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Working out with Mathematics By Eddie. Mean The mean is another name for their average. Just add them all up and divide by the set of numbers Mean= (100+90+80+70+60+50+50)/7.

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Presentation on theme: "Working out with Mathematics By Eddie. Mean The mean is another name for their average. Just add them all up and divide by the set of numbers Mean= (100+90+80+70+60+50+50)/7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working out with Mathematics By Eddie

2 Mean The mean is another name for their average. Just add them all up and divide by the set of numbers Mean= (100+90+80+70+60+50+50)/7 = 71.42 YouTube the MEAN MOTHER!MEAN MOTHER

3 Median The median is "the number in the middle" when the numbers are sorted in order Median= 100 90 80 70 60 50 50 = 70 YouTube the Median One!Median One

4 Mode The mode of a set of numbers is the number that occurs most often Mode= 100 90 80 70 60 50 50 = 50 Show us the a la Mode!a la Mode

5 Checking the Heartbeat after Exercising Exercises that are going to be done to solve for the mean, median, and mode are: jump rope, running in place, and push-upsjump roperunning in placepush-ups Since these exercises are timed, there is no specific form to do these exercises

6 Checking Heartbeat Kids will manually find their pulse and check for their own heartbeat in thirty second intervals to find their heartbeat per minute

7 References Microsoft Clip Art

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