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State of the College 2009 Victor H. Matthews, Dean.

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1 State of the College 2009 Victor H. Matthews, Dean

2 CHPA Annual Budget = $9,543,567.87 $9,159,004 is set aside for salaries and benefits $384,564 is set aside for operations and equipment There is an estimated $955,979 in one-time monies available and $50,508 in recurring salary savings. Budget Update 7/14/20152CHPA

3 From the $955,979 the College will fund items including: Summer School ($109,907) Per Course and One-time Hires ($205,658) Travel and Operations for Dean’s Office ($87,675 including $32,127 Capital Outlay for computer replacement) New Hire Summer Research Stipends ($24,000) Recruiting and Faculty Hiring ($40,000) Development Efforts ($5,000) Research Opportunities ($50,000) Program Directors ($35,000) Sabbaticals ($25,000) Grant Writing Incentive ($10,000) Dean’s Fellows ($10,000) Budget CHPA37/14/2015

4 DepartmentUndergraduate MajorsGraduate Majors ANT11217 CRM36330 DSS---63 ECO61 HST30562 PHI36 PLS19655 REL6523 SOC106 TOTAL1244250 Number of Majors CHPA47/14/2015

5 Economics – Asst. Prof. Econometrics History – Asst. Prof. Asian History Asst. Prof. Social Studies/American HST Political Science – Middle East (Endowed Chair) Criminology – Asst or Assoc Prof. Criminal Justice Instructors in Anthropology and Philosophy Hiring Plan – Anticipated Searches CHPA57/14/2015

6 Two External Reviewers Visit History in October 2009 Dr. Michael Galgano, James Madison University Dr. Timothy Hall, Central Michigan University External Review CHPA67/14/2015

7 Economics Department prepares for external review visit in fall 2010 ( rogramReviewInstructions.pdf): 1. Self Study written and approved by June 1, 2010 2. External reviewers nominated and approved by Dean and Provost rogramReviewInstructions.pdf External Review CHPA77/14/2015

8 The college will engage in continuous exploration of the human dimension and will provide the basic academic foundation for learning, discovery and engagement in its disciplines. Vision Statement 7/14/20158CHPA

9 The College of Humanities and Public Affairs helps students to understand social, political and legal structures, ethical principles, religious traditions, and economic institutions and practices within a global, historical, and contemporary context. CHPA presents the concepts contained in the university’s Public Affairs mission and applies them to real-world problems and situations so that our students will be better prepared to become citizens and leaders. Mission Statement 7/14/20159CHPA

10 Student Success Community Engagement Research and Scholarship Global Perspective Central Themes 7/14/201510CHPA

11 Recruitment, Retention, and Access Enhanced Advisement Efforts Enrollment Management Analysis Student Success 7/14/201511CHPA

12 Associate Dean, Pam Sailors, appointed College Director of Enrollment Management Services. 1. Work with the Department Heads on their strategic planning. 2. Work with Department Heads and Program Coordinators to insure that there are direct lines of communication with the Dean’s Office on advisement matters, enrollment management, and recruiting efforts. 3. Serve on the University Marketing and Recruitment Committee. Recruitment and Retention Efforts 7/14/201512CHPA

13 4. Chair the CHPA committee on student success and retention. A representative from each Department sits on this committee and serves as the recruitment and retention coordinator for their Department. 5. Assist in the selection and training of advisement specialists. Initially, these will be in CRM, HST BS Ed, and PLS. Each of these advisement specialists will begin their work in fall 2009 and will provide extended office hours and meet with students by appointment. Recruitment and Retention Efforts 7/14/201513CHPA

14 ScholarshipsTotal Number AwardedTotal Amount Awarded CHPA8$37,000 ECO6$4,100 HST13$11,350 PHI3$2,250 PLS11$16,050 REL14$13,200 SOC/ANT/CRM7$7,800 Total62$91,750 CHPA Scholarships – 2009-2010 CHPA147/14/2015

15 The College will work closely with Gary Rader and the staff of Missouri State On-Line ( to meet the growing student demand for on-line education. The College will work closely with the Office of Adult Services ( to insure that curricular needs of evening and non-traditional students are met. Course sequence information will be placed on Dept websites & information on three and four years degree programs ( Access Efforts 7/14/201515CHPA

16 ModalitySections FA 08 Sections FA 09 Fall 08 SCH Fall 09 SCH % 09/08 Evening66 Sections58 Sections4040377193.3% On-Line9 Sections16 Sections8431422168.7% Telecourse7 Sections 721916127% Teaching Modalities CHPA167/14/2015

17 Enrollment projections are based on: (1) past enrollment history, (2) the numbers of majors and minors, (3) growth in the Global Studies major and Area Studies minors, (4) curricular changes, and (5) the university’s trends in admission of new students and transfer students. Current CHPA fall 2009 enrollment (36,432 on 8-27-09) stands at 111.4% of projected figures. Enrollment Management 7/14/201517CHPA

18 DeptFA 08FA 09FA 10FA 11 ANT 1884190020002200 CRM 2384260028003000 DSS 423450550600 ECO 4920420045004700 HST 7052620064006600 MIL 337340350360 PHI 2409250026002700 PLS 5560570059006100 REL 5266500052005400 SOC 3866300031003200 Area St 762800850900 Total 34,822326903425035760 % Change -6.1%-1.7%+2.7% Projected Enrollments – Fa 09 to Fa 11 7/14/201518CHPA

