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Methods Sensitive to Free Radical Structure Resonance Raman Electron-Spin Resonance (ESR) or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)

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Presentation on theme: "Methods Sensitive to Free Radical Structure Resonance Raman Electron-Spin Resonance (ESR) or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods Sensitive to Free Radical Structure Resonance Raman Electron-Spin Resonance (ESR) or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)

2 Motivation Absorption spectra of free radical and excited states are generally broad and featureless Conductivity is not species specific Conductivity is additive with respect to ionic content of the cell

3 Specific Vibrations? Now have vibrational spectroscopy in laser flash photolysis, usually in organic solvents Water is a good filter of infrared and masks vibrational features of free radicals Raman is weak, second-order effect What about Resonance Enhanced Raman?

4 Medium Emergent light +-+- EiEi Incident light s = 0 0 s = 0  mn s Scattered light Raman Rayleigh LIGHT SCATTERING P i = α ij E j P = Induced electric dipole moment E = Electric field of the electromagnetic radiation α ij = Elements of polarizability tensor G.N.R. Tripathi

5 I mn = Const. I 0 ( 0  mn ) 4  I (   ) mn I 2  (   ) mn = (1/h)  M me M en / ( em  0 + i  e ) e + non-resonant terms ee nn mm mn em 0 ENHANCEMENT OF RAMAN SCATTERING (via α ij ) Probability Amplitude G.N.R. Tripathi

6 RESONANCE RAMAN em >> 0 Normal Raman em - 0 ~ 0 Resonance Raman |(   ) mn  2 = Const. × (M me M en ) 2 /  2 Enhancement up to 10 7 -10 8 Pulse radiolysis time-resolved resonance Raman Identification, structure, reactivity and reaction mechanism of short-lived radicals and excited electronic states in condensed media Relevance: Theoretical chemistry, chemical dynamics, biochemistry,,paper and pulp-industry, etc. G.N.R. Tripathi

7 1000120013001400 Raman shift (cm -1 ) [Ru(bpy) 2 dppz] 2+ bound to DNA NO DNA present 2,2’- bipyridyl dppz = dipyridophenazine

8 Two-slit experiment

9 Selection Rules for the Amplitudes of Transitions Electronic Transition Elements (Dipole allowed) Franck-Condon Factor For Resonance enhancement both must be non-zero

10 Relationship to Radiationless Transitions and Absorption dP(nm)/dt = (4 2 /h) |V mn | 2 FC (E m ) This is a probability. Quantum mechanics usually calculates amplitudes which are “roughly the square root” (being careful about complex numbers) Taking the square root, shows that the amplitudes for radiationless transitions are first-order in the interaction V Likewise, simple absorption and spontaneous emission are first-order processes with regard to an interaction V rad


12 Connection to Wavefunctions So we can use the path integral to see how one non-stationary state (f) at time t a propagates into another  at time t b In terms of the stationary states of the system

13 Expansion of part of exponential for small potentials Putting this back into the Amplitude K v (b,a) gives a perturbation expansion of the path integral

14 Interpretation of First Term Represents propagation of a free particle from (x a,t a ) to (x b,t b ) with no scattering by the potential V a b

15 Second Term

16 Interpretation of Second Term x t tbtb tctc tata a c b Particle moves from a to c as a free particle. At c it is scattered by V[x(s),s] = V c. After it moves as a free particle to b. The amplitude is then integrated over x c, namely over all paths.

17 Physical Meaning of 2 nd Term Represents propagation of a particle from (x a,t a ) to (x b,t b ) that may be scattered once by the potential at (x c,t c ) V a b c

18 Interpretation of Third Term Represents propagation of a particle from (x a,t a ) to (x b,t b ) that may be scattered twice by the potential, once at (x(s),s) and once at (x(s),s) V a b

19 Selection Rules (A-term) A-term: Condon approximation - the transition polarizability is controlled by the pure electronic transition moment and vibrational overlap integrals The A-term is non-zero if two conditions are fulfilled: (i) The transition dipole moments [   ] ge 0 and [   ] eg 0 are both non-zero. (ii) The products of the vibrational overlap integrals, i.e. Franck-Condon factors, are non-zero for at least some values of the excited state vibrational quantum number.

20 Consideration of Franck-Condon Factors = 0 orthogonal  0 Non-symmetric Or Symmetric Totally Symmetric Vibrational Mode Totally Symmetric Vibrational Mode  0

21 Why must these modes totally symmetric vibrations? H g (Q) = Q g + (k/2)Q 2 H e (Q) = Q g +  Q + (k/2)Q 2 All terms in the Hamiltonian must be totally symmetric, Therefore, the displacement  Q must also be totally symmetric

22 G.N.R. Tripathi




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