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NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations Ineke Malsch, Malsch TechnoValuation NanoforumEULA fact finding mission & workshop Brazil, September 2008
Table of contents: 1.The NanoforumEULA project aims and scope 2.Work package 1: Research Visit Grant Scheme 3.Work package 2: events in Mexico and Brazil 4.Follow-up project ICPCNanoNet
Specific Support Action Nanoforum EU Latin America: Project duration 24 months, 1-12-2006 to 30-11-2008; Funding: European Union; Sixth EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development; Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, Knowledge Based Multifunctional Materials and New Production Processes and Devices (FP6, NMP); budget 500,000 euro. Aim: to foster lasting research relations between European research organisations and research organisations in Latin America specialising in nanotechnology.
The NanoforumEULA consortium: UT-MESA+, Enschede, The Netherlands (project coordinator) Malsch TechnoValuation, Utrecht, The Netherlands (technical manager) SUFRAMA, Manaus, Brazil CEA-LETI, MINATEC, Grenoble, France Fraunhofer-IWS, Dresden, Germany UAM, Madrid, Spain IPICyT, Juan Luis Potosi, Mexico
Why NanoforumEULA? UN Millennium Campaign 2000-2015: Reduce poverty worldwide by half, Specified in 8 Millennium Development Goals. NanoforumEULA mainly targets MDG 8: A Global Partnership for Development, By stimulating durable state of the art nanotechnology R&D collaboration between leading Latin American and European nanotechnology research organisations Through developing nanotechnology R&D proposals for funding by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme for RTD
Work package 1: Research Visit Grant Scheme ~20 Latin American researchers, postdocs or PhD students can receive a grant for three months travel, subsistence and research expenses in one of the four nanotechnology research centres in the NanoforumEULA consortium in Europe. Call opened 1 February 2007 and closed 1 June 2007. Publication of selected candidates August 2007, Visits between 15 August 2007 and 1 November 2008.
Work package 1: Research Visit Grant Scheme -29 applications received, 18 men and 11 women -Mexico: 15, Brazil, 5, Argentina and Colombia: 3, Venezuela: 2, Chile: 1. -7 full professors, 12 with PhD; 10 PhD students, 1 lecturer -MESA+: 8, Fraunhofer IWS: 6, MINATEC: 3, UAM: 12
Namepositionemployercountryhostgender Conrado Rosales TorresPhDITESMmexico Fraunhofer IWSm Francis Aviles CetinaprofCICYmexico Fraunhofer IWSm Vivechana AgarwalprofUAEMmexicoMinatecf William Javier HerreraprofUniv. Nacional ColombiacolombiaMinatecm Sandra Denise PradoprofUFRGSbrazilUAMf Yadira Vega-Cantu Resear- cherIPICYTmexicoMinatecf Patricio Toro Estay Resear- cherUniv. de Chilechile Fraunhofer IWSm
Namepositionemployercountryhostgender Sergio Baronlecturer CETAD - La Plata National UnivargentinaMinatecm Guilherme Osvaldo DiasPhDState Univ. CampinasbrazilMinatecm Luis Fernando Rojas- OchoapostdocIPNmexicoUAMm Miztli Yolotzin Yepez MartinezPhDUNAMmexicoUAMm Inga TuzovskayapostdocCCMC-UNAMmexicoMESA+, UTf Juan Carlos Moreno LopezPhDINTECargentinaUAMm Hugo TiznadopostdocCCMC-UNAMmexico Fraunhofer IWSm
Namepositionemployercountryhostgender Jose Alfredo Alvarez- ChavezFellowCIOmexicoMESA+, UTm Edgar Zayago LauAssistantUniv. Autonoma ZacatecasmexicoMESA+, UTm Erika Patricia BrionesPhDIPICYTmexicoMESA+, UTf Hector Calderon Benavides Velumani Subramaniam Prof. IPN ITESM Mexico Minatec MESA+, UT MmMm Arturo Garcia BorquezprofESFM-IPNmexico Fraunhofer IWSm Ana KorolprofUniv. Nac. De RosarioargentinaUAMf
Work package 2: events in Mexico and Brazil: 19-23 August 2007, Cancun, Mexico: XVI IMRC congress, Nanotechnology Symposium 23 August 2007, Cancun, Mexico: NanoforumEULA workshop on Priorities in Nanomaterials Research in Latin America and Europe –cancelled due to Hurricane 24-30 August 2007, Monterrey, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Mexico City: NanoforumEULA fact finding mission Mexico 19-23 November 2008 extra fact finding mission nano in Argentina – Buenos Aires & San Carlos de Bariloche – Ineke Malsch (4-) 7-13 September 2008 Workshop and Fact Finding Mission Brazil
NanoforumEULA fact finding missions: The following aspects have been covered: Priorities in research and tours around labs, National funding and strategy for nanotechnology, Activities in industry, SMEs, foreign companies R&D in Mexico, Innovation, IP, education and training and other relevant policies, Relevant international agreements, especially between Mexico and the EU and European countries, Relevant sectors where nanotech based products can be applied: water purification, (sustainable) energy and environmental technology, agro food.
24 to 30-8-2007, Mexico: NanoforumEULA fact finding mission Mexico: 24-25 August: Monterrey 25-27 August: Guanajuato 27-28 August: San Luis Potosi 28-30 August: Mexico City
4- 7-13 September 2008 Workshop and Fact Finding Mission Brazil: [Workshop 5 September: INMETRO – XEREM, Rio de Janeiro] Workshop 8 September: CTI, Campinas Workshop 9 September: UFMG, Belo Horizonte Workshop 10 September UFPE/RENAMI, Recife 11-13 September MINAPIM Seminar, incl. NanoforumEULA workshop MEMS/NEMS and Aerospace Host Hernan Valenzuela
General information on and results of the NanoforumEULA project including reports on the fact finding missions:
ICPCNanoNet A web-based repository of nanoscience and nanotechnology publications, database of researchers and online forum, to inform and facilitate networking between EU and ICPC (International Cooperation Partner Countries) RTD. funded by EU under Framework Programme 7, grant agreement 218282 7 partners from six states: UK, Portugal, Netherlands, Russia, India and China €1.3M over 4 years started 1 st June 2008
Work scheme
Will provide a fully searchable database of N&N publications. Based on open-source software (EPrints). Full text articles where available. Opportunity for researchers to upload their own articles. Links to other electronic archives, publishers and journals. Maximising information provision to researchers. Electronic archive of nanoscience publications
Database of researchers and organizations Expands upon the existing database of EU organizations on the Nanoforum website to include similar research centres in ICPC. Provides database of researcher expertise in ICPC (identity protected) to facilitate collaborations. Users will be able to search by keyword, location, facilities, expertise.
ICPC research activities Annual reports of research activities in ICPC regions: Africa, Caribbean, Pacific, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), Latin America, Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), Western Balkan Countries (WBC) Will include national and regional research priorities, major infrastructure, networks, key researchers and publications (high citation index).
Dissemination and networking Actively engage researchers to establish information exchange and create new collaborations. Online workshops (using Interwise software, AT&T). Annual workshops: EU (2009), China (2010), India (2011), Russia (2012). Webcasting of annual workshops – allow wider participation.
Institute of NanotechnologyIoNUK Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação SPIPT St Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETURU Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research JNCASRIN Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology CSMNTCN MERIT, Universiteit MaastrichtMERITNL Malsch TechnoValuationMTVNL Partners: For further information please visit (project website) and (electronic archive of nanoscience publications) or contact the coordinator, Dr Mark Morrison,
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