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DCL Concepts STL Concepts ContainerIteratorAlgorithmFunctorAdaptor What New Concepts are Needed for a “DCL”? (Distributed Computing Library) Distributed.

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Presentation on theme: "DCL Concepts STL Concepts ContainerIteratorAlgorithmFunctorAdaptor What New Concepts are Needed for a “DCL”? (Distributed Computing Library) Distributed."— Presentation transcript:

1 DCL Concepts STL Concepts ContainerIteratorAlgorithmFunctorAdaptor What New Concepts are Needed for a “DCL”? (Distributed Computing Library) Distributed Container ……… Distributed Algorithm … … Coordinator …… Distributed Iterator …… Visitor …… Negotiator …… encodes patterns of interconnection & communication between components of a distributed computation negotiates adjustments to changes in requirements and resources  Back

2 What Additional Concepts Are Needed for Pervasive Computing? Mobility Negotiator … Redundancy Manager … Mobile Algorithm Ultra-reliable Algorithm Distributed Algorithm Real-time Algorithm Real-time Distributed Algorithm Ultra-reliable Distributed Algorithm Ultra-reliable Real-time Distributed Algorithm ……… … … Some candidates:

3 Hardware concepts specifying processor speed, memory speed, cache effects Network concepts specifying communication, synchronization needs, including bandwidth, latency, connectivity Mobility concepts specifying wireless requirements, including power consumption, restriction to broadcast communication Extending Performance Modeling for Pervasive Computing

4 Possible scenarios: –Sensors – all nodes are uniform; primitive power supply; broadcast connectivity only –Embedded systems – heterogeneous, wide range of capabilities, requiring careful balance of tradeoffs in instantiation of generic components –Wireless mobile – location dependent behavior, broadcast based Concept development, library design and implementation, and library use, to produce combination of components to best meet all of the scenario’s requirements Some Scenarios for Application of Concept-based Approach

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