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A Guide to Fitness for Referees. AIM 10 Regional Managers – one for each region of the country and same as the National Game Regions. Each made up of.

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Presentation on theme: "A Guide to Fitness for Referees. AIM 10 Regional Managers – one for each region of the country and same as the National Game Regions. Each made up of."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Guide to Fitness for Referees

2 AIM 10 Regional Managers – one for each region of the country and same as the National Game Regions. Each made up of 2 Area Training Teams (20 in all) whose role is to facilitate the provision of referee training. Each Area Training Team represents 2 or 3 County FA’s. Each Area Training Team has an Area Fitness Training Coordinator – ANDREW RODDA Other members of the Area Training Team include the Regional Manager, The County Training Officer an official of the Referees Committee and a National List Official. A Number of Fitness Training Leaders (Yours Truly) Remember - it is the responsibility of every active referee to attain and maintain a level of fitness appropriate to the level at which they officiate Training is voluntary. No fitness test required to officiate up to and including level 5. Level 4 upwards passing a fitness test is a pre-requisite to promotion Football League – level 11 of the Bleep Test Contributory League – 2700 in 12 minutes, and two 50 m sprints in 7.5 secs To outline recent developments within the refereeing department at the FA as they relate to Referee Fitness


4 DEMANDS OF REFEREEING Research by Liverpool University (1993) Distance covered during game = 9 / 10 km Average heart rate of referee = 165/min Working Rate = 85% Movement – 50% Jogging, 20% Walking, 20% Reverse running, 10% Sprinting

5 WARM UP Not exclusive to players Prepares body for action 1 st Minute as important as the 90 th IMPROVES YOUR PERFORMANCE

6 Gradually increases heart rate Increases elasticity of muscles, tendons & ligaments Improves speed Faster reactions Increased range of movement Reduced risk of injury WHY WARM UP?

7 HOW TO WARM UP 3 PHASES General “all body” Stretching Faster, dynamic actions

8 GENERAL WARM UP Light jogging – 5/10 minutes (e.g. 2 or 3 slow laps of pitch) Involve all the body Extra clothing if necessary

9 STRETCHING 10 second stretch – repeat and relax Don’t “bounce” Hold at point of slight discomfort

10 EXAMPLE STRETCHES Calf Achilles Hamstrings Quads Groin Side Shoulder & Trunk

11 SPECIFIC WARM UP Follows general warm up & Stretches Shorter, faster runs Twists & Changes in direction Short Sprints Approximately 5 minutes Keep warm before kick off

12 WARMING DOWN Return body to normal Gentle stretches – similar to those in warm up Reduces muscle soreness Improves flexibility & recovery IMPROVES YOUR PERFORMANCE

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