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Adaptive Stream Resource Management Using Kalman Filters Aug 6 2004 UCLA DB seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Stream Resource Management Using Kalman Filters Aug 6 2004 UCLA DB seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Stream Resource Management Using Kalman Filters Aug 6 2004 UCLA DB seminar

2 Paradigm Base station passively wait for sensors update UCSB Stanford (STREAM) U Maryland Brown (Aurora) U Pennsylvania Cornell (Cougar) Base station can actively contact specific sensors Berkeley (TinyOS / TinyDB) Brown (Aurora)

3 Motivation Reduce communication cost Reduce power consumption Reduce bandwidth Reduce computation cost at base station Tradeoff : imprecise answer

4 Basic approach Base station keep a stale copy of sensors reading Sensors update only when reading fall out of boundary

5 Improvement Sensors readings are predictable Location of moving objects power usage Temperature Heart-beat rate Network traffic Precipitation?

6 Kalman filter Prediction of discrete time linear system

7 Kalman filter I x – state u – user input a – relation between successive states b – relation between input and state

8 Kalman filter II w - noise

9 Kalman filter III z – measurement v – measurement noise h – relation between measurement and state

10 Kalman filter IV

11 Kalman filter V

12 Dual Kalman Filter (DKF) Base station and sensors maintain the same Kalman filter

13 Architecture of DKF model

14 Experiment – moving object

15 Result – communication cost

16 Experiment – power load

17 Result – communication cost

18 Conclusion Shift “intelligence” (computation) to sensors Compressing Historical Information in Sensor Networks A. Deligiannakis, Y. Kotidis, N. Roussopoulos in SIGMOD 2004 Optimization of Online, In-Network Data Reduction J. M. Hellerstein, W. Wang in International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Network 2004

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