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American Health Information Community HITSP Accomplishments 2006-2008 John D. Halamka MD Chair, HITSP November 12, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "American Health Information Community HITSP Accomplishments 2006-2008 John D. Halamka MD Chair, HITSP November 12, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Health Information Community HITSP Accomplishments 2006-2008 John D. Halamka MD Chair, HITSP November 12, 2008

2 2 Creating a culture HITSP has become the established convener for standards harmonization 600 participating organizations Silos are disappearing and conversations have brought stakeholders together to resolve their differences Volunteer hours continue to grow

3 Steady growth of Technical Committee participation level since January 2006

4 4 AHIC Priorities and Use Case Roadmap

5 Organized for rapid delivery Domain Committees select the most appropriate reusable standards using objective criteria Perspective Committees ensure interoperability specifications meet the needs of the use cases and are maintained Foundations Committee plans future innovation Increased Use Case throughput by 100% over 3-year period –3 in 2006 –4 in 2007 –6 in 2008 5

6 HITSP Program Management Optimized Processes Receive Request to Harmonize I Conduct Requirements Analysis II Identify Candidate Standards III Identify and Resolve Gaps, Duplications and Overlap IV Select Standards V Develop Interoperability Specification VI Begin Inspection Testing VII Release and Disseminate Interoperability Specification VIII Begin Support IX

7 7

8 Poised for the future Educating all stakeholders and accelerating adoption Creating testing tools and enhanced implementation guides An essential component of the NHIN Collaborating with CCHIT Aligned with the AHIC Successor Taking on additional work (Clinical Research) with AHIC guidance Strategy, Structure and Staffing are in place for long term success 8

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