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Education and Training 2020 Peer Learning Activity, Reykjavik 2010 Teacher Educators.

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Presentation on theme: "Education and Training 2020 Peer Learning Activity, Reykjavik 2010 Teacher Educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and Training 2020 Peer Learning Activity, Reykjavik 2010 Teacher Educators

2 2 Why Peer Learning? Member States responsible for organisation and content of education and training systems EU complements their work through:  Lifelong Learning Programme (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo …)‏  ‘Education and Training 2020’ programme of policy cooperation

3 3 Why Peer Learning? European policy cooperation helps Member States meet common challenges by:  developing common principles and goals  benchmarking, mutual monitoring  exchange of experience and good policy practice

4 4 Peer Learning  Peer Learning Working Group  selects priority policy issues to analyse  organises Peer Learning  draws policy conclusions  disseminates policy advice in Member States

5 5  Hear / see different policy examples  Share own experiences and ideas  Question  Scrutinise  Discuss  Reflect … What goes on at a PLA?

6 6  informal  lots of time to d i s c u s s & reflect  opportunity to question stakeholders  mix of small + big group work  dynamic and flexible  requires active participation  focus on policy What goes on at a PLA?

7 7  Synthesis and conclusions  draw conclusions about successful policies  what are the common factors?  what is transferable?  where do we go next?  comments to hosts  Identify your next steps at home  Report back to your representative on Working Group At the end of the PLA

8 8  Working Group adopts report of PLA  National experts disseminate findings within Member States  Commission publishes findings  … … Member States implement reforms  … After the PLA

9 9  Sign the attendance sheet every day  Provide:  reimbursement request form  request same amount as ticket price  travel ticket (showing price)‏  expert identification sheet / sticker  financial identification form  legal identity form  are all docs signed? Bureaucracy

10 Policy issues: Teacher Educators

11 11 Improving Teacher Quality the EU agenda

12 12 Induction Continuous Professional Development Mentoring … A continuum of provision Initial Teacher Education TraineeW o r k i n g T e a c h e r

13 13 Teacher Education systems Systems should be: –adequately resourced –quality assured –coordinated –coherent

14 14 Teacher Education systems  TE courses should –innovate –respond to evolving needs –be evidence-based (based upon research, classroom practice...)‏  TEI/school partnerships –schools as "learning communities"

15 15 Teacher Educators Should have:  high academic standard  solid practical teaching experience  good teaching competences

16 16 Teacher Competences Teachers need  specialist knowledge of subjects and  pedagogical skills to teach them

17 17 Teacher Professional values Teachers:  are reflective practitioners  are autonomous learners  are engaged in pedagogical research; develop new knowledge, innovate  take part in school development  collaborate with colleagues, parents etc  are mobile

18 18 Initial Education HE qualification required for teaching  raise level of qualifications required to teach  qualifications should: –balance research-based studies and teaching practice –have a strong practical component

19 19 Induction of new teachers  All newly qualified Teachers should get sufficient and effective support and guidance in first few years of career…  …professional and personal support

20 20 Mentoring  All teachers need effective personal and professional support (e.g. mentoring) throughout their career  teachers should get “enough support to be effective”

21 21 Continuing Professional Development … a lifelong task Member States need to:  offer sufficient opportunities  provide incentives  increase take-up  improve supply /variety –formal/in /non formal –exchanges, placements

22 22 Continuing Professional Development CPD needs to be:  quality assured  firmly rooted in practice  relevant  tailored to individual needs

23 23 Continuing Professional Development  Teachers to: –continuously review their work, individually and collectively –get regular feedback on performance –get help to identify professional development needs –have a plan to meet development needs

24 24  …  European Commission to 'study existing arrangements in MSs to select, recruit and train Teacher Educators … Policy issues

25 25 Improving Teacher Quality the EU agenda

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