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Experience Design Dhaval Vyas Room: T-304.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience Design Dhaval Vyas Room: T-304."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience Design Dhaval Vyas Room: T-304

2 Norman’s 3-layer model of Emotions Norman (2004)

3 Norman’s 3-layer model of Emotions Visceral Design Apple iMac Jaguar E-type Norman (2004)

4 Norman’s 3-layer model of Emotions Behavioral Design Mercedes-Benz Seat ControlsCasio G-Shock Watch Norman (2004)

5 Norman’s 3-layer model of Emotions Reflective Design Time-by-DesignSexy Urinal Norman (2004)

6 APEC Framework Vyas & van der Veer (2005)

7 APEC Framework 1.Aesthetic Aspect: –Visceral appreciations based on sensory information only –Naturally determined –Skin-deep beauty 2.Practical Aspect: –Physical activities a user is capable of with respect to the system –Exploits Usability & Functionality 3.Emotional Aspect: –Related to emotions such as joy, anger, disgust, etc. –Helps in the decision making 4.Cognitive Aspect: – Involve interpretation, information processing, problem solving, use of memory, etc. –Beauty within Vyas & van der Veer (2005)

8 Let’s have a Practical Example

9 APEC in Practise Gabriella is a high-school student. She goes to parties several times in a week. She cares a lot about her image amongst her friend circle. She loves R&B, Country and Ragge music and she has music CDs of almost all R&B stars. Whenever she is at home, she always listens to music on her computer. Her room is full of posters of movie/pop stars. She likes using new gadgets. She also likes traveling with his friends. Gabriella (18) – Student

10 APEC in Practise Function  Emotional –Pleasure – through good quality music –Personalization of music –Surprise – evoked by the Shuffle function –Contextual Sensitive Player: Country music in hills of Barcelona Function  Cognitive –Relaxed – 12 hours play –Being able to create music files –Flexibity – Other file format can be stored –She keeps her school assignments in the same device Interaction  Emotional –Pleasure – Soft touch –Fun – a DJ like interaction through Click-Wheel –Fun – mapping of circular Click- Wheel interaction with linear screen interaction Interaction  Cognitive –Fun – mapping of circular Click- Wheel interaction with linear screen interaction –Familiarity – the player’s screen has a very familiar metaphor –Menu Driven Interface Interaction  Practical –Easy to hold and use by single hand Appearance  Aesthetic –Pleasing to eyes – Plastic body with metallic and white color –Pleasure - Soft touch Appearance  Emotional –Pleasant Surprise – evoked by the unconventional look Appearance  Cognitive –Pleasant Surprise – evoked by the unconventional look –Social identity of owning a new device in friend circle

11 Student Exercise Use the APEC framework in you given problems -Work in Groups -Student Discussion

12 References Books – Technology as Experience. 2004. By McCarthy, J., Wright, P. MIT Press. – Funology – From Usability to Enjoyment. 2003. Blythe, M. (Ed.) Kluwer Publications. – Emotional Design. 2004. Norman, D. Basic Books. Papers –Experience Prototyping. DIS-2000 –The Building Blocks of Experience. DIS-2000 –Understanding Experience in Interactive Systems. DIS-2004. And many more…

13 Thank You ! Further questions and queries are welcome. Dhaval Vyas Room T-304, Informatica Section

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