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Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Digital TV Standard NOV,26,2002 梁凱雯
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Analog v.s. Digital TV
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Introduction to Digital TV (1/3) Introduction to Digital TV (1/3) What is Digital TV ? Access and display the TV programs with digital signals. Advantages: Higher resolution than the conventional analog TV. Why?
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Introduction to Digital TV (2/3) ATSC 數位電視標準 18 種畫面格式 高畫質數位電視 ( HDTV : High definition television ) 加強畫質數位電視 ( EDTV : Enhanced definition television ) 標準畫質數位電視 ( SDTV : Standard definition television ) 格式水平掃描線數水平畫素數寬高比掃描方式圖框速率 (fps) HDTV 1080p1080192016:9 循序式 24 1080p1080192016:9 循序式 30 1080i1080192016:9 交錯式 30 720p720128016:9 循序式 24 720p720128016:9 循序式 30 720p720128016:9 循序式 60 EDTV 480p48070416:9 循序式 24 480p48070416:9 循序式 30 480p48070416:9 循序式 60 480p4807044:3 循序式 24 480p4807044:3 循序式 30 480p4807044:3 循序式 60 480p4806404:3 循序式 24 480p4806404:3 循序式 30 480p4806404:3 循序式 60 SDTV 480i48070416:9 交錯式 30 480i4807044:3 交錯式 30 480i4806404:3 交錯式 30
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Introduction to Digital TV (3/3) Advantages: Better performance in audio quality. How? More efficient in bandwidth utilization. Additional services with data broadcasting. Special program coding. Video on demand. EPG ( electronic program guide ). The advantages of digital TV broadcasting system come from the channel coding and digital modulation!
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Digital TV programs can be transmitted by cable,satellite,terrestrial,and wireless cable. Three terrestrial standard: ATSC ( Advanced TV system committee ) 1996,USA DVB-T ( Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial ) 1997,European Adopted in Australia,New Zealand,Latin America,Singapore, Taiwan ( 2001,6 ) ISDBT-T( Integrated Service Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial) 1999,Japan Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory DVB system scheme
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Channel coding (1/3) Channel coding (1/3) Randomizer To avoid the unexpected results in the time recovery process of the receiver. Outer coder Reed-Solomon code With the error correcting capability to random noise. Outer Interleaver When burst error occurr.RS code becomes invalid in correcting. Interleaver divided the data in the same MPEG2 packet into different packets.
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Channel coding (2/3) Inner Coder To protect the data from serious noise and disturbance transmitting media.
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Channel coding (3/3) Inner Interleaver 內交錯器共有兩種工作模式:非層次結構 (non-hierarchical) 模式和層次結構 (hierarchical) 模式 包括一個以位元為處理單位的位元交錯器 (bit interleaver) 與以 符號 (symbol) 為處理單位的符號交錯器 (symbol interleaver) 資訊傳送之前將會編碼成 QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) 、 16-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) 或 64- QAM 等二維訊號。 符號交錯器則是將各個符號對應到 (mapping) OFDM 符號中 不同的次載波 (sub-carrier) 。
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory MODULATION---OFDM Multi-Carrier Modulation Orthogonal sub-carriers with lower bit rate OFDM 信號由多個載波構成,在 2k 模式是 1705 個,在 8k 模式是 6817 個。一般來說,載波信號之間的分隔必須保証載波信號適合 6MHz 、 7MHz 或 8MHz 信道的要求。上述載波信號包括: 1. 節目資訊數據:每個載波信號的位數可變 (2 、 4 或 6 位 ) ; 2 .傳輸參數信令 (TPS) :傳輸與信道編碼和調制參數有關的資訊; 3 .導頻信號:用於接收機同步。該信號在比其它載波信號高的功 率電平上發射,它包括以下兩種類型: (a) 連續導頻: 8k 模式為 177 個, 2k 模式為 45 個; (b) 散佈導頻: 8k 模式為 524 個, 2k 模式為 131 個。 OFDM 信號的頻譜由 681 7 個 (8k 模式 ) 或 1705 個 (2k 模式 ) 不同頻率的 單頻離散載波組成,可見,這些頻率要藉 由一定時間的傳輸才能到達接收機,其時 域分佈如圖 3 所示,發送所有載波信號的這 段特定時間,稱之為有用數據周期 T u 。有 用數據的一部份會重复傳輸,且在 T u 之前 發送,這段時間稱作保護間隔,其主要目 的是消除回波和反射干擾。這些回波干擾 是多徑信號,會在電視上造成重影。正是 由於 COFDM 具備消除回波的功能,使其比 8-VSB 系統更具優勢,它可用於向移動電 視接收機傳輸電視信號。目前,人們又把 這一結構稱為 OFDM 符號,如圖 3 所示, OFDM 幀由 68 個 OFDM 符號組成, 4 個 OFDM 幀構成一個 OFDM 超級幀。
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory MODULATION---OFDM OFDM 信號由多個載波構成,在 2k 模式是 1705 個,在 8k 模式是 6817 個 。一般來說,載波信號之間的分隔必須保証載波信號適合 6MHz 、 7MHz 或 8MHz 信道的要求。上述載波信號包括: 1. 節目資訊數據:每個載波信號的位數可變 (2 、 4 或 6 位 ) ; 2 .傳輸參數信令 (TPS) :傳輸與信道編碼和調制參數有關的資訊; 3 .導頻信號:用於接收機同步。該信號在比其它載波信號高的功率電 平上發射,它包括以下兩種類型: (a) 連續導頻: 8k 模式為 177 個, 2k 模式為 45 個; (b) 散佈導頻: 8k 模式為 524 個, 2k 模式為 131 個。
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory MODULATION---OFDM (continue)
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory ATSC v.s. DVB-T
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory ATSC v.s. DVB-T Frequency efficiency OFDM ---multi carrier modulation has more frequency efficiency than the single carrier modulation, VSB. For 6 MHZ channel DVB-T effective bandwidth=5.7MHZ(5.7/6=95%) ATSC effective bandwidth=5.38MHZ(5.38/6=90%) But the OFDM transmission system finally becomes the worse case in the frequency utilization. WHY?
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory ATSC v.s. DVB-T Multi-path interference ATSC receiver contains an adaptive equalizer to reduced the effects of multipath interference. DVB-T receiver contains a channel estimator which helps it reject interference such as multipath. The pilot signals and the time interval preserved are the main concern of the DVB-T,it makes the DVB-T system has advantages than the ATSC 8-VSB system in the multipath interference.
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory Conclusion DTV 將成為視訊廣播系統的主流是可預期的趨勢。 數位電視廣播提供了較佳的畫面品質與更好的音質,有更 佳的頻譜使用效率,此外,能夠提供各種數據服務。 由於地面廣播的通道特性變化劇烈,系統容易不穩定,信 號之振幅,相位容易受到多路徑延遲的影響,歐規之 DVB- T 系統對此的表現較美規 ATSC 來的好,台灣已決定採用 DVB-T 作為地面廣播的標準。
Electrical Engineering National Central University Video-Audio Processing Laboratory References 數位視訊多媒體月刊 2002,8 數位視訊多媒體月刊 http// http// ATSC Implementation Subcommittee Informational Document. Measurement guidelines for DVB system,ETSI TR 101 290 v1.2.1(2001,5)
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