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ENG1102 --- Project Work Day Presentations And Project Books.

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Presentation on theme: "ENG1102 --- Project Work Day Presentations And Project Books."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG1102 --- Project Work Day Presentations And Project Books

2 2 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Presentation: ● Audience --- “Your client's Marketing and Management Team” (Who is your client? - see original DP memo.) ● Purpose --- To promote your concept so the client will invest to develop your design.

3 3 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Technical Presentations (review) ● Title Slide (first impression) ● Introduction (important, connect with audience) ● Outline (Tells audience where you are going) ● Body (the "guts" of why you're there) ● Conclusion (quick summary, no new info) ● Question and Answer

4 4 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Presenting Your Design Concept 1. Title Slide/Introduction (connect with audience) 2. Outline (Short) 3. Body (Physical Concept, Features, Configuration, Energy Budget, Operation/Demonstration, etc.) 4. Conclusion (closing line, no new info) 5. Question and Answer (do you know your stuff?)

5 5 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi How can you bring in your model?? Screen Capture using Alt-PrintScreen, then Paste into Powerpoint

6 6 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Use the Powerpoint Crop tool to get rid of parts you don’t want in your slide. Right mouse in the graphic to get the toolbar. Crop

7 7 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Logistics – Day of Presentation 1. Use jumpdrive on front computer 2. Load your PPT presentation 3. Load your Matlab prog (ready to run) 4. You will then broadcast and control from up front 5. Six minutes to present + two minutes Q&A

8 8 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Tip – Make your model views fill the page.

9 9 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Tip – Practice your Presentation (and Demo) while watching the time.

10 10 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Design Project Book Cover Memo Introduce project Describe contents Deliverables Improved deliverable with enclosures Original deliverable References and/or additional materials (Optional) Binder with tabs to delineate sections

11 11 G:\common\eng1102\1102_200501\02matlab\en02.m11.dp_prog.sxi Team Homework DP Program Due... 13.2 (Today by 5pm --- email to DP Presentation Slides Due... 14.2 (Monday by 10am ---email to ● DP Presentations will be next week, days 1 and 2 --- must attend both days to get credit ● Evaluation Matrix on 1102 web page DP Project Books Due... 14.3 in class ● Evaluation Matrix in memo on grading procedures and 1102 web page

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