E.g. Army, Navy, Airforce, Red-cross

14 Target Market An organization’s target market is the group of potential customers toward whom it directs its marketing efforts. Customer needs and wants vary considerably, and no single organization has the resources to satisfy everyone. i.e. Forbes is geared toward businesspeople and consumers who are interested in business, while Vogue is aimed at people who are interested in fashion.

15 Market Segmentation Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into several relatively homogeneous groups.

16 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Geographic segmentation Demographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation Behavioral segmentation

17 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Geographic segmentation divides the market into different geographical units such as nations, regions, provinces, parishes, cities, or even neighborhoods. Agricultural products in village Toyota: Left side vs right side steering wheel Selling cereal, oats and corn-flakes in dhaka vs rural areas

18 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Demographic segmentation divides the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, and nationality. Age: Gap children clothing line and Ponds or Olay anti-aging cream Income: Fit Elegance vs Artisan Religion: Hizab sellers and Shakha sellers Family size: Maggy single noodle vs Family pack

19 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics. Social Class: Tata Nano vs Audi R8 Lifestyle: Mountain dew, Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Personality: Nokia Asha vs Nokia Lumia

20 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, usage, or responses to a product. Buying in occasion: Hallmark card, Birthday cake Benefit sought: Close-up for Freshness; Colgate for cavity; Sensodyne for sensitive teeth Loyalty: Grameen phone star subscribers Usage rate: High rollers in casino are regarded as VIPs and treated exclusively; Cigarette and Alcohol: heavy vs light users

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