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Meteorology 101-02 Laboratory 2. Surface SYNOP observation format Comes in a numerical format like: 72365 11966 82504 10074 21001 39875 40157 52008 69901.

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Presentation on theme: "Meteorology 101-02 Laboratory 2. Surface SYNOP observation format Comes in a numerical format like: 72365 11966 82504 10074 21001 39875 40157 52008 69901."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meteorology 101-02 Laboratory 2

2 Surface SYNOP observation format Comes in a numerical format like: 72365 11966 82504 10074 21001 39875 40157 52008 69901 70206 8807/ Where 72365 is the WMO Index number (station code) 11966 is coded visibility and cloud height values 82504 is total cloud cover in eighths, wind direction & speed 10074 is code for temperature in deg C 21001 is code for dew point, etc. Not a very human-friendly format. The station model format is more illuminating and compact

3 WMO codes for some US Weather Stations OAK 72493 Oakland International, CAMFL 72202 Miami, FLCRP 72251 Corpus Christi, TXBUF 72528 Buffalo, NYRAP 72662 Rapid City, SDOTX 72786 Spokane, WASLC 72572 Salt Lake City, CATUS 72274 Tucson, AZ 09/09/09

4 Automated Observing Systems AWOS (Automated Weather System)Oldest, operated by FAA (Federal AviationAdministration) as well as by state and localgovernments. Collects T, DP in deg C, windspeed & direction, ceiling up to 12 thousandfeet and altimeter settings. Reports at 20minute intervals. Recently added presentweather, freezing rain, and thunderstormactivity. 09/09/09

5 ASOS (Automated Surface Observing System)operated by NWS, FAA, and DOD.Reports at hourly intervals, in addition toAWOS data, degrees Fahrenheit, presentweather, icing, lightning, sea level pressureand precipitation accumulation.Serves as primary climatological observingnetwork in the United States. 09/09/09

6 Surface Plot Model

7 Fahrenheit, Celsius, & Kelvin Conversions 09/09/09 Remember the parentheses! The 32 goes with the Fahrenheit degrees; Is it reasonable? 32°F=0°C, 68°F=20°C, 86°F=30°C.

8 Basic Weather Symbols

9 Wind Direction and Speed

10 Cloud Cover

11 Sea-level pressure Sea-level pressure is plotted in tenths of millibars(mb), with the leading 10 or 9 omitted. For reference,1013 mb is equivalent to 29.92 inches of mercury.Below are some sample conversions between plottedand complete sea-level pressure values: 410: 1041.0 mb 103: 1010.3 mb 987: 998.7 mb 872: 987.2 mb


13 Upper-level plot model Heights (in meters) of constant pressure surfaces (typically 500mb and 300mb) are plotted in place of sea level pressure (on upper-level plots) when these are available; i.e., when soundings have been with weather balloons. These heights are typically also shortened.



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