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The 5 Senses! Created By: Jessica Ybarra Your 5 Senses 1.Sight 2.Touch 3.Taste 4.Hear 5.Smell.

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Senses! Created By: Jessica Ybarra Your 5 Senses 1.Sight 2.Touch 3.Taste 4.Hear 5.Smell."— Presentation transcript:


2 The 5 Senses! Created By: Jessica Ybarra

3 Your 5 Senses 1.Sight 2.Touch 3.Taste 4.Hear 5.Smell

4 Sight You can see with your eyes. What can we see? Your reflection in the mirror! Your friends! Your bike!

5 Touch You can feel with your hands. What can we feel? Your soft stuffed animal! The cold snow! Rough Sand

6 Taste You can taste with your mouth. What can we taste? Sweet ice cream! Sour pickles! Spicy chilies!

7 Hear You hear with your ears. What can we hear? Birds chirping! Dogs Barking! Cars honking!

8 Smell You smell with your nose. What can we smell? A stinky skunk! A flower! Pie baking!

9 How I Use My 5 Senses! Write down 3 of your favorite things to see. Write down 3 of your favorite things to touch. Write down 3 of your favorite things to taste. Write down 3 of your favorite things to hear. Write down 3 of your favorite things to smell.

10 Matching Your 5 Senses! 1.Sight 2.Touch 3.Taste 4.Hear 5.Smell 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

11 Learn More About Your 5 Senses! nses_poetry.htm nses_poetry.htm nses.pdf nses.pdf

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