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Refresh your mind.  Introduction  Current situation  External environment  Strategy & plans  Financial analysis  Risk analysis  Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Refresh your mind.  Introduction  Current situation  External environment  Strategy & plans  Financial analysis  Risk analysis  Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refresh your mind

2  Introduction  Current situation  External environment  Strategy & plans  Financial analysis  Risk analysis  Conclusion


4  Health is an issue that people are talking about these days.  The products of “fruitandgo” does not only taste good but they also gives an extra kick of refreshment and helps you to have enough strength through the day.  We are happy to be the first who launch this kind of snack bar in the area of Lisbon.


6  MANAGEMENT TEAM  Managing director – Jan Lensing  The director of finance & administration – Chloé Vervaeck  Operating manager – Daniela Kuhn  Marketing director – Patricia Petronilho  The head of customer service – Elina Mäki  The quality manager – Maciej Borowski

7  Vision  Our vision is to become the best-known snack bar chain in Portugal.  The goal is to make people more aware of the healthy lifestyle and improve their quality of life by offering them not only healthy but also tasty snacks.  In the future the company wants to expand the operations.

8  Mission  The mission is to give the customers refreshing drinks and healthy snacks for reasonable prices.  Values  The main value is to offer high quality products and services to the customers.

9  Current Status  “fruitandgo” is in a start-up situation.  Business organization  “fruitandgo” is a private limited liability company (Ltd = Lda in Portuguese).

10  Products & Services  “fruitandgo” is focused on healthy products.  “fruitandgo” uses fresh fruits as a main ingredient in the products.


12  The Economy  The economy of Portugal is basically focused on service.  Some general facts  GDP normal: $ 223,3 billion  GDP per capital: $ 21.800  Unemployment rate: 8 % (in 2007)  Economic growth: 1,8 %  Inflation rate: 2,4 % (in 2007)

13  Market Analysis  This market is permanently growing.  The bar will be located in Lisbon, near a university.  The main targets are the students and teachers who attend the university.

14 Marketplaces FRUITANDGO Snack bars Fast food chains Cafeteria s BARSBARS Supermarkets 1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level 5th level Restau -rants  Competitors Analysis

15  Competitive Advantages  The biggest advantage is that “fruitandgo” is the first to open such a snack bar in Lisbon.  Thanks to the young management team there is also a good and warm atmosphere in the bars.  Compared to supermarkets the products have better quality and there is a better product selection available.  Competitive pricing.


17  Objectives  Establishing the company on the market  Maximizing the profit  Maximizing the market share

18  Marketing Mix  Place:  The shop will be located close to busy centers in Lisbon (e.g. close to the university, business centers, malls,….).  Price:  We decided to handle a price of € 1,65 for the basic drink in the 1st year.

19  Product  The products of “fruitandgo” are all based on fruits.  Promotion  Pull strategy Posters Flyers Handouts commercials internet-site

20  Business Strategy  The company works with the strategies of : Market penetration Market development  “fruitandgo” wants to start working in a market which is completely new for them.


22  Estimated Costs

23  Breakeven Analysis


25  SWOT ANALYSIS Strenght S1: Young and motivated team S2: Social responsible/Environmentally friendly S3: Consumer orientated S4: Attractive pricing S5: Boosting the local economy through using regional fruits Weaknesses W1: Starter in an existing market W2: Young entrepreneurs W3: The company is not known in Lisbon W4: Low economic power Opportunities O1: Doesn´t exist on the market so far O2: Fresh & healthy drink O3: Health becomes a bigger issue O4: the product has potential O5: the product has a broader target group Threats T1: Copying through competitors T2: big competition on the market T3: supply bottlenecks T4: weather circumstances T5: not enough market growth T6: changing in trends T7: increasing costs for the product/raw materials  SWOT ANALYSIS Strenght S1: Young and motivated team S2: Social responsible/Environmentally friendly S3: Consumer orientated S4: Attractive pricing S5: Boosting the local economy through using regional fruits


27 After the detailed description of our business concept, the analysis of the market and the financials we believe that “fruitandgo” is a very promising project. One of the mains reasons is that there is no competitor on the market so far. Our activities are friendly for the environment. He hope people start thinking about health.

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