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Real-Time Control Architecture for SAUVIM T.W.Kim, J.Yuh, S.K.Choi Autonomous Systems Lab. University of Hawaii, U.S.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-Time Control Architecture for SAUVIM T.W.Kim, J.Yuh, S.K.Choi Autonomous Systems Lab. University of Hawaii, U.S.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-Time Control Architecture for SAUVIM T.W.Kim, J.Yuh, S.K.Choi Autonomous Systems Lab. University of Hawaii, U.S.A.

2 Semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Intervention Missions (SAUVIM)

3 Mechanical Structure  Al 6061  5.8m L  2.1m W  1.8m H  6,500kg (air), -2kg (wet)  Six pressure vessels (33cm inner dia.  46cm long)  1.4m long 7 DOF robot

4 Motion Control System  6 Technodyne 1020 thrusters  2 Technodyne 2010 thrusters  Max Speed : 3 knots  Operating range: 2.7 nautical miles  3 fins with stepper motors

5 Navigation Sensors  300KHz RDI DVL: vehicle speed, attitude, heading  Watson IMU: angular vel. & acc., heading  TCM2: attitude, heading  MSP: attitude, heading  Imagenex : scan sonar  Tritech : pointing sonar

6 Health Monitoring System  Located in each PV  One chip micro-controller (BASIC Stamp II-sx)  Battery voltage  Leakage  Pressure  Humidity  RS485 multi-drop comm.

7 Sonars & Cameras  Two Imagenex 881 scanning sonars (forward & backward): obstacle avoidance, localization, object acquisition  Seven Tritech PA200 range sonars: obstacle avoidance, localization  Six CCD cameras with PC/104+

8 Computer H/W Configuration VME bus DAADIO B/D DAADIO B/D Comm. B/D Nav. CPU I Nav. CPU II PC/104+ (Scan Sonar) PC/104+ (Scan Sonar) PC/104+ (Camera) PC/104+ (Laser) VME bus DAADIO B/D JR3 I/F B/D Res. I/F B/D Nav. CPU I PC/104+ (Camera) Navigation Controller Arm Controller

9 Navigation Controller

10 S/W Architecture  Pros -easy to verify controllability and stability -feasible to evaluate the controller performance

11 S/W Architecture  Cons -lack of flexibility -An attempt to modify some functionality requires significant modification of the whole S/W -long response time -sensor integration/fusion is difficult  Modified Hierarchical Arch. with Sensor Data Bus


13 Task Description Language  Using lex/yacc compiler tools  Easy to use/add/modify  Satisfy the minimum requirements for AUV lang. (1)Numerical operations including arithmetic operations and Boolean operations (2)Motion commands (3)Condition commands (4)Loop commands (5)I/O commands to control specific H/W (6)Application-specific commands such as depth or speed control for AUVs

14 STDL Primitives & Operators  Motion commands : fd, bk, up, dn, movex, movey, movez, moveto, rt, lt, pitch, yaw, roll, fin  I/O commands : on, off, onfor, ain, aout, din, dout  Multi-tasking & Event commands : task, when, every  Arithmetic operators : +, -, *, /, %  Boolean operators : and, or, not, >, =, <=, !=  Loop commands : repeat, endrep, loop, endloop, for, endfor, while, endwhile, stop  Conditional commands : if, else, endif, switch, case, default, break  Miscellaneous commands : proc, endproc, output, define, wait, waituntil, goto, set

15 Concluding Remarks  Real-time distributed H/W & S/W  Modified hierarchical architecture with sensor data bus  SAUVIM Task Description Language for flexible programming  SAUVIM is under test in shallow water  More progress and results are on

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