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CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 1 CSC Muon Trigger - Annual Review Jay Hauser, with many slides from Darin Acosta and Paul Padley Personnel: u Professors l Darin Acosta (Florida), Robert Cousins (UCLA), Jay Hauser (UCLA), Paul Padley (Rice), Jaybus Roberts (Rice) u Postdocs l Sang-Joon Lee (Rice), Holger Stoeck (Florida), Slava Valouev (UCLA), Martin von der Mey (UCLA), Yangheng Zheng (UCLA) u Graduate Students l Khristian Kotov (Florida), Jason Mumford (UCLA), Bobby Scurlock (Florida) u Engineers l JK Smith (UCLA), Alex Madorsky (Florida), Mike Matveev (Rice), Alex Tumanov (Rice-software) u Collaborating engineers (PNPI) l Victor Golovtsov, Lev Uvarov Outline: u Status of Boards u Test Beam 2004 Results u Experience and Plans for Production Testing u Plans for Integration and Slice Tests u Schedule and Milestones
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 2 CSC Muon Trigger Scheme CSC CFEB ALCT 1 of 24 CFEB 1 of 2 LVDB 1 of 5 Anode Front-end Board Cathode Front-end Board Anode LCT Board MPCMPC DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB DMBDMB TMBTMB CCBCCB CONTROLLERCONTROLLER Peripheral Crate on iron disk (1 of 60) Trigger Timing & Control CSC Track-Finder Crate (1) Trigger Motherboard (9) DAQ Motherboard (9) Clock Control Board Optical link In underground counting room On detector Muon Portcard (1) Trigger Primitives 3-D Track-Finding and Measurement Sector Processor (12) Muon Sorter (1)
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 3 On-chamber CSC Trigger Electronics n Comparator ASICs – DONE. u Compare pulse heights from adjacent strips to find position of muon to ½-strip u 15000 16-channel ASICS on CFEB boards (OSU) n ALCT Boards – DONE. u Finds tracks among anode hits, stores data for readout u 468+spares boards of 3 types (288-, 384-, 672-channel) u Virtex 600E and 1000E FPGAs CERN/UCLA CFEB: OSU UCLA/UF CSC CFEB ALCT 1 of 24 CFEB 1 of 2 LVDB
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 5 Trigger Motherboard n Receives CFEB comparator hits, ALCT stubs, RPC hits. n Generates Cathode LCT, matches ALCT with CLCT, outputs LCTs to backplane, stores data for readout. n Passed Nov. ’03 ESR. n Built 32 TMB2004 with mezzanine XC2V4000 FPGAs (468 required). Xilinx XC2V4000 Mezzanine board CFEB Input connectors UCLA RAT Board Receives ALCT And RPC data
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 6 Mezzanine card (same as ALCT) TLK2501 serializers Optomodules (1.6 Gbit/s) Muon Port Card Rice n Sorts up to 18 LCTs from 9 chambers and transmits best 3 via optical links to Track-Finder crate n 60 required for CMS operation
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 7 CSC Track-Finder Crate SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP SR / SP CCB SBS 620 Controller Sector Receiver/ Processor Clock and Control Board Muon Sorter From MPC (chamber 4) From MPC (chamber 3) From MPC (chamber 2) From MPC (chamber 1B) From MPC (chamber 1A) To DAQ MS Single Track-Finder Crate Design with 1.6 Gbit/s optical links Custom 6U GTLP backplane for interconnections Second generation
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 8 SP2002 Main Board (SR Logic) PLL patch Optical Transceivers 15 x 1.6 Gbit/s Links Front FPGA TLK2501 Transceiver Phi Local LUT Eta Global LUT Phi Global LUT SR Logic Florida To/from custom GTLP backplane Mezz card: Xilinx Virtex-2 XC2V4000 ~800 user I/O
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 9 GTLP backplane interface Virtex-2 mezzanine card (same as SP) LVDS drivers and SCSI-3 connectors Muon Sorter Rice n Sorts up to 36 muons from 12 SP’s and transmits best 4 to GMT n Only 1 needed in CMS
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 10 CSC Test Beam Studies 2003 and 2004 n 2003 u ALCT and CLCT trigger studies (threshold scans, HV scans, angle scans, rate scans) u Good trigger efficiency and DAQ capability results. u Problems with synchronization of MPC-SRSP optical links. Successful patches to TTC clock stability were found. u Results validated peripheral crate trigger electronics prior to ESR. n 2004 - ongoing u First looks at RPC input to TMB for ghost-busting. u Optical link sync. fix (QPLL) validated. u Data inputs to SRSP validated. u Outputs of SRSP validated. u Results validated MPC and SRSP prior to PRR.
