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CSE 491 – HCI Midterm feedback October 16, 2007 E. Kraemer.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 491 – HCI Midterm feedback October 16, 2007 E. Kraemer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 491 – HCI Midterm feedback October 16, 2007 E. Kraemer

2 I think this course is moving … Too fast (3) About right (22) HCI too fast / Java too slow (1)

3 I’d like to spend more class time on… Viewing cases and suggesting changes Details {steps, list} Design and Evaluation Use cases and example Analyzing good and bad interfaces Actual examples of UIs as they pertain to examples in class GUI designs, why they’re so hard

4 More time on … (cont’d) How to improve designs Examples and designing interfaces How to prepare for designs Designs of UI Practical applications and feedback User design; specifically analyzing what makes a good program good – Show us Turbo Tax! UI Design

5 More time on … Java and GUI design How to make effective GUIs in Java Using Java Java/NetBeans

6 More time on … Learning to understand users Specific details and examples related to the psychology of the user How users think

7 More time on … Covering some topics more in depth Reviewing test questions Class discussions

8 I’d like to spend less time on … Java Learning Java, or more. The amount we spent wasn’t very useful. Java Java programming Java implementation details

9 Less time on … Covering the breadth of information (too many topics covered for too brief time) Psychology of HCI Definitions and memorization of ideas Psychology Things that are completely obvious(contrast, colors) Word –lingo Discussing affordances

10 Suggestions Stress the important components. There is too much content to remember in extreme detail. Teach lots of generalities or few specificities.

11 Suggestions More in class activities. Those are interesting and help drive home the material. More interactive in class activities. Show more examples of designs. More of designing interfaces from scratch so we may know where to start and information about validating interfaces.

12 Suggestions More examples of good GUI designs. More demonstrations, participation and interaction with the class.

13 Suggestions Reduce amount of material and cover important topics thoroughly. More dialogues and discussions rather than just slide after slide of theories. Also, cut back questions on exam – my hand really hurts. ;-) Less memorization for the exam. ;-)

14 Suggestions Stress key terms and principles in addition to just core concepts. Allow more in-depth understanding of material. Possibly spend a little more time on key points or issues during lecture. Discuss the scope of projects.

15 Suggestions We get a more clear and concise study guide for the final exam.

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