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Rebellion and Reaction Society and Politics, 1960-1980.

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2 Rebellion and Reaction Society and Politics, 1960-1980

3 Challenging the Status Quo Boomers New Left Counter Culture Anti-War Movement Feminism Chicanismo AIM GLF

4 Port Huron Statement We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit.

5 Woodstock--1969

6 Wally Woods’ Disneyland Memorial Orgy in Paul Krassner’s Realist

7 America’s Finest club an anti-war protester


9 Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) established the United Farm Workers

10 Dolores Huerta (b. 1930) organized Grape Pickers w/ Cesar Chavez

11 Russell Means talks to reporters at Wounded Knee


13 Nixon and the Silent Majority 1968 Election “Peace w/ Honor”—well, the U. S. got out. Better relations w/ China and Détente w/ Soviets New Federalism Stagflation Watergate

14 “A Decent Interval”—abandoning U. S. Operatives in Saigon

15 Tin Soldiers and Nixon’s Coming.... Four Dead in Ohio

16 Nixon with Zhou Enlai

17 Watergate Hotel

18 Gerald Rudolph Ford Rampant Inflation SALT II negotiations Mayaguez incident Nixon Pardon 1976 Election

19 A Ford, not a Lincoln

20 Jimmy Carter Fuel shortages/inflation Failure of Salt II Panama Canal Treaty Camp David Accords Iranian Hostage Crisis

21 Sadat, Begin, and Carter

22 Disco and Leisure Suits

23 Gas the 70s’ Generation—please! Lounge Lizard Wannabe

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