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 11 June 25ns Beam Test (Muon Slice Test) n 4 CSC chambers n 1 RPC chamber n 2 peripheral crates n Track Finders with full logic, L1A generation, DAQ readout n Multiple chambers, crates synchronized n QPLL-generated 80 MHz clocking over backplane for MPC ME 1/1 ME 1/2 ME 2/2 ME 3/2 RE1/2 Peripheral Crate #1 ME1/1+ME1/2 Peripheral Crate #2 ME2/2+ME3/2 RPC Link board Crate Each has 2 TMB, 1 MPC SP1SP2 MS
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 12 Sector Processor BX Distribution n LHC-like bunch structure during synchronous running n Trigger rates at X5A during spill u Muons: 3 10 kHz u Pions: >100 kHz 48 BX Some random triggers, mostly @ spill start Many spills
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 13 Time Alignment of CSC data in Track-Finder n Able to get all trigger data from multiple chambers and crates on same BX (at least for some runs): Issue with anode timing for this chamber Run 293
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 14 SP: ORCA vs. Hardware Check n Check logged outputs of SP with ORCA emulation based on inputs n Correlations of track , between 2 stations, and track type agree perfectly n Checked with 150K events
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 15 Track-Finder Beam Test Results n Fully operational CSC TF tested with full data format n Agreement between the output of the SP with a simulation based on the logged inputs is 100% n Agreement between the recorded trigger primitive data (TMB) and received SP data is at the level of 99.7%, but worse for some chambers and runs u Same level of agreement as obtained from the Sep.’03 beam test u Likely to be due to DAQ issues from peripheral crates (data corruption from high rates) n The SP in conjunction with a specially modified CCB was able to self-trigger the experiment (including RPC) n Muon Sorter winner bits appear to be properly recorded n New DT/CSC transition card works
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 16 MPC Status and Production Plans n 70 MPC boards will be built and assembled (including spares) n 6 boards were built in 2002 n Need to make ~20 changes in schematic/layout, add 4-5 small chips to VME interface. List of changes is being prepared. n In-house testing u Will use two crates and run testing patterns from TMBs through MPC to SP u Software is under development (including convenient GUI) u Burn in 24 hours at 60..70 C then test again (intend to use OSU oven) n Schedule: u Oct-Dec 2004: Make schematic/layout changes and build 3 sample boards u Oct-Dec 2004: Order all components u Jan-Feb 2005: Assemble/Test 3 sample boards l Need to test this sample with 9 TMB’s in the production peripheral crate u March 2005: If OK fabricate the rest (67 boards) u Apr-Aug 2005: Assemble and test 67 boards
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 17 SP Production and Test Schedule n Schematics for final design modifications completed n Routing modifications submitted to vendor, about 2 weeks to complete n Production to commence in November: u Will assemble 2 boards first as pre-production prototypes and test before launching full production (12 SR/SP + 4 spares + parts for 3) u Tests of initial samples expected to take 1 month u Rest of production completed by Feb.’05 n Bench testing of SP production boards completed by Apr.’05: u Full-speed internal testing using 256-deep FIFOs on inputs and outputs u Optical link loopback testing n Full TF crate system tests with Muon Sorter completed by June ’05 n Ready for tests at CERN June ‘05
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 18 CCB Status and Production Plans n 70 boards will be built and assembled (including 15% spares) n 6 boards were built in spring of 2004, all with TTCrq mezzanines n Expect TTCrq mezzanine cards to arrive from CERN by December n Need to make ~10 minor changes in schematic/layout. Do not expect to add or remove any active components on board. n In-house testing: u Need just a short chain (TTCvi/vx+CCB+MT) to test the functionality u May use small 9U crate and run a program similar to irradiation test u Burn in 24 hours at 60..70 C then test again (intend to use OSU oven) n Schedule: u Sep-Nov 2004: Make schematic/layout changes and build 3 sample boards u Sep-Nov 2004: Order all components u December 2004: Assemble/Test 3 sample boards u January 2005: If OK fabricate the rest 67 boards u Feb–Jun 2005: Assemble and test 67 boards
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 19 MS Status and Production Plans n 1 board needed in final system. n 4 boards were built in 2003, 3 mother boards are completely assembled, 2 are bench-tested with mezzanine cards n Need more tests with at least 2 SP and/or 12 Muon Tester cards (until December of 2004) n Need to test with the GMT receiver card (never been done before). u This fall or early next year? n Plan to complete all tests by summer 2005. n Based on results, decide if the PCB should be rebuilt (currently have 5- 6 minor PCB fixes).
