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Office Designs The Design Process at Work © MS Office Suite.

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Presentation on theme: "Office Designs The Design Process at Work © MS Office Suite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office Designs The Design Process at Work © MS Office Suite

2 You have to start somewhere Once you know something about Architectural Styles, you need to begin thinking about the process of developing a set of plans for a building

3 What do you remember about styles? ? ? ? ? ? Complete this style survey

4 Your next task: Design the Office area of a Business

5 You Will be working with a client Your team will act as an Architectural Design Firm Your teacher will be your client for this design activity You must meet with your “client” and design an office to meet her/his needs

6 You will be working in teams The teacher will divide you up into groups of four (4) or five (5) You will work together on this project

7 Team Design Your teacher will tell you how to break into small teams Assign individual roles to each member: Client Representative Researcher Buyer Design Coordinator(s). © MS Office Suite

8 Your Client Is A business owner Getting ready to design an office area For his/her business

9 The Office may be: The entire business, Or a small portion of the overall business You and your client will make this decision No matter what the business only draw the office

10 Business Type Your team will brainstorm and select a business Can be real, proposed or fictitious Give the business a name Check with your teacher/client for final approval

11 Business Profile Write a Business Profile

12 Business Profile Components

13 Historical Background How long in business? Who started? Previous facility used? Growth patterns? Other?

14 Exit this show and go back to the instructions on the web page

15 Business Philosophy

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