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Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Application to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography Martin A. Fischler, Robert C. Bolles.

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Presentation on theme: "Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Application to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography Martin A. Fischler, Robert C. Bolles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Application to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography Martin A. Fischler, Robert C. Bolles Artificial Intelligence Center SRI International, CA CPSC 643, Presentation 1 Graphics and Image Processing, Volume 24, Number 6, June 1981.

2 Martin A. Fischler Research Focus Artificial Intelligence, Machine Vision, Switching Theory, Computer Organization, Information Theory B.E.E Degree – City College of New York, NY M.S and PhD – Stanford University, CA Computer Scientist – SRI International in 1977 Published the RANSIC paper firstly in work report of SRI International in 1980 Published the RANSIC paper in Graphics and Image Processing in 1981 Currently working on Visual Odometry and Visual SLAM

3 Computer Vision in 1981 Focused on classification and recognition Science-based (hadn’t gotten to applications yet) Initially focused largely on artificial worlds. Images were hard to come by. 3-D range sensing was almost viewed as cheating. Research was driven by sponsor’s interests. Back to 1981 IBM first PC, 1981 4.77MHz Apple II-Plus, 1981 Max of 64K RAM Adapted from

4 Motivation Least Square Algorithm Optimize the fit of a functional description to ALL of the presented data. Adapted from

5 Motivation Least Square Algorithm Least square is an averaging technique that considers all the presented data, and therefore is sensitive to outliers. Adapted from

6 Motivation Robust Estimator The robust function ρ behaves like squared distance to small r i but saturates to large r i, where r i is the residual of point i w.r.t. model parameters θ, σ is scale parameter. Nonlinear optimization that must be solved iteratively. Least squares solution can be used for initialization. Adapted from

7 Motivation Two types of error Measurement error – inliers Classification error – outliers Existing Problem Least square and robust estimator (initialization) treat inliers and outliers equally, as a whole. Robust estimator tries to extract the outliers in the later iteration, while fitting inliers and extracting outliers should be in the same process. Why not randomly choose data subset to fit – RANSAC.

8 RANSAC Notations U= {x i }set of data points, |U|=N pmodel parameters function f computes model parameters p given a sample S from U the cost function for a single data point x k times of iteration Algorithm Select random set, Compute parameters Compute cost Stop of C k k*

9 RANSAC Example Adapted from

10 RANSAC Example Select data subset Adapted from

11 RANSAC Example Select data subset Calculate model parameters p Adapted from

12 RANSAC Example Select data subset Calculate model parameters p Calculate cost for each data point Adapted from

13 RANSAC Example Select data subset Calculate model parameters p Calculate cost for each data point Select the data that fit the current model Adapted from

14 RANSAC Example Select data subset Calculate model parameters p Calculate cost for each data point Select the data that fit the current model Repeat sampling Adapted from

15 RANSAC Example Select data subset Calculate model parameters p Calculate cost for each data point Select the data that fit the current model Repeat sampling Adapted from

16 RANSAC Example Select data subset Calculate model parameters p Calculate cost for each data point Select the data that fit the current model Repeat sampling Ck k* Adapted from

17 RANSAC How many iterations The average step number k is a function of the sample size m and the fraction of outliers  Choose K so that, with probability p, at least one random sample is free from outliers proportion of outliers, p=0.95 m5%10%20%25%30%40%50% 2235671117 33479111935 435913173472 54612172657146 64716243797293 748203354163588 8592644782721177

18 RANSAC Application: Location Determination Problem Existence proofs of multiple solutions for the P3P, P4P, and P5P problems. An algorithm for solving the general P3P. An algorithm for solving the planar P4P problem. An automatic gross-error filtering technique (RANSAC). Adapted from

19 RANSAC Results: Location Determination Problem Final result (Deviations) X: 0.1 ft Heading: 0.01 O Y: 0.1 ft Pith: 0.10 O Z: 0.1 ft Roll: 0.12 O Adapted from

20 RANSAC Other Applications Adapted from

21 RANSAC Other Applications Adapted from

22 RANSAC Pros Simple and general. Applicable to many different problems. Often works well in practice. Cons Sometimes too many iterations are required. Can fail for extremely low inlier ratios. Lots of parameters to tune. Can’t always get a good initialization of the model. We can often do better than brute-force sampling.

23 1981 Ford F150 For more information please visit the website of 25 Years RANSAC Workshop: END Adapted from http://

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