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Identified and Inclusive Charged Hadron Spectra from PHENIX Carla M Vale Iowa State University for the PHENIX Collaboration WWND, March 14 2006.

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2 Identified and Inclusive Charged Hadron Spectra from PHENIX Carla M Vale Iowa State University for the PHENIX Collaboration WWND, March 14 2006

3 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale2 Motivation Particle distributions in transverse momentum provide the most basic tool to investigate the mechanisms of particle production, transport and hadronization Low pTHigh pT hydro evolution & thermalization energy loss jet production chemical composition (through particle ratios) fragmentatio n recombinatio n

4 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale3 Detecting Particles in PHENIX h+h+ h-h- Charged hadron tracking and momentum measurements use Pad Chambers (PC1 - PC3), Drift Chamber (DC) |  |<0.35,  = 

5 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale4 Identifying Particles in PHENIX

6 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale5 RHIC-supplied data sets p+pd+AuAu+AuCu+Cu 200 GeV 130 GeV 62.4 GeV 22.4 GeV      energy dependenc e system size dependence reference points

7 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale6 Charged Hadron Spectra

8 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale7 h ± in Au+Au √s NN = 200GeV PRC 69,034910 (2004) Charged hadron spectra measured up to ~ 10 GeV

9 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale8 h ± in Au+Au √s NN = 62.4GeV 4M events divided in 3 centrality bins p+p reference: interpolation of data from ISR, UA1 and PHENIX + fit using modified Hagedorn function

10 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale9 h ± in Cu+Cu √s NN = 200GeV Collision centrality

11 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale10 Identified Particle Spectra

12 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale11 π ± in d+Au √s NN = 200GeV Final results on identified particles in d+Au (and p+p) just released: nucl-ex/0306010

13 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale12 K ± in d+Au √s NN = 200GeV

14 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale13 p, p in d+Au √s NN = 200GeV

15 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale14 π, K, p in Cu+Cu √s NN = 200GeV Same shapes as in Au+Au

16 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale15 Nuclear Modification Factors

17 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale16 Initial vs Final State Effects PHENIX Preliminary High p T suppression not observed in d+Au collisions, final state effects such as parton energy loss are the favored scenario  but the energy loss mechanisms are not yet fully understood. PRC 69, 034910 (2004)

18 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale17 System size and N part Mid-central Au+Au very similar to central Cu+Cu, for bins with approximately the same Au+Au Cu+Cu = 114 = 98

19 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale18 Energy Dependence Au + Au at 62.GeV: Qualitatively similar to the 200GeV result Less suppression at intermediate pT Charged hadrons not as suppressed as π 0

20 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale19 h ± ≠ π 0 At intermediate p T, charged hadrons are less suppressed than π 0 s; at high p T the difference disappears  we should look at identified hadrons R AA (h + + h - )/2

21 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale20 R AuAu for π, K, p √s NN = 200GeV nucl- ex/0603010 Protons are not suppressed like pions and kaons at intermediate p T in central collisions.

22 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale21 R CuCu for π, K, p √s NN = 200GeV Similarity between Cu+Cu and Au+Au for equivalent N part also seen for identified particles

23 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale22 Baryon Anomaly

24 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale23 Initial Observation PRL 91,172301 (2003) Proton/pion > 1 for central Au+Au at intermediate p T Much larger than expected from fragmentation alone (measured in e + e - ) Anti-proton/pion not as large

25 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale24 At lower energy The ratio p/π + grows faster with p T than at higher energy, and appears to peak earlier Anti-p/π - similar at both energies up to p T ~ 2 GeV

26 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale25 Centrality dependence @ Au+Au √s NN = 62.4GeV Weaker centrality dependence

27 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale26 And in smaller systems p/π + not as high in central Cu+Cu as in central Au+Au N part scaling is seen here as well (p T = 2GeV)

28 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale27 Baryons and mesons behave differently at RHIC in more ways than one… p/π ratio, R AA, elliptic flow, all show same pattern at p T > 2GeV

29 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale28 … and it’s not just due to the mass. The  mass is similar to that of a proton, but in both R AuAu and elliptic flow (?), the  behaves like the lighter mesons.

30 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale29 Recombination? Fries, R et al PRC 68 (2003) 044902 Greco, V et al PRL 90 (2003) 202302 Hwa, R et al PRC 70(2004) 024905 At intermediate p T recombination of partons may be a more efficient mechanism of hadron production than fragmentation

31 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale30 Summary Studying spectra gives us a window into particle production at RHIC: Study system size and energy dependence Compare to reference systems At high p T : Suppression also seen at lower energy Au+Au and in Cu+Cu Cu+Cu and Au+Au behave similarly for the same Charged hadrons and π 0 appear to converge again at high p T At intermediate p T : Baryon enhancement is observed in several measurements p/π + reaches higher values at lower energy Au+Au

32 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale31 Coming soon… More results: –Analyses of Cu+Cu 62.4GeV and 22.5GeV data sets are underway and first results will be out very shortly More data: –Reference p+p data sets at 62.4GeV (and possibly 22.4GeV) will be collected during Run6, allowing for more precision in R AA results at those energies

33 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale32

34 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale33 backup

35 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale34 Trend at 62GeV Au+Au described by reco + fragmentation nucl-th/0412043, Greco, Ko and Vitev

36 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale35 p/π in d+Au, Au+Au d+Au similar to peripheral Au+Au but much smaller than central Au+Au

37 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale36 R dAu for π, K, p √s NN = 200GeV nucl- ex/0603010 Species dependence of Cronin effect seen for p T >1.5GeV Most peripheral collisions very similar to p+p Calculation by Accardi & Gyulassy PLB586, 244 (2004)

38 WWND, La Jolla, CA 03/14/06Carla M. Vale37 R AuAu R dAu for protons Cronin effect in d+Au larger than Au+Au No centrality dependence in Au+Au above 1.5 GeV

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