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EDGE™ Detailed Design Review P09711- Automation/Improvement of Wegmans Cookie Line Packaging Project Team: Stephanie Rager (IE), Bruno Coelho (ME), Mark Voss (ME), Chukwuma Morah (IE), Brian Duffy (EE), Benjamin Powell (EE)
EDGE™ Project Overview Objective: Present our final detailed design and bill of materials Receive feedback about our final design and BOM Project Description: Wegmans bakes and packages all of their mini cookies at their bakeshop located here in Rochester on Brookes Avenue. Currently the packaging is done by six or seven people who stand around a conveyor and pull the cookies into the clam-shell packages. This leads to the problem of packing more cookies than needed into a package. The mini-cookie package calls for 397 grams worth of cookies but employees sometimes package up to 450 grams. This is a loss for Wegmans because customers are receiving more cookies than they are paying for. This project will look into building an automated prototype that will separate the cookies into the correct amount by weight, which the employees can then package.
EDGE™ Customer Needs Hierarchy Need 1: Separates Products by Weight Need 1.1 Must separate Mini-Chocolate Chip Cookies by weight (9) Need 1.2 Should separate other Mini-Cookies by weight (5) Need 1.3 Should separate Mini-Muffins by weight (3) Need 1.4 Should separate Brownie Bites by weight (3) Need 2: Waste Reduction Need 2.1 Must reduce the amount of excess Mini-Cookies in package (9) Need 3: Separates Products by Count Need 3.1 Want to be able to separate Cookie Chunks by count (3) Need 3.2 Want to be able to separate other products by count that are packaged in that way on this line (3) Need 4: Long Term Solution Need 4.1 Should be adjustable for other products (5) Need 4.2 Must not substantially slow down the process (9) Need 5: Labor/Employee Use Need 5.1 Must be simplistic for employees to use (9) Need 5.2 Must not create a substantial amount of extra labor for employees (9) Need 5.3 Should be repeatable for employees (5) Need 6: Food Environment Restrictions Need 6.1 Production floor ready product must be stainless steel (3) Need 6.2 Production floor ready product must not be painted (3) Need 6.3 Production floor ready product must be water tight (3) Need 6.4 Production floor ready product must meet the NEMA4 level (will take a light water hose spray) (3) Need 7: Budget/Cost Need 7.1 Must not be considered a capital investment (> $10,000) (9)
EDGE™ Target Specifications Metric No.Need Nos.MetricImportanceUnitsMarginal valueIdeal Value 1Need 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1 Percentage of packages with excess (2 or more) cookies (currently at 95%) 9%60% (elimination of packages with 6 or more extra cookies) 0% (elimination of packages with 2 or more extra cookies) 2Need 1.1, 2.1Weight of cookie package 9grams420397 3Need 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 Follows Wegmans' sanitation standard 3Y/NNY 4Need 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Requires training that takes X minutes 5minutes6015 5Need 4.1, 4.2, 5.2Changeover time5minutes205 6Need 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.1, 3.2 Creates clear separation of product for packaging 9Y/NYY 7Need 4.2Throughput5average packages per hour 15001700 8Need 7.1Cost9$< $10,000< $5,000
EDGE™ System Related to Needs and Metrics Sifting Bar: Need 4.2 Metric 7 Push-Rod: Metric 6 Weigh Station: Need 1.1 & 2 Metric 1 & 2 Incline Gate: (not shown) Need 3, 4.1 & 5 Metric 4 & 5
EDGE™ Economic Potential
EDGE™ Related Engineering Specifications Metric 1: Percentage of cookies with excess packages (currently 95%) Scale must be capable of measuring 397 +25 grams accurately Scale resolution must be <= 1 gram Scale response time (settling time) must be <=0.5 seconds Drop-chute must switch between weigh stations in < 0.5 seconds Angle of drop-chute must be at a great enough incline in order to prevent backlog of cookies on chute 1.Tested at 15, 25, 30, 35 degrees Scale must be able to send signal to board when correct weight is achieved 1.Scale has a RS232 output signal Metric 6: Accurately separates product for packaging Chute must have an angle of rotation of >=20 degrees Push-rod must be able to clear the scale in ~ 7.5 seconds Drop-off ramp must have an angle >= 30 degrees Metric 7: Throughput Sifter bar must move at 60 cycles per second Sifter bar must have teeth with width of at least 0.25 inches Sifter bar must have spacing areas of 2.5 inches The funnel must have an angle of 30 degrees or less The chute must have an angle of 30 degrees
EDGE™ Overall System
EDGE™ Sifting Bar System
EDGE™ Tunnel System
EDGE™ Drop Chute System
EDGE™ Weigh Station System
EDGE™ Material Comparison and Selection SIFTER BAR DIMENSIONS*13" x 3" x.25" VOLUME US (in^3)9.8 Metric (cm^3)159.8 MATERIALMASS (g) Polycarbonate191.7 Stainless Steel1254.2 HDPE151.8 Polypropylene145.4 PUSH-ROD WALL DIMENSIONS*10" x 1.25" x.25 " VOLUME US (in^3)3.1 Metric (cm^3)51.2 MATERIALMASS (g) Polycarbonate61.5 Stainless Steel402.0 HDPE48.6 Polypropylene46.6 DROP CHUTE VOLUMEin^3cm^3 US (in^3)21.1V14.065.5 Metric (cm^3)344.9V23.049.2 MATERIALMASS (g)V35.386.9 Polycarbonate413.9V40.812.3 Stainless Steel2707.8V58.0131.1 HDPE327.7 Polypropylene313.9
EDGE™ Electronic System Overview Altera DE2-70 FPGAStepper Motor DriversBipolar Stepper Motors Scales Rotate Chute Clear Scale 1 Clear Scale 2 This is a top level view of each component that the FPGA will be controlling In the following slides each component will be covered in depth Move Sifter
EDGE™ Board Selection DE2-70 is a flexible adaptable control device. User friendly with great support from Altera. Interfaces with each device and has expandability. Able to incorporate an interactive interface. Low cost for the amount, and quality of components. Comes with; Power supply, Programming software, programming cables, extra cables.