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 20 Plans for Integration and Slice Tests n Integration with HCAL at H2 starts in 2 weeks (October) u Last planned test beam time (ever?) n 1/05-6/05? Slice Test on surface at SX5 u Frank Geurts is our resident Slice Test coordinator u Use 2 or 3 full CSC peripheral crates, covering 2 stations x 60 o u Schedule depends on services (LV, HV, readout room,…) at SX5 u Scope depends on the schedule of central DAQ group n 9/05 Commissioning begins in UX5 u Integration with CMS-wide systems important for Track Finder: Slow controls (downloading), database, connection to Global Muon Trigger, software framework, time synchronization studies n 1/1/07 Commissioning ends at UX5
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 21 CSC Trigger FY03-05 L2,3 Milestones - I n Finish Proto. 2 Test u Finish MPC Proto. 2 Test u Finish SR/SP Proto. Test u Finish Backplane Proto. 2 Test u Finish CCC Proto. 3 Test u Finish Sorter Proto. Test Current 10/30/04 conservative 10/30/04 full-crate test 10/30/04 10/30/04 GMT integration? Previous (last yr AR) 2/28/04 9/30/03 1/30/04 2/28/04 √ 2/28/04 GMT integration? n Finish Final Design u Finish MPC Final Design u Finish SR/SP Final Design u Finish Backplane Final Design u Finish CCC Final Design u Finish Sorter Final Design Current 12/30/04 conservative 12/30/04 10/30/04 11/30/04 12/30/04 GMT integration? Previous (last yr AR) 7/30/04 3/31/04 7/30/04 n Begin Production u Begin MPC Production u Begin SR/SP Production u Begin Backplane Production u Begin CCC Production u Begin Sorter Production Current 11/1/04 Parts ordered 10/1/04 11/1/04 9/1/04 10/1/04 Previous (last yr AR) 8/1/04 4/1/04 8/1/04
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 22 CSC Trigger FY03-05 L2,3 Milestones - II n Finish Production u Finish MPC Production u Finish SR/SP Production u Finish Backplane Production u Finish CCC Production u Finish Sorter Production n Begin Installation u Begin MPC Installation u Begin SR/SP Installation u Begin Backplane Installation u Begin CCC Installation u Begin Sorter Installation n Finish Installation u Finish MPC Installation u Finish SR/SP Installation u Finish Backplane Installation u Finish CCC Installation u Finish Sorter Installation Previous 3/31/05 4/1/05 5/1/05 Current 8/30/05 8/30/05 Partial by 5/30/05 4/30/05 6/30/05 partial by 5/30/05 3/31/05 6/1/05 at Bldg. 904, SX5 6/1/05 at SX5, Bldg. 904? 6/1/05 at Bldg. 904 2/1/06 occupancy USC55 9/1/05 at SX5 2/1/06 occupancy USC55 2/1/06 occupancy USC55
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 23 CSC Trigger FY03-05 L2,3 Milestones - III n Begin System Tests u Begin MPC System Tests u Begin SR/SP System Tests u Begin Backplane System Tests u Begin CCC System Tests u Begin Sorter System Tests n Finish System Tests u Finish MPC System Tests u Finish SR/SP System Tests u Finish Backplane System Tests u Finish CCC System Tests u Finish Sorter System Tests Previous 6/1/05 9/30/05 Current 6/1/05 at Bldg. 904 6/1/05 5/30/06 at USC55 5/30/06 at USC55 5/30/06 at USC55
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 24 Current Status of CSC Trigger Elements – Quick Summary n CSC on-chamber: DONE. n Endcap peripheral crate: in or nearing production u TMB Trigger Motherboard – in production, 32 out of 468 built u MPC Muon Port Card – ready for production u CCB Clock & Control Board – ready for production n Track Finder crate in counting house: nearing production u SRSP Sector Processor/Receiver – nearly ready for production u CSC Muon Sorter – prototype=final board? u Backplane – nearly ready for production
