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A I M The presentation aims to create a common frame of reference for discussing mediating structures and processes between local, national and European.

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Presentation on theme: "A I M The presentation aims to create a common frame of reference for discussing mediating structures and processes between local, national and European."— Presentation transcript:

1 A I M The presentation aims to create a common frame of reference for discussing mediating structures and processes between local, national and European levels.

2 Council of Europe, 47 countries –Congress of Local and Regional Authorities –Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport / Directorate of Youth and Sport, operation/Youth/ operation/Youth/ European Union, 27 countries –European Commission, executive body of the EU Youth Unit of Directorate General for Education and Culture,

3 The Partnership between the European Union and the Council of Europe in the field of youth, since 1998, new Agreement 2007–2009 –Citizenship, –social cohesion, –youth work and training, –better knowledge of youth Third sector –Tripartite cooperation between youth research, youths and policy-making and implementation –Interaction between European, national and local level

4 Council of Europe Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport Directorate of Youth and Sport European Union Directorate General for Education and Culture (DGEAC) Unit of Youth Partnership between the CoE and the EU White Paper on Youth European Youth Pact European Youth Week Presidency Youth Event Structured dialogue Youth in Action 2007- 2013 Policy documents SALTO-YOUTH FORUM21 Information services Charter on youth participation in local and regional life Advisory Council Programs: training, information exchange European Youth Centers and Youth Foundation Publications Online resources Youth training Youth researchers’ network, EKCYP Euro-Mediterranean cooperation COYOTE T-Kits All different, all equal III sector YFJ, AC

5 Council of Europe: values stated by ministers responsible for youth, for years 2005-2008: Human Rights Education and Intercultural Dialogue Youth Participation and Democratic Citizenship Social Cohesion and Inclusion of Young People Youth Policy Development, better knowledge of youth

6 Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life adopted in 1992; revised version in 2003 Advisory Council: 30 NGYOs, links CoE to youths Priority programs bring together CoE and national, regional and local youth field activists; subprograms: Training for European youth work: for youth leaders, multipliers, young democratic leaders, young researchers, civil servants and trainers in European youth work Knowledge exchange: seminars, symposia and expert meetings; youth policy Europe-wide research: European research network between researchers, civil servants, NGYOs; knowledge base on youth Support and advice: DYS advises member states on youth policies, international reviews of youth policies

7 Council of Europe Intergovernmental Program - within the Youth Directorate, the Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) comprising senior civil servants from CoE members; responsible for: promoting intergovernmental co-operation and serving as a framework for the examination of national youth policies with a view to joint action stimulating exchanges of information, documentation and experience; preparing and taking follow-up action on the conferences of ministers responsible for youth; advising the Committee of Ministers on the means of ensuring an appropriate follow-up to suggestions of common interest arising from the EYCentres’ and EYFoundation's programs; co-operating with the Governing Board and Advisory Committee of the EYCs and EYF as well as with other steering or ad hoc committees in the implementation of common projects

8 Council of Europe Cooperation and assistance program DYS organises training courses and seminars for the CEE countries in developing and implementing youth policies Democratic Leadership program The objective of the DLP is to strengthen the political competence and skills of young politicians, journalists and NGO leaders, and thus to contribute to greater democratic security.

9 Council of Europe European Youth Centers, in Strasbourg and Budapest European Youth Foundation, providing financial support to European youth activities which serve the promotion of peace, understanding and co-operation in a spirit of respect for the CoE's values such as human rights, democracy, tolerance and solidarity, Publications of the CoE, operation/youth/1._news/Publications/ operation/youth/1._news/Publications/ Human Rights Education Youth Resource –COMPASS, the manual on human rights education with young people, –DOmino, education for young people by young people, –All different, all equal education pack, –Alien ’93, combating racism and xenophobia,

10 European Union: values European Youth Pact (2005), White Paper on Youth (2001) and follow-ups Employment and social integration Education, training and mobility Reconciling work and family life Active citizenship –Socio-economic integration of youth, in the framework of Lisbon Strategy Participation in education and workforce, non- formal learning, ‘life-skills’

11 European Union The structured dialogue (application of OMC in the youth field) is an instrument to actively involve young people in policy shaping debates and dialogue in relation to the European agenda (active citizenship). Envisioned to deliver youth voices from local to national to European level –2007, focus on social and professional integration of young people –2008, on intercultural dialogue –2009, on the further perspectives of youth policy at European level The European Youth Week and the Presidency Youth Events organised by each Council Presidency are major occasions for young people to raise their voice and contribute to the shaping of policies at European level which concern them

