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ADD Awareness and Alternative Approaches. Western Perspectives: Medication, Medication and more Medication Antidepressants:  Tricyclics  SSRI’s: Prozac,

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Presentation on theme: "ADD Awareness and Alternative Approaches. Western Perspectives: Medication, Medication and more Medication Antidepressants:  Tricyclics  SSRI’s: Prozac,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADD Awareness and Alternative Approaches

2 Western Perspectives: Medication, Medication and more Medication Antidepressants:  Tricyclics  SSRI’s: Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft  Desipramine  Nortiptyline  Imipramine Stimulants:  Ritalin  Dexedrine  Concerta  Methylphnidate  Aderall  Cylert

3 Educational Strategies  Extended time on tests  Place child in area of class room with few distractions  Teacher gives visual and verbal instruction

4 ADD and Addiction  25 - 50% of people with drug and alcohol addictions have ADD  Addictions are progressive  “If the fool would persist in his folly, he would become wise,” William Blake.  Let yourself be and let your creativity flow freely.

5 3 Reasons to Self-Medicate  Numb painful feelings  To feel like you function better  For the high  Self-medicating that relates to ADD: compulsive overeating, bingeing, bulimia, anorexia, sugar cravings, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, tranquilizers, narcotics, nicotine, caffeine, gambling, spending, working, sex, love addictions and stress addicts.  The only way out of pain is to go through it.

6 The ADD Nutrition Solution  The 30 day plan: A. This plan contains actual serving sizes for certain age ranges based on the necessary balance in food groups B. This plan also addresses what foods to cut out of the diet C. Where to shop, how to stick to the plan, what’s encouraged – mainly organic ingredients

7 Food to Eliminate from Your Diet  Foods: dairy products and components such as chocolates, egg whites, wheat, corn, oranges and peanuts.  Sweeteners: sugar, refined starches(corn syrup & corn starch), all artificial sweeteners.  Additives: all artificial colors especially red dye #3 and yellow dye #5.  Flavors: MSG, vanillin, smoke flavoring, sodium containing agents and potassium phosphate.

8 Foods to Eliminate from Your Diet  Preservatives: BHA, BHT, TBHQ, sodium benzoate, calcium propionate, nitrates, nitrites, sulfites and citric acid.  Beverages: all caffeine teas, coffee, and sodas; sweetened fruit juices and beverages that contain phosphate.  Fats: all hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats, mono and diglycerides, olestra, olean, and cottonseed oil.

9 Chiropractic Care  Early traumatic injury  Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction  Occiput misalignment  Environmental factors

10 Acupuncture  ADD is caused by a deficiency in kidney essence.  Yin aspect is deficient.  Tonify kidney yin by: Auriculotherapy

11 Herbal Treatment  Tonify the kidney yin  Example: rehmannia, tortoise shell, deer antler gelatin, lycium and cornus  Treat the excessive kidney Yang  Example: dragon bone, oyster shell, succinum and cinnabar

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