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1 eLearning: China National Policy, and Southwest Normal University Regional Implementation Geping Liu College of Distance Education Southwest Normal University,

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Presentation on theme: "1 eLearning: China National Policy, and Southwest Normal University Regional Implementation Geping Liu College of Distance Education Southwest Normal University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 eLearning: China National Policy, and Southwest Normal University Regional Implementation Geping Liu College of Distance Education Southwest Normal University, China Guoli Liang University of Wisconsin at Whitewater

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3 3 Outline 1. China National Policy 2. e-Learning at Southwest Normal University 3. Technological Platform 4. Instructional Management 5. Student Support Services

4 4 1. China National Policy (1) Strategies (2) Guidelines (3) Recruitment of Students (4) Annual Inspection

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6 6 (1) Strategies  Promote Educational Information  Achieve Educational Resources Sharing  Extend Scope of Higher Education  Build Up Life-long Learning System

7 7 (2) Guidelines  Active Development  Standardized Management  Enhanced Service  Guaranteed Quality

8 8 (3) Recruitment of Students Requirement by Dept. of Education: Distance education programs may only recruit in- service workers. The purpose is to provide the opportunity for continuing education. So far, there are more than 2 million registered students for distance education in China.

9 9 (4) Annual Inspection In China, the Dept. of Education conducts an annual inspection of distance education. This happens at the end of every year; they inspect the quality and policy execution at every distance education college.

10 10 Currently in China, there are two types of universities provide distance education: A.“Central Radio and TV University (CRTVU)” specialize in distance education (only) B.“Traditional” universities provide both on- campus and distance education

11 11 2. eLearning at Southwest Normal University (1) Development (2) Majors (3) Students

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13 13 (1) Development  Preparation: 1999--2000  Establishment: January, 2001  First Enrollment: May 12, 2001  7 cohorts enrolled so far

14 14 (2) Majors Chinese Language English Applied Psychology Physics Math and Applied Mathematics Chemistry Education Teaching Methods  Levels: bachelor and associate  15 majors : Political Science Law Accounting Travel Management Computer Science and Technology Real Estate and Estate management Public Affairs and Management

15 15 (3) Students Currently, the enrollment in the College of Distance Education is more than 32,000 students. More than 10,000 students (in three cohorts) have graduated.

16 16 3. Technological Platform (1) Technology Plan (2) Distance Education Management Platform (3) Online Instructional Platform (4) Satellite Instructional Platform (5) Course Object Development

17 17 (1) Technology Plan The College of Distance Education is based on Satellite and Internet Integration.

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19 19 (2) Distance Education Management Platform includes: (1)Admissions Management (2)Academic Affairs Management (3)Registration Management (4)Instructional Management (5)Statistical Reporting (6)A Search Function

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21 21 (3) Online Instructional Platform The Internet-based Instructional Platform provides students continuous asynchronous instruction and services. Students can login at anytime from any place which has an internet connection, benefit from a variety of resources, and conduct self-paced learning by working on assignments, discussions etc.

22 22 The instructional platform is a 3-level structure. It can be extended based on the students ’ need. The current website can support 3,000 simultaneous students study and it is online 24x7 (twenty four by seven). (3) Online Instructional Platform (cont.)

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24 24 (4) Satellite Instructional Platform The satellite-based broadcast video instructional system takes advantage of broadband via digital satellite and two-way communication via the internet, and provides visual instruction as well as audio and video communication between students and instructors.

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26 26 The bandwidth of each visual instructional channel is 1M, and every sub-satellite station can provide several programs at the same time. Our direct satellite broadcast instructional system can deliver 6 courses simultaneously, which meets the instructional needs. (4) Satellite Instructional Platform (cont.)

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29 29 (5) Course Object Development There are two types of course objects: Web-based course objects and CD-ROM video course objects: A. Web-based course objects include text, images, simulations, audio and video files. They have been developed for 315 courses. B. CD-ROM Video course objects include streaming video and PowerPoint files. They have been developed for more than 300 courses.

30 30 Web-based course Streaming video course

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32 32 4. Instructional Organization includes: (1) Student self-paced learning (textbooks, CDROM and course objects) (2) Satellite based instruction (instructor guided study as well as two-way real-time question & answer) (3) Online assistance (instructor guided study and question & answer) (4) Online assignments

33 33 4. Instructional Organization (cont.) For every course, the college provides 4 types of materials: (1) Textbooks (2) Web-based course objects (3) Video course objects (4) Direct satellite broadcasts

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35 35 5. Student Support Services (1) Resource services (2) Instruction CD-ROMs (3) Online assistance (4) Online BBS forums and discussions (5) Assignments

36 36 5. Student Support Services (cont.) (6) Email (7) Messages (8) Telephone inquiries (9) Study center

37 37 Questions? Suggestions?

38 38 Thank You! E-mail: This file is available at:

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