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1 CSE1301 Computer Programming: Introductory Lecture.

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1 1 CSE1301 Computer Programming: Introductory Lecture

2 2 People Involved Lecturers –Linda M c Iver, Building 26 (130) –Kymberly Fergusson, Building 26 (107) Assistant lecturer –Ms Rose Turi, Building 26 (G21) Tutors Demonstrators

3 3 Overview Computer Systems Simple Boolean Algebra Algorithms Control Structures Data Structures Structured Programming: C Software Engineering Principles Numerical Computing

4 4 Course Materials Introductory Notes Lecture Notes Practicals (Lab) Notes Available in your first practical class Tutorial Exercise Sheets Available in your first tutorial class

5 5 Textbooks Prescribed: –Deitel & Deitel, C How to Program, Prentice Hall 2000 Recommended: –Brookshear, J.G., Computer Science: An Overview, Benjamin-Cummings 2000 – Forouzan, B.A and Gilberg, R.F., Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, Brooks/Cole 2001 –theStyle: A Guide to Writing Better C Programs –References listed in the Introductory Notes

6 6 Timetable Synopsis Lectures –Wednesday 10am, H2 –Thursday 12pm, S5 –Friday 9 am H4 Practicals/Labs (pracs) –Once/week (starting week 2) (2-3 hours) Tutorials (tutes) –Once/week (starting week 3) (1 hour)

7 7 Practicals 2 hrs/week compulsory (3rd hour optional) At Computer Centre Lab Building (19) Conducted by “Lab Demonstrators” Start week 2 Notes available in first practical class –free, but replacements may be at cost –may also be downloaded from the WWW Advanced questions available

8 8 Prac Requirements Computer account: –username, Authcate password, Novell password –Where? ITS Helpdesk, Campus Centre Bring student ID card Two (blank) floppy disks for every prac

9 9 Software used in Pracs Compiler: Borland C (version 5) Free versions are available:

10 10 Are you repeating 1301? Pracs and Tutes are still compulsory Pracs have CHANGED - so you will have to redo them You should be doing all the work again anyway Make sure you understand now (and pass!)

11 11 Tutorials 1 hour/week compulsory Held in Menzies Building and Building 25 Conducted by “Tutors” Start in Week 3 Notes available in the first tutorial –free, but replacements may be at cost –may also be downloaded from the WWW

12 12 Missed Pracs and Tutorials If you miss a prac or tutorial, you will be marked ABSENT, unless... 1.You attend another prac the same week (provided there is room available) Timetables of other pracs in CSE1301 Web Page 2.You email or –NAME: –ID NUMBER: –DATE OF REPLACEMENT PRAC: –REGULAR PRAC: (time and room) –REPLACEMENT PRAC: (time and room)

13 13 Missed Pracs and Tutorials (cont) If you had an illness or emergency, then If you 1.Obtain Medical Certificate or Police Accident Report 2.Fill out Absentee Form 3.Submit the form and documentation to the General CSSE Office Then Your mark will be changed from ABSENT to SICK

14 14 Missed Pracs and Tutorials (cont) At the end of the semester: –SICK marks are changed to the average of your marks in the pracs you attended, provided you attended pracs worth at least 110 marks –Any missed pracs in excess of 40 marks will receive a mark of 0

15 15 Assessment Mid-semester Test: 10% –August 29, in the lecture Programming Prac Class Assessment: 30% –Hurdle: 13 out of 30 Final exam: 60% –Hurdle: 27 out of 60

16 16 Marks and Hurdles To pass CSE1301 –Your marks must average to at least 50 –You must pass each individual hurdle Failure to meet a hurdle will result in a maximum mark of 44N

17 17 Staff Consultations Linda M c Iver Wed 11-12 and 4-5 pm Kym Fergusson Tue and Fri 10-11 am Rose Turi Tue 1-3 pm

18 18 Getting Help Via Email For help with any aspect of cse1301:

19 19 General: CSSE 1st Year noticeboard (near Enquiries Office, Ground Floor, Bldg 63) WWW specifically Newsgroup: monash.csse.cse1301 Noticeboards

20 20 Language and Learning Officer Harriet Searcy – –Building 26 (room 117) Individual/group consultations and courses LLS offices, 1st Floor, Union Building (Western extension)

21 21 Student Responsibilities regarding Lectures Ask Questions! –We’re not feeding you information –We’re helping you learn Answer Questions! Participate! Turn off your Mobile Phones!!!

22 22 Lecturer Responsibilities Prepare and deliver lectures Start and finish lecture on time –Official start: hour + 0:05 –Official end: hour + 0:55 Advertise: –Consultation hours –Method of assessment

23 23 How is Uni different from school? Studying is your responsibility –You are in charge of Your own learning lecture, prac and tutorial attendance handing in assignments checking whether your marks have been recorded Lecturers are not “teachers”

24 24 Getting Help -- Computer Science Subjects Undergraduate Studies Office: Ms. Karen Fenwick First-Year Coordinator: Dr Graham Farr Course Coordinator: Dr. Sid Ray Associate Head of School (Clayton): A/Prof Trevor Dix For contact details, go to CSSE Web Site, or CSSE General Office.

25 25 Getting Help -- Other Learning and Language Difficulties –Language and Learning Officer: Harriet Searcy –University Counseling Officer (Phone: 9905-3156) Your degree, enrolment or timetabling –Your Faculty’s student advisor (usually at your Faculty Office) Problems of a confidential or personal nature –First-Year Coordinator, Dr Graham Farr –University Counseling Service (Phone 9905-3156)

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