19 DeptFA 06FA 07FA 08FA 09% 09/08 ANT 18841915101.6% CRM 23842844119.3% DSS 306408423471111.3% ECO 487247284879471096.5% HST 6906695270527140101.2% MIL 213310337445132% PHI 2682246424092802116.3% PLS 6259686355606511116.9% REL 5467493852755418102.7% SOC 3866325884.3% SOC/ANT/CRM 798285028146801798.4% Area St 831696765918120% Total 35,51835,86134,84636,432104.5% Total SCH in CHPA (as of August 27, 2009) 7/14/201519CHPA

20 Approximately 61.2% of CHPA total SCH is based on General Education courses. Delaware Numbers that provide a ratio of FTE to SCH are heavily dependent on GE enrollments in all CHPA departments except CRM, MIL, and DSS. General Education Courses 7/14/201520CHPA

21 Course FA 08FA 09% 09/08 AAS 100 222273123% ANT 100 20120099.5% ANT 125 12110885.9% ECO 155 807743*92.1% GST 170 3133106.4% HST 103 157246156.7% HST 104 28523582.4% HST 121 63549277.5% HST 122 72472399.9% PHI 105 9096106.7% CourseFA 08FA 09% 09/08 PHI 110378 407107.7% PHI 115213 268125.8% PLS 1011174 1426121.5% REL 100648 691*106.6% REL 101171 181*105.8% REL 102163 168103.1% REL 131238 23699.2% REL 210290 28397.6% SOC 150703 61387.2% CHPA7251 7422102.3% General Education Courses (as of 8/27/09) 7/14/201521CHPA

22 Undergraduate Upper Division Courses – fa06 to fa09 7/14/201522CHPA DEPTFA06FA07FA08FA09%09/08 ANT20025028327898.2% CRM648661662790*119.3% ECO25323332826681.1% HST429373479569118.8% PHI128110135164121.5% PLS459514505477**94.4% REL183148190199104.7% SOC58359756346983.3% CHPA2883288631453212102.1%

23 DEPTFA06FA07FA08FA09%09/08 ANT57165289.5% CRM191282147.6% DSS276333423471111.3% ECO242290249294118.1% HST384422335366109.2% PHI33290-- PLS665668660687104.1% REL219136120138115% SOC360-- SOC/ANT/CRM 32175 284 447157.4% CHPA 18512026 2080 2403115.5% SCH in Graduate Courses – fa06 to fa09 7/14/201523CHPA

24 New focus in Public Sociology will provide opportunities for internships, practicums, and faculty research. Promote the use of the CSSPPR and the Bureau of Economic Research as resources for community and government agencies. Create partnerships with local governmental and non- governmental agencies, businesses, museums, libraries, national parks, and civic organizations. Use the Dean’s Advisory Council to assist with community relations and fund raising. Community Engagement CHPA247/14/2015

25 CSSPPR at Work CHPA257/14/2015

26 G.W. Carver Conference CHPA267/14/2015

27 History Day Competition CHPA277/14/2015

28 History Bowl Competition CHPA287/14/2015

29 Missouri Archaeology Quest CHPA297/14/2015

30 Research & Scholarship Digital Measures Reporting 7/14/201530CHPA YearJournal Articles Book Chapters BooksPapers Read 2007351711125 200826209116

31 New Faculty Members will discuss their research this fall in STRO 203: Sept 16, Bethany Walker, 3:30-4:30 Oct 22, Ralph Shain, 3:30-4:30 Nov 5, David Johnson, 3:30-4:30 Dec 3, Julia Watts Belser, 3:30-4:30 CHPA Research Forum CHPA317/14/2015

32 Joseph, Robert, Countering WMD: The Libyan Experience. National Institute Press, 2009. Payne, Keith, The Great American Gamble: Deterrence Theory and Practice from the Cold War to the Twenty-First Century. National Institute Press, 2008. Gutzke, David, ed. Britain and Transnational Progressivism. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Nelson, Eric and Alison Forrestal, eds. Politics and Religion in Early Bourbon France. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Connor, George and Christopher Hammons, eds. The Constitutionalism of American States. U. of MO Press, 2008. Berkwitz, Steve, et al, eds. Buddhist Manuscript Cultures. Routledge, 2009. Ondetti, Gabriel. Land, Protest, and Politics: The Landless Movement and the Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil. Penn State U. Press, 2008. Patel, Kant and Mark E. Rushefsky. Health Care in America: Separate and Unequal. M. E. Sharpe, 2008. Rutherford, Ken. Humanitarianism Under Fire: The US and UN Intervention in Somalia. Kumarian Press, 2008. Matthews, Victor H. More than Meets the Ear: Understanding the Hidden Contexts of Old Testament Conversations. Eerdmans, 2008. Meadows, Bill. Kiowa Ethnogeography. University of Texas Press, 2008. Recent CHPA Books CHPA327/14/2015

33 33Office/Departme

34 Archaeological Field School in Colorado 7/14/201534CHPA

35 Archaeological Field School - Missouri 7/14/201535CHPA

36 Area Studies Minors Global Studies Major Masters in Global Studies (accelerated masters) International Speakers and Conferences on MSU Campus Fulbright Scholars Study Away Opportunities Global Perspective CHPA367/14/2015

37 CHPA377/14/2015 CHPA Fulbright Scholars Hickey (PLS) Berkwitz (REL) Llewellyn (REL) Rutherford (PLS) Abidogun (HST) Walker (HST)

38 Study Away Trip to Kenya CHPA387/14/2015

39 Fieldwork in Jordan CHPA397/14/2015

40 Excavations in Israel CHPA407/14/2015

41 Diabetes Project in Mexico CHPA417/14/2015

42 Bluefields, Jamaica Project CHPA427/14/2015

43 Model UN Day CHPA437/14/2015

44 CAR Trinidad Research Project CHPA447/14/2015

45 Please send questions or comments to: Questions/Comments CHPA457/14/2015

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