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Athens, 14 September 2007 Moving from traditional working methods to a culture of information sharing Luisa Arana Rueda Director - Training and Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Athens, 14 September 2007 Moving from traditional working methods to a culture of information sharing Luisa Arana Rueda Director - Training and Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens, 14 September 2007 Moving from traditional working methods to a culture of information sharing Luisa Arana Rueda Director - Training and Development Department

2 AGRICULTURAL AGE INDUSTRIAL AGE Work Land Capital Knowledge Work Land Capital Knowledge Work Land Capital Knowledge AGE OF KNOWLEDGE The age of Knowledge

3 New customers New suppliers New competitors Market globalization INDUSTRIAL AGE AGE OF KNOWLEDGE New products Flexibility in Production lines Automation of works New services Technological development Product to be managed Foreign currency Amount of available information AGRICULTURAL AGE The age of Knowledge

4 Learning faster than the competitors (intangible assets) = the only long-term sustainable competitive advantage. The age of Knowledge Speed of changes in the environment Availability to access the information (continual innovation to meet such a competitive environment) (market without borders, new markets, new competitors) New products and services Globalization of the economy

5 Common behaviour pattern, followed by every person and group making up an organization, which favours: Finding, specifying, distributing Knowledge Applying knowledge Organizational learning* New Corporate Culture * The organizational learning is the process by which the organizations transform information into knowledge, spread it and exploit it to improve their innovative and competitive capacity

6 Environmental Requirements ValuesBeliefsPoliciesPrinciplesNecessitiesExpectations Rules Ways of thinkingfeeling Behaviours Results Corporate Culture Strategy Structure Systems Management style HHRR policy Learning “Learned way of perceiving, thinking and feeling, sharing and transmitting” (Schein, 1984)

7 Limited distribution of information Vertical and hierarchical structure Responsibility associated to the direction Based on Rules Aversion to risk Specific training plans Retaining Knowledge Low cultural awareness Broad distribution of information Horizontal, agile, dynamic structure Shared responsibility Based on Principles Tendency to assume risks Continuous learning policy Sharing and using knowledge Organizational culture receptive to the environment Individual managementParticipating management Leadership based on hierarchyLeadership based on skills Limited internal communicationContinuous and clear communication New Corporate Culture

8 Culture centred on the development and comfort of the person Knowledge Management Skills Management Satisfaction of people New Corporate Culture

9 is a new management model which involves all the members of an organization, based on basics pillars such as: Knowledge Management HHRR ManagementInformation ManagementUse of ICT is generating knowledge, collecting, sharing and applying it to manage the organization with actions which generate added value and improve the efficiency in all its areas is generating knowledge, collecting, sharing and applying it to manage the organization with actions which generate added value and improve the efficiency in all its areas

10 Improving the intellectual capital Creating a culture of improving and learning Transforming the individual knowledge into corporate competencies Aligning the motivation with the objectives and corporate success Emphasizing the role of the person as the engine of the INNOVATION Objectives Knowledge Management


12 Skills -TO KNOW HOW TO- Knowledge -TO KNOW- Successful fulfillment Behaviours/Conducts -COMPETENCIES- (way of acting and/or reacting) Attitudes -TO WANT AND TO BE ABLE TO- Skills Management Definition Combination of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes which, in different doses, result in behaviours which lead to the success of the work

13 Development of people under the approach of Skills Management Catalogue of skills Required skills Required skills Existing skills Existing skills Development of Skills Plans Skills Management GAP

14 Changes, innovation and creativity Organization and working environment Professional development and appreciation Resources assignmen t Listening to every group of interest Worrying about people Image of the organization in the society Personal fulfillment Satisfaction of people Communicatio n

15 Conclusions HHRR are the fundamental resources of the organizations, as they are bearers of knowledge, abilities, … which help the organization to hold a place, either favourable or not, in the market. The culture of the organization must facilitate sharing every kind of knowledge which implies achieving the objetives as effectively as possible.

16 INNOVATION comes from knowledge KNOWLEDGE resides in people PEOPLE generate INNOVATION People and organizations KNOWLEDGE and LEARNING: DECISIVE FACTOR FOR COMPETITIVITY Conclusions

17 Luisa Arana Rueda Director- Training and Development Department Tfno. 95 446 80 10 Fax: 95 446 04 07 C/ Leonardo da Vinci, 2 Isla de La Cartuja 41092 Sevilla España Thanks for your attention

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