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UnitingWorld connects you and I to the International Partner Churches of the Uniting Church Everything in Common is a gift catalogue with a difference.

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Presentation on theme: "UnitingWorld connects you and I to the International Partner Churches of the Uniting Church Everything in Common is a gift catalogue with a difference."— Presentation transcript:


2 UnitingWorld connects you and I to the International Partner Churches of the Uniting Church Everything in Common is a gift catalogue with a difference

3 Our own 100% Uniting Church gift catalogue for those in our world living in poverty

4 [Sample text only] On Sunday 5 th & Sunday the 12 th December after church we will hold a Everything in Common GIFT STALL in our foyer

5 Buy your Christmas gifts Get a card for loved ones on the spot A choice of: $10 $20 $35 $50 gifts Note: Visa, Mastercard or Cheque only

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