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 25 CSC Triggering on Day 0 n Synchronization: u Unclear whether cosmic muons will be useful underground. u Anode and cathode clocks synchronized for communications by programmed front-end pulse injection and other techniques such as CRC checks. u Fine (2ns step) delay of anode data needs colliding beams and LHC clock. l A few seconds of collisions should suffice, analysis time=total time. Need several settings per ALCT since TOF etc vary. u Global CSC data alignment accomplished by comparing data to LHC BX gaps. May take several hours. Local or global DAQ okay. n Chamber alignment and Track Finder coincidences: u Start with “open trigger”, safe mode, and run Track Finding algorithm & check u Open trigger = 1-3 stations per 60 o sector in coincidence n Cross-checks: u Chamber level: DAQ versus Trigger paths u Chamber level: RPC versus CSC paths. u Physics level: e.g. high P T jet triggers yield some punchthrough, decay muons
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 26 Conclusions n The CSC electronics are in very good shape: u Test beam showed that the entire chain of CSC trigger electronics work very well together under “battle conditions” u Production starts soon for Track Finder (MPC, SP) boards u Final prototypes are being tweaked for minor issues. n Plenty of work ahead on the software side for calibration, synchronization etc.
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 27 Backup Slides to Follow
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 28 25 ns Structured Beam n LHC-like bunch structure during synchronous running n Trigger rates at X5A during spill u Muons: 3 10 kHz u Pions: >100 kHz n CSC readout system is designed for a L1A*LCT rate at LHC design luminosity of order 5 kHz 924 BX (sometimes)
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 29 First DT/CSC Integration Tests DT TF transition card CSC TF transition card
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 30 DT/CSC Transition Card Test n In June ‘04 we tested a new DT/CSC transition card for the Track-Finder u New design solves connector space problem u Tester board allows loopback test without DT Track-Finder u Data pumped from input FIFO to output FIFO on SP n Data test succeeded, except for 1 broken backplane pin n Next step: u Second integration test with DT TF (Oct.’04 or later)
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 31 SP2002 Track-Finder Logic n Xilinx Virtex-2 XC2V4000 ~800 user I/O n Track-Finding logic operates at 40 MHz u Frequency of track stub data from optical links n About 50% of chip resources (LUTs) used SP2002 mezzanine card
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 32 Test Beam 2004 DAQ Configuration DMB/TMB MPC CCB Peripheral Crate(s) data to BigPhys DDU (CCB) (FED Crate) XDAQWI N CFEB ALCT SP CCB TrackFinder Crate Run Control VME Local DAQ PC CFEB ALCT CFEB ALCT CFEB ALCT Configuration commands distributed via XDAQ. Event-building tested Raw file “geurts1” “acosta1” ddu???.dat.bin or RunNum???Evs*.bin SP_DDU_DAQ_run????.dat
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 33 Interface Tests n MPC to SR/SP u Validated with optical link tests on bench and at beam tests u Two MPCs (two crates) to SR/SP demonstrated @ beam test ‘04 n SR/SP to Muon Sorter Test u Data successfully sent from SP to Muon Sorter on bench and received properly. Read-back of winner bits also correct. l Tested 10/12 slots on custom GTLP backplane u Tested at beam test ’04, read back of winner bits OK n Clock and Control Board (TTC interface) u Both CCB2001 and CCB2004 (with TTCRq) tested and work with SR/SP n DT/CSC Data Exchange Test u Demonstrated to work during Sept’03 in both directions, with only a few minor problems with swapped bits, connectors, and dead chips u New transition card designed and tested in loop-back mode
CSC Muon Trigger September 21, 2004 CMS Annual Review 34 End of Backup Slides
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