12 European Union: Youth in Action Aims to develop among young people a sense of personal responsibility, initiative, concern for others, civic participation and active involvement at local, national and European level, Youth for Europe: reinforcing the active civic participation by supporting exchanges, mobility EVS: to develop solidarity, active engagement and mutual understanding, in the framework of a charitable or not-for- profit activity Youth of the world: fosters mutual understanding and active engagement through program with the neighboring countries of the enlarged Europe Youth workers and support systems: training, exchange and information schemes Support for policy cooperation in the field of youth: cooperation among decision-makers on youth policy

13 European Union: SALTO, a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field. It provides youth work and training resources and organises training and contact-making activities to support organisations and National Agencies –Training courses –Toolbox for training, http://www.salto- –Trainers online for youth, http://www.salto-

14 European Union FORUM 21, the European Journal on Youth Policy The purpose of this specialist publication with a distinctive profile of a broad European dimension of youth policy is to bring national youth policies closer together and keep the ongoing European dialogue about the key problems of national youth policies on a solid, high-level foundation in terms of content, expertise and politics operation/Youth/5._Information_services/Forum_21/ operation/Youth/5._Information_services/Forum_21/ Policy documents, reports, recommendations, communications from the Commission, staff working documents

15 European Union: info for youth European Youth Portal – a gateway to citizenship and mobility for young people in Europe,, Eurodesk – information service providing access to European information for young people and those who work with them, European Youth Information and Counseling Agency – a user-centered youth information centre (service) to meet needs of the young people,

16 Partnership The co-operation between the EC DGEAC and the CoE DYS training of youth workers and of youth leaders, started 1998 youth research, 2003 co-operation with the EuroMed region, 2003 http://www.youth- http://www.youth- Goals for 2007-2009 Citizenship, Participation, Human Right Education, Intercultural dialogue Social Cohesion, Inclusion, Equal opportunities Quality, Recognition and Visibility of Youth Work and Training Better Knowledge of Youth and Development of Youth Policies ALL DIFFERENT, ALL EQUAL, An instrument for promoting the values of the CoE: diversity, human rights, participation, antiracism; started in 1995 by the CoE, recent campaign 2006-2007 by the Partnership in 42 countries

17 Partnership: training, http://www.youth- Training activities for youth workers and youth leaders –Training courses –Stakeholders’ meeting on training of trainers –European citizenship valorisation seminar 10 T-Kits: thematic handbooks for training, COYOTE MAGAZINE, on issues around youth training in Europe“, targeted at trainers and youth leaders,

18 Partnership: research European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy: a tool for the implementation of the White Paper on Youth and the EC common objectives on a Better Understanding of Youth and the CoE monitoring of youth policy. to promote evidence based policy making and practice and provide a central place for the exchange of information and dialogue across the youth field, –Research seminars –Annual expert meetings

19 Partnership: EUROMED The Partnership Program on Euro-Med, Human Rights Education and Intercultural Dialogue The Euro-Mediterranean Youth Action program of the European Commission was initiated in 1999 and is based on the shared concern to combat prejudices and stereotypes that prevail across the Mediterranean and still determine mutual perceptions. Currently involves the 27 EU Member States and 10 Mediterranean partner countries. –Seminars –Training courses

20 III sector – YOs Tripartite cooperation between policy-making, research and young people affiliated with NGYOs Feedback to national and local youth organisations which are consulted at national and/or local level policy-making and youth work European Youth Forum (YFJ), > 90 YOs, –Policy papers; communication with CoE, EC and committees Advisory Council at DYS, CoE; 30 YOs –Co-management of the youth field at the CoE and the Partnership Cafe Babel,, is made up of a network of local teams across Europe. Bringing together young people from across the continent, this network aims to contribute to the construction of pan-European public opinion through the magazine

21 Council of Europe Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport Directorate of Youth and Sport European Union Directorate General for Education and Culture (DGEAC) Unit of Youth Partnership between the CoE and the EU White Paper on Youth European Youth Pact European Youth Week Presidency Youth Event Structured dialogue Youth in Action 2007- 2013 Policy documents SALTO-YOUTH FORUM21 Information services Charter on youth participation in local and regional life Advisory Council Programs: training, information exchange European Youth Centers and Youth Foundation Publications Online resources Youth training Youth researchers’ network, EKCYP Euro-Mediterranean cooperation COYOTE T-Kits All different, all equal III sector YFJ, AC


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