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Camera Auto Focus Presentation 6, February 28 th, 2007 Team W1: Tom Goff (W11) David Hwang (W12) Kate Killfoile (W13) Greg Look (W14) Design Manager: Bowei.

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Presentation on theme: "Camera Auto Focus Presentation 6, February 28 th, 2007 Team W1: Tom Goff (W11) David Hwang (W12) Kate Killfoile (W13) Greg Look (W14) Design Manager: Bowei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camera Auto Focus Presentation 6, February 28 th, 2007 Team W1: Tom Goff (W11) David Hwang (W12) Kate Killfoile (W13) Greg Look (W14) Design Manager: Bowei Gai Project Goal: Design a low-power, small auto focus chip for a camera or other hand-held device

2 Status Last Time –Exhaustive simulations –Schematic This Week Rigorous schematic testing Control logic structural Verilog Sub-module layout In Process… Layout Schematic of control logic Unfinished Extraction, LVS, post-layout simulation

3 Design Decisions Split up FSM logic (detailed later) Decided on an adder Settled on sense amp registers Crazy optimizations of schematic

4 Updated Transistor Count ComponentFull Chip Count AG Preprocessor2,274 Delta I Preprocessor2,624 FP multiplier5,832 FP adder994 Power control~1,000 Buffers2,000 Total~17,182 Still fluctuating…

5 Control Logic FSM’s

6 Compare [1:0] Enable Global rst FSM 1 Next State Logic Pulse Generator Next state Output Logic Reg[1]Reg[0] Enable next FSM Reset Clock

7 Compare [3:2] Enable FSM 1 Global rst FSM 2 More complicated next state logic Pulse Generator Next state [2:0] Output Logic Reg[3]Reg[2] Mux Lines [6:0] Reset Clock

8 Bus Widths Counter[?:0] Compare 0 Compare 1 FSM 1 FSM 2 Global rst Clk Reset Line Enable FSM 2 Bus PathBits To FSM 1 3 To FSM 2 2 To Counter1

9 Schematic Verification Every module completely tested Excluding power logic

10 Layout Progress ModulesLayout Completed Basic gates100% Registers100% Muxes100% Adders25% Shifters0% Integer multiplier0%

11 Full Adder


13 Registers


15 Muxes

16 Next Steps Sleep briefly Continue laying out modules Complete control logic schematic

17 Problems Pass transistors make for terrible layouts Shared libraries are a pain Selfish cluster users crowding our space; many deaths Difficult to synchronize FSM’s

18 Questions

19 References None this week

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