EDGE™ Board Selection (Cont…) Over view of board specifications and what is included for our primary purposes. Cyclone II FPGA Two 32 Mbyte SDRAM 8 Mbyte Flash Memory 50 Mhz oscillator USB host/slave configurations RS232 Ethernet Two 40 pin expansion headers Miscellaneous other de-bug help devices on the board and in the software. Motor control and weight interface Interfaces with RS232 or USB for weight stations. Also can interface with Ethernet which is an option on weight stations. 40 pin expansion headers have an output voltage of 3.3V TTL logic and a current max of 4mA load off the FPGA. Which interfaces with the motor drivers input requirements. Other Reasons for choosing board. EE’s have familiarity with Altera components and their support; which allows for faster use of board and more functionality to be implemented.
EDGE™ Power Supply Selection Lambda HWS50-12/A 12 Volt, 4.2A, AC to DC supply Protects against over current by 104% or greater of designed current value. Immunity to stepper voltage and current fluctuation Referred to this product by a sales rep at Arrow Gary Fredricks.
EDGE™ Weighing Station Scale Doran 7000XL series 10” x 10” x 2” high. Max load of either 4.5kg or 2.3kg depending on model. Resolution of 0.5g with the 2.3kg max and 1g with the 4.5kg max. 1000% overload protection with NEMA4X and IP69K washdown protection. 6 Digit red LED display 304 Stainless Steel 115VAC 50/60Hz power required Cost for scale is attached in quote package Communication Interface Options. RS232, USB, and washdown Ethernet. Speeds correlating to each connection are RS232 115.2kbps, USB 2.0 480Mbps, and Cat 5e Ethernet 1Gbps. Options available for this series are chosen as such either USB, RS232, or Ethernet. There can only be one connection per weight station with this series.
EDGE™ Stepper Motor Driver (EasyDriver V3) Chopper microstepping driver based on the Allegro A3967 driver chip Very flexible board, can control a broad range of stepper motors Allegro A3967 data sheet: EasyDriver V3 schematic: Designed to operate bipolar stepper motors in full-, half-, quarter-, and eighth-step modes, with output drive capability of 30 V and ±750 mA By simply inputting one pulse on the STEP input the motor will take one step (1.8 degrees), to increase the speed of the motor, the frequency of the step inputs in increased By inputting a low or high on the DIRECTION pin will determine the direction of rotation of the motor Inputs: Step Input – digital logic pulses 0V to 5V supplied by board Direction – digital logic 0V to 5V supplied by board Power – 6V to 30V DC supplied by AC to DC adapter Output: Excitation of motor coils to correctly turn rotor the desired number of steps
EDGE™ Stepper Motor (Jameco Valuepro 39BYG401A-R) Inputs: Motor Coil A – Signal supplied by stepper driver Motor Coil B – Signal supplied by stepper driver Power – 12VDC supplied by AC to DC adapter Output: Precise rotation of the rotor corresponding to inputs 12VDC, 400mA, Step Angle 1.8 degrees, 2100 g-cm torque Jamco Valupro Stepper Motor datasheet: The current needed by the stepper is within the 150-750mA current range of the stepper driver The rotor speed and position can be programmed and is adjustable Can easily be controlled by the driver board, it will provide enough torque to meet the chute and scale clearing specs (on next slide)
EDGE™ Motor Torque Calculations Torque required to push cookies off scale Force due to friction: Normal Force: (Assuming max weight on scale is 500g) (Coefficient of friction for stainless steel is 0.35) Torque: (Assume max gear radius of 2in (0.508m)) Newton meters to gram centimeters: Torque required to rotate chute (insignificant) Moment of Inertia: (Using rectangular plate formula for easier calculation) To rotate chute in less than 0.5s (max rotation 30 deg) need angular acceleration:
