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Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton Government and the Demand for Loans.

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1 Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton Government and the Demand for Loans

2 Our Graph D= I – S + (G-T)+(X-M) 0 S

3 Government and the Demand for Loans Our Graph The government deficit enters our equation. D= I – S + (G-T)+(X-M) 0 S

4 Government and the Demand for Loans Our Graph The government does something: what happens to the demand for loans? D= I – S + (G-T)+(X-M) 0 S

5 Government and the Demand for Loans Our Graph The government does something: what happens to the demand for loans? D= I – S + (G-T)+(X-M) 0 S Two key phrases: Ceteribus Paribus (other things equal)

6 Government and the Demand for Loans Our Graph The government does something: what happens to the demand for loans? D= I – S + (G-T)+(X-M) 0 S Two key phrases: Ceteribus Paribus (other things equal) Mutatis Mutandis (changing what must be changed)

7 Government and the Demand for Loans A $300 Gift Suppose the government gives everyone a one- time tax rebate this year of $300. What happens? D 0 S

8 Government and the Demand for Loans Ceteribus Paribus Suppose the government gives everyone a one- time tax rebate this year of $300. What happens? D 0 S The government must borrow $300N so the demand for loans curve shifts up and to the right.

9 Government and the Demand for Loans Ceteribus Paribus Suppose the government gives everyone a one- time tax rebate this year of $300. What happens? D 0 S The government must borrow $300N so the demand for loans curve shifts up and to the right. Interest rates rise. The balance on current account worsens and investment falls.

10 Government and the Demand for Loans Mutatis Mutandis What do consumers do with the $300? D 0 S

11 Government and the Demand for Loans Life Cycle Consumption What do consumers do with the $300? D 0 S Even if consumers thought the $300 was a gift, they would save most of it, reducing the demand for loans

12 Government and the Demand for Loans Wealth Effects What do consumers do with the $300? D 0 S Even if consumers thought the $300 was a gift, they would save most of it, reducing the demand for loans Moreover, the government borrowing means additional taxes in the future. With a bequest motive, no change in wealth

13 Government and the Demand for Loans Wealth Effects What do consumers do with the $300? D 0 S Even if consumers thought the $300 was a gift, they would save most of it, reducing the demand for loans Moreover, the government borrowing means additional taxes in the future. With a bequest motive, no change in wealth In the limit, no change in interest rates, investment, or the balance on current account.

14 Government and the Demand for Loans Where This Leaves Us These are the things of which controversies (& homework & exam questions) are made. D 0 S

15 Government and the Demand for Loans Where This Leaves Us These are the things of which controversies (& homework & exam questions) are made. D 0 S Stay tuned

16 Government and the Demand for Loans End ©2005 Charles W. Upton. All rights reserved

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