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Port Discovery Children’s Museum Baltimore, Maryland.

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2 Port Discovery Children’s Museum Baltimore, Maryland

3 Choosing Port Discovery Port Discovery educates children and ignites their imaginations in an environment that encourages exploration, discovery and learning through interactive play. Children are given the opportunity to see and learn about black history, especially in the month of February when the trip would take place

4 General Information Port Discovery is most appropriate for ages 3-12. My second grade class will fit right in the middle of the age range. Adult - $11.00 Senior - $10.00 Children (3-12) - $8.50 Children (under 3) - Free

5 Classroom Connections Students will be doing a unit on Civil Rights and learning about famous people in history. The museum will provide extra information pertaining to the Civil Rights unit They will also be able to see pictures of the Civil Rights leaders discussed in class

6 At the Museum Special displays for Black History Month- children will be able to visit the displays and connect prior knowledge of famous people learned in class Have fun and get valuable science lessons, learn how TV’s work, see live performances, experiment in the “dream lab” trying to invent.

7 Field Trip Activities Predictions before the trip as to what they expect to find or see at the museum Students will do a mini-report on one person they learned about in the museum and then share the reports with the class Fill out a questionnaire on their favorite/least favorite parts and some things they learned. Follow up discussion after the trip on how it pertained to the current unit

8 Pictures From the Museum


10 Getting There


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