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Orange County Convention Center Sustainability Initiatives April 19, 2011.

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1 Orange County Convention Center Sustainability Initiatives April 19, 2011

2 Today’s Agenda Background of OCCC Environmental Management System (EMS) Additional OCCC Sustainability Initiatives Sustainability Successes Client/Partner Sustainability Support

3 Today’s Agenda Background of OCCC Environmental Management System (EMS) Additional OCCC Sustainability Initiatives Sustainability Successes Client/Partner Sustainability Support

4 What Is EMS? An Environmental Management System is composed of processes and procedures to manage and reduce negative environmental impacts.

5 What Is ISO 14001? International Standards Organization ISO 14001 is the international standard that defines elements to establish and operate an EMS.

6 Environmental Management System In January 2003, OCCC participated in a 2-year Environment Protection Agency (EPA) project OCCC developed a plan for an EMS to be certified to ISO 14001 standards The OCCC Building Services Section was selected as our targeted function

7 Our “low hanging fruit” ? WASTE

8 Waste Management During a tradeshow, the average attendee produces approximately 20 pounds of solid waste per day*. *Green Meeting Industry Council

9 Meetings Industry Waste Production 3 day event 10,000 attendees 20 lbs waste/day = 600,000 pounds of waste

10 ISO 14001 Certification Status Third party review of EMS procedures, and interview of OCCC personnel Certification awarded February 2007 Recertification confirmed in April 2010 Building Services Section renamed “Environmental Services Section” Reassessment occurs annually

11 ISO 14001 Certification OCCC was the first convention center in the United States to receive ISO 14001 EMS certification

12 Recycling Results for January 1 – December 31, 2010 2,356 tons recycled of the 4,133 total tons produced Savings: $105,998 in landfill disposal fees More than 281 tons of cardboard recycled Savings: $16,753 in recycle rebates solely on cardboard

13 Recycling Success In calendar year 2000 less than 1% of the total waste generated by tradeshows was recycled In 2010… The OCCC recycled 2,356 tons, representing 57% of the solid waste stream Over 4,712,000 pounds of waste were diverted from the landfill and reused !!!

14 Recycling Success In calendar year 2000 the OCCC recycled zero percent of cardboard waste generated by tradeshows, In 2010… The OCCC recycled 281 tons of cardboard Also, the OCCC diverted 17 tons of yard waste

15 Today’s Agenda Background of OCCC Environmental Management System (EMS) Additional OCCC Sustainability Initiatives Sustainability Successes Client/Partner Sustainability Support

16 Additional “Green” Efforts The OCCC has 1,372 toilets, 428 urinals, and 1,072 sinks Replaced ALL paper towels and toilet tissue with 100% post consumer content paper Trash bags are 75% recycled content and 10% post consumer content

17 More “Green” Efforts Green Cleaning Program: using Green Seal Certified products for glass, tile and all purpose cleaning Self –contained pressure washer cleaners recover and recycle water and cleaning fluids Highly Efficient Particulate Air filter (HEPA) vacuums used

18 Today’s Agenda Background of OCCC Environmental Management System (EMS) Additional OCCC Sustainability Initiatives Sustainability Successes Client/Partner Sustainability Support

19 LEED Certification Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design OCCC has registered with the US Green Building Council for LEED – EB (Existing Building) certification Improving performance in following areas: 1.Sustainable site 2.Water efficiency 3.Energy efficiency 4.Material & resource use 5.Indoor environmental quality

20 Renewable Energy One-megawatt, rooftop, solar photovoltaic system Largest rooftop PV system in the southeast United States Generating the equivalent amount of electricity used by 100 average-size homes Four experimental PV systems on our complex

21 Solar Powered Pay Stations for Metered Parking

22 Vehicle Charging Stations

23 Renewable Energy Conversion to solid-state, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting Continuous monitoring and load-matching of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems Climate-Change Education Center

24 Water 100% reclaimed water for landscaping irrigation Xeriscape™ plantings Installation of drip irrigation system

25 Today’s Agenda Background of OCCC Environmental Management System (EMS) Additional OCCC Sustainability Initiatives Sustainability Successes Client/Partner Sustainability Support

26 OCCC Clients Support Our Community Over $1 million in donations so far this year… The National Association of Homebuilders donated three homes for military personnel Orgill Spring Dealer Market, and The True Value Company donated tools to Habitat for Humanity

27 OCCC Clients Support Our Community North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers, and Sysco Food & Supply Show made food donations to Second Harvest Food Bank Global Pet Expo donated pet supplies to the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Florida Educational Technology Conference donated plants and books to the Hubbard House

28 Why Are We Doing This? It’s the right thing to do We are reducing negative impacts on the environment and our guests and staff We are reducing negative impacts on other County operations We are saving money while we are reusing valuable resources

29 Our Business Sustainability Is At Risk… Our clients are demanding “Green” practices In the future most events will not select venues without “Green” certification The United States Environmental Protection Agency is currently developing rules requiring all government-related meetings to be held in “Green” facilities

30 Coordinating With Our Clients The sustainability effort begins with the initial sales contact A Sustainability Coordinator at OCCC is proposed in our 2011/12 Budget Point person for all sustainability initiatives Responsible for communicating and coordinating with our clients and their exhibiting companies and service partners

31 Client Assistance Support and execute “Green” events Participate in the American Society of Association Executives Convene Green Alliance Participate in Meetings Industry initiatives regarding best “Green” practices Monitor governmental rule-making affecting the meetings and tradeshow industry

32 Partnering for Sustainability


34 Thank you!

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