EDGE™ Bill of Materials Product NumberVendorProduct Desc.QuantityList Price Total Part PriceLead Time 3005XLDoranDoran 10"x10"x2" weigh scale2$1,000.00$2,000.00<2 weeks 2342K81 McMaster- Carr Perma-Lube Steel Ball Bearing - ABEC-1 Double Sealed, No. R2 for 1/8" Shaft Dia, 3/8" OD6$12.45$74.70<1 week 97395A525 McMaster- Carr Type 316 Stainless Steel Dowel Pin 3/8" Diameter, 1-1/4" Length3$2.82$8.46<1 week 6007K36 McMaster- CarrHardened Precision Tubular Shaft 1" OD,.6" ID, 12" Length1$40.50 <1 week 90631A411 McMaster- Carr Znc-Pltd Grade 2 Stl Nylon-Insert Hex Locknut 10-32 Thread Size, 3/8" Width, 15/64" Height1$2.60 <1 week 99154A390 McMaster- Carr 18-8 SS Low Profile Precision Shoulder Screw Slotted Head, 1/4" Shldr Dia, 1/2" L Shldr, 10-32 Thrd1$5.77 <1 week N/AWegmansWegmans Mini-Chocolate Chip Cookies 397g10$1.30$13.00<1 week 57655K34 McMaster- Carr Molded Nylon 14-1/2 Deg Angle Spur Gear 32 Pitch, 16 Teeth, 0.5" Pitch Dia, 3/16" Bore2$3.00$6.00<1 week 57655K62 McMaster- Carr Molded Nylon 14-1/2 Deg Angle Spur Gear Rack, 32 Pitch, 3/16" Face Width, 3/16" H O'all, 1'L2$4.63$9.26<1 week 97633A200 McMaster- Carr Black-Phosphate Steel External Retaining Ring for 1/2" Shaft Diameter1$8.56 <1 week 7528A13 McMaster- CarrWeld-on #3 Cement for Acrylics 1 Pint Can2$12.77$25.54<1 week
EDGE™ Bill of Materials (Cont…) Product NumberVendorProduct Desc.QuantityList Price Total Part PriceLead Time P0304 Terasic Technologi esAltera DE2-70 Development and Education Board1$599.00 <1 week M-200- ROB-08368 Trossen RoboticsEasyDriver V3 Stepper Motor Driver4$14.95$ 59.80<1 week 237472 Jameco ValueproMOTOR,STEP,12VDC/.4A, 2100 GM-CM4$21.49$85.96<1 week 8585K33 McMaster- CarrPolycarbonate Round Tube 3-1/2" OD, 3-1/4" ID, Clear1$15.29 <1 week 8585K17 McMaster- CarrPolycarbonate Round Tube 1-3/4" OD, 1-1/2" ID, Clear1$7.66 <1 week 8574K55 McMaster- CarrPolycarbonate Sheet 1/4" Thick, 24" X 24", Clear6$33.89$203.34<1 week HWS50- 12/A Arrow Electronics AC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 12V 4.3A1$130.58 <1 week N/A Miscellaneous Components (Resistors, Capacitors, etc.)1$100.00 N/A Total$3,396.02
EDGE™ Risk Assessment RiskSeverityProbabilityOverallContingency Plan Team won't have enough time to create to entire prototype 5420 Create only a fourth of the working prototype Long lead times on ordered parts may push prototype production back 4312 Order parts by week 11, Set up meeting with Wegmans after detailed design review to arrange the ordering of all long lead time materials Weighing technology does not meet expectations 428 Extensively research alternative weighing devices, spend more money on improved weighing device Insufficient funds to produce full design 515 Create only a fourth of the working prototype, perform economic analysis to demonstrate the savings that could be realized from investing in this project Mechanical and Electrical systems don’t interface well with each other 5315 Be aware of the interface between the two, constant communication between electrical and mechanical engineers Cookies don’t get pulled by incline gate 339Replace incline gate with conveyor Incline gate does not switch up133Replace incline gate with conveyor Cookies get stuck in tunnel section5525 Use sifting bar to put cookies into lines which can be more easily handled by the tunnels
EDGE™ Risk Assessment (Cont…) RiskSeverityProbabilityOverallContingency Plan Weigh station doesn’t push out cookies quickly enough 339 Use alternative pushing method instead of push rods, use air at a high pressure Chutes don’t switch quickly enough5315 Use one weigh station and close chute while cookies back up Settling time is too long5315 Purchase scales with a short settling time Chute doors don’t open/close at right time 339 Prioritize electrical-mechanical interfacing issues Conveyor failure5315Create emergency stop switch Difficulty controlling push rod using motors 428 Use air compression to control push rod Force of cookies falling on scale from chute gives a false reading on scale 3515 Take an average of the weight samples when deciding when to push cookies out of weigh station Importance Scale: 1 through 5 1 = Consequences from risk have little effect on the cookie line’s flow 5 = Consequences from risk halt the entire cookie line or project
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