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2001 Fall Conference Nashville, Indiana Indiana North Central Association Room 1208, School of Education Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN 47809 1.800.468.7405
Vision Statements
What is a Vision Statement? A vision statement should be realistic and credible, well articulated and easily understood, appropriate, ambitious, and responsive to change. It should orient the group's energies and serve as a guide to action. It should be consistent with the learning community's values. In short, a vision should challenge and inspire the group to achieve its mission.
Technical Writing Tips for Writing the Vision: 1.Visualize. Close your eyes and look at your own classroom or school. Do you know in your head what is there? Can you visualize interactions, the look of a room, and possible changes you might want to make in this environment? Practice visualization.
2. Be specific. As you imagine your vision realize that other people can’t read your mind. Write your vision statement on paper. Next write down all of your thoughts related to your vision. Check to make sure your thoughts are all included in this vision. Make sure the most crucial thoughts are central to your mission.
3. Be descriptive. Remember that you have more than one sense. Consider your vision from all your senses. Present your thoughts in a logical fashion so that the reader can follow your vision. For example, don’t talk about what students are doing and then jump to the principal’s office without a transition sentence.
4. Be concise. Stick to material that is relevant and necessary for you to communicate your vision. Too long a vision will not be read or understood. How concisely and succinctly can you express this vision?
Examples based upon Guiding Principles of Vision Statements
Example #1 We believe that education must provide an environment in which all students are respected and have equal access and opportunity.
Example #2 We believe that education must be flexible and responsive to the changing needs of students, the community, and society.
Example #3 We believe that schools must provide a comprehensive, focused education which challenges the whole student.
Example #4 We believe that schools must be accountable to the public, providing a quality education which makes efficient use of public resources.
Example #5 We believe that schools must teach and demonstrate the interdependence of the natural environment and the human community.
Example #6 We believe that schools must engage the community in education, providing and welcoming opportunities for collaboration.
Example #7 We believe that school communities must recognize and respond positively to diversity.
Examples of Vision Statements: 1.Students’ success in school provides a foundation for success. 2.Students’ experiences are positive, engaging, and rewarding and built on individual strengths. 3.Students are willing, able, and active contributors to their community. 4.Children and youth are respected and valued by the community. 5.All students are healthy and ready to learn. 6.Schools inspire a lifetime love of learning. 7.Students develop emotional health, compassion, empathy, and respect for self and others. 8.Schools are hubs of community involvement and learning.
Mission Statements & Beliefs
Steps in Writing A Mission Statement 1.List the school's/corporation’s core competencies; its unique strengths and weaknesses. 2.Review how each stakeholder relates to each of the learning community’s strengths. Communicate with them if possible. 3.Write a one-sentence description of each strength. 4.Combine any that are essentially the same.
5.List the sentences in order of importance to the organization's vision. 6.Combine the top three to five sentences into a paragraph. 7.Ask your stakeholders if they would want to collaborate with an organization with that mission. 8.Ask your faculty and staff if they understand and support it and can act on it.
9.Ask your stakeholders if it makes sense to them. 10.Incorporate additional feedback from stakeholders. 11.When you have refined the paragraph into statements that clearly articulates the way the learning community wants to relate to those it affects, publish it to everyone. 12.Post it on the wall, e-mail it to everyone, etc.
Mission We believe in a community of learners that supports the dignity and growth of all its members, including students, staff, and parents. In a community, members work together for the common good, display concern for others, and respect differences.
Mission We believe in inquiry as the key educational enterprise, encompassing curiosity, love of learning, intellectual discipline, core knowledge and skills, and the search for meaning.
Belief Systems A belief system is a mental model. We use our belief systems to focus "the great mystery" of All-That-Is into something we can understand. Our beliefs generate thoughts. Perceptions and messages are aspects of thought.
Beliefs Students should be provided with maximum opportunities for academic, social, physical and aesthetic growth. People should be treated with dignity and respect. Teaching should be a cooperative process. Teaching and learning should be enjoyable, meaningful and foster rewarding experiences. Students should be the focus of all school activities. School should be a place where people want to be. Students should be encouraged to reach their maximum potential.
Belief We believe in the individual as a changing person, capable of learning and growing throughout life.
Belief We believe that responsible citizens apply what they know for the benefit of others through service, leadership, and active participation.
Belief We believe we must prepare ourselves to live and work in a context of constant change: technology, global interdependence, and cultural diversity transform our present, providing crucial opportunities to shape the future.
Sample Beliefs We believe that all students can be successful in school. We believe that success in learning in school results in future success. We believe that children learn best in a safe, caring, structured environment, and that we must create such an environment for our children. We believe that students, parents, extended families, educators and the community share in the responsibility for learning.
Sample Beliefs Students should experience success daily. Instruction should motivate, encourage curiosity, develop interests and foster a positive attitude toward learning. The school environment should be caring, comfortable, and safe. The uniqueness of students and their individual differences should be celebrated and accommodated. Responsibility for learning and behavior should be shared by home and school. Goals and expectations need to be clear and consistent for adults and students. Respect should be mutual between adults and students. Social skills are learned through teaching, modeling, practice and reinforcement.
P r o t o c o l (5 year documentation cycle) Gaining Commitment Getting Started Collecting and Analyzing Data Mission and Writing Goals Preliminary Chair Contact/Visit Implement Improvement Plan Continue the Process Develop Improvement Plan Plan Validation Team Visit Monitor Implementation Document Improvement Documentation Team Visit Phases 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
School Improvement Framework Schools are at differing stages as they progress through the continuous improvement process. School improvement process is continuous. Building capacity promotes a school’s ability to produce quality activities that lead to improved student performance.
NCA CASI Performance Accreditation
The Student Profile
The Profile Includes: Table of Contents School and Community Description School Mission Statement School Beliefs Statement Reporting facts and analysis of –Unique Local Insights –Follow-up of Former Students –Existing School Data Graphs and Narrative
CHARACTERISTICS The school profile provides a picture of what is taking place in the school, both in terms of learning and teaching. A School Profile is not infallible. A profile is a collection of indicators. Profiles should be considered working drafts--they should change as new information is available. Profiling enables staffs identify strengths and needs. The School Profile should not be seen as a “deficit report.” The School Profile is the document from which building goals emerge. The profile is a document that guides decisions.
The Profile helps the stakeholders understand the operating environment, performance levels of students, perceptions and expectations of parents and community, and other factors that affect teaching/learning.
Building upon certain capacities within the school will enhance its ability to implement quality school improvement activities that lead to improved student performance. Capacity Assessment
Any school applying for membership or a continuing member beginning or completing a cycle of performance accreditation will be asked to complete the instrument to determine the school’s capacity for school improvement. Capacity Assessment Instrument
NCA Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement The Commission is here to assist and support you as you work on school improvement plans in your school. Workshops Fall Conferences in states Annual Meeting: April 7-10,2002 State Committee Ambassadors
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