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1 DRBM Plan Basis
2 Visions & Management Objectives for all Significant Water Management Issues …….lead all countries of the DRB towards a joint goal!
3 Visions & Management Objectives Anthropogenic barriers and habitat deficits do not hinder fish migration and spawning anymore - sturgeon species and specified other migratory species are able to access the Danube River and relevant tributaries. Sturgeon species and specified other migratory species are represented with self- sustaining populations in the DRBD according to their historical distribution. Longitudinal Continuity
4 Joint Programme of Measures DRBM Plan & Joint Programme of Measures integrates all components and addresses current and future pressures from all SWMIs national measures to achieve good ecological status measure implementation on the basin wide scale to achieve good ecological status …….in line with EU WFD
5 GWP CEE UNESCO - IHP Navigation Commission Black Sea Commission Die Donau – Tourism Commission VGB Power Tech REC Observers to the ICPDR Europ. Angling Ass. Friends of Nature
6 DRBM Plan Draft Key Results
7 First time and unique overview on basin-wide issues Transboundary WFD implementation for largest international river basin district Pressures/impacts for all SWMIs Basin-wide analysis on wastewater treatment Nutrient management on a large scale HYMO alterations – first time overview Protected areas inventory Large scale data collection based on DanubeGIS DRBM Plan Current Draft 6.0
8 738 Water bodies 728 River WBs / 61 River Danube River WBs 5 Lake WBs (one of it transitional) 2 Transitional WBs 4 Coastal WBs River WB network > 4,000 km 2 = 20,882 rkm 11 transboundary groundwater bodies of basin-wide importance DRBM Plan Basic Results
9 Organic Pollution Reference Situation: 6,224 agglomerations > 2,000 PE in the DRB: 2,000 – 10,000 PE:4,969 agglomerations > 10,000 PE: 1,255 agglomerations Many agglomerations without wastewater treatment or sewerage connection No wastewater collection: more than 2,600 aggl. = 11% of the generated load Basic Facts
10 Organic Pollution Baseline Scenario – UWWT 2015 Includes measures that are legally required for EU MS Measures committed to be undertaken by Non EU MS Midterm Scenario BS-UWWT 2015 plus P removal for Non EU MS (agglomerations > 10,000 PE) Vision Scenario goes far beyond other scenarios Full technical potential for WWT for organic and nutrient removal applied (EU MS & Non EU MS) Different Scenarios - UWWT
11 Organic Pollution BOD 5 and COD emissions Reference situation Baseline Scenario-UWWT 2015 Midterm Scenario-UWWT Vision Scenario-UWWT BOD 5 and COD emissions
12 Overall Baseline Scenario – Nutrients 2015 Baseline Scenario Agriculture – Nutrients 2015 Moderate agricultural development Agreed measures to reduce nutrients Future NOx deposition Agricultural Scenarios-Nutrient 2015 1 & 2 Intensified agricultural development Phosphate Ban Scenario Considers P ban in laundry detergents and dishwashers Different Scenarios - Nutrients Nutrient Pollution
13 Nutrient Pollution N & P Emissions and Loads Reference – Baseline 2015 NitrogenPhophorous
14 N emissions to surface waters in 2015: 12% lower. Load to the Black Sea: Below present state but still far above (40%) that of the 1960‘s. Management objectives and EU WFD objectives not ensured by 2015 P emissions to surface waters in 2015: 25 % lower Load to the Black Sea: Below present state but still above (15%) that of the 1960‘s Management objective will not be achieved by 2015 and this is most likely also the case for the WFD environmental objectives Introduction of limitations on P in detergents is seen as a cost effective and necessary measure Nutrient Pollution
15 Based on EPER (EU MS) and ICPDR Emission Inventory data to be improved end 2009 (but not part of DRBM Plan) EU IPPC and other Directives key instruments for reduction Lack of knowledge on sources, pathways and losses of hazardous substances on the basin-wide scale Estimation that management objectives and EU WFD environmental objectives will not be achieved in 2015 Further measures needed There is a need for more monitoring data and information on sources of hazardous substances Hazardous Substances Pollution
16 Agenda Item: 3.0 Hydromorphological Alterations 4 HYMO Components Hydromorphological Alterations River and Habitat Continuity Interruption Disconnection of Adjacent Wetlands/Floodplains Hydrological Alterations Future Infrastructure Projects
17 Hydromorphological Alterations River and Habitat Continuity Interruption 219 barriers passable for fish; 693 remain continuity interruptions in 2015 Remaining continuity interruptions will be addressed by 2021/2027 Achieve the WFD environmental objectives in an ecologically effective way: initial measures should focus on the defined ecological priority river stretches. Perform feasibility study on the re-opening of the Iron Gate Dams
18 Hydromorphological Alterations Disconnection Wetlands/Floodplains 578,115 ha of wetlands/floodplains with reconnection potential 60,450 ha reconnected and/or the hydrological regime improved by 2015 Difficult to indicate currently the effect of measures on basin-wide scale
19 Hydromorphological Alterations Future Infrastructure Projects 115 Future Infrastructure Projects reported 19 of them in Danube River 49% dedicated to navigation; 43% to flood protection Rest: hydropower generation, water supply and other purposes 18 projects are subject to WFD Article 4(7) in EU MS 32 FIPs in Non EU MS
20 Groundwater Quality & Quantity GW Quality Findings show: nitrate contamination is key hindrance of achieving a good chemical status Key Measures: Implementation EU Nitrates Directive and EU UWWT Directive GW Quantity Some GW-Bodies show poor quantitative status Appropriate controls over the abstraction of fresh water and groundwater and impoundement of surface waters (including abstraction registers) must be put in place
21 Water Status Preliminary Results: Chemical Status - Rivers Significant data gaps still do exist Update/revision during second half of 2009 WB NumberWB Length
22 DRBM Plan Next Steps Launch of the public consultation process after the 7 th StWG Mtg Stakeholder Conference – Bratislava, 29 to 30 June 2009 -follow-up with a respective analysis of the PC process Improvement, screening and quality check of all draft - DRBM Plan data and analyses in order to ensure and provide a consistent final draft DRBM Plan for OM12 Final data upload to Danube GIS by 14 September 2009 Presentation of a final Draft DRBM Plan at OM 12 Ministerial Meeting in February 2010
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