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Title is emphasised due to bold and large typography which has been chosen. The colour scheme also follows through the entire magazine cover. A negative though is that the pale blue makes the “Stud” part difficult to read. The name of the school magazine is clearly displayed here whilst emphasised in a thick- bordered box. This however does draw attention away from the name of the magazine. This background image is a clear illustration of the school’s new library and the graphology section of the girl in particular shows her emotions clearly to the audience as she is smiling whilst reading. This clearly portrays to the audience that the new library is fun and “A hit amongst students” backing up the subtitle which has been included under the main headline. The main headline is in a different font than the following subtitle to “stand out” though is quite difficult to read; a dark border would have prevented this problem. The subtitle here is very difficult to read and very small. It could have used a “Drop Shadow” effect to stand out more. The ‘slogan’ of the magazine is centred here; reiterating that this magazine is for the students of this school. The slogan also has connotations of supporting students “for life” which is a very caring and loving message. A standard barcode which needs to be included if the magazine is to be sold. Positive Evaluative Point Negative Evaluative Point A ‘KEY’ to understanding my evaluation method
These subtitles tell different information regarding different key stages. Through the use of this, this particular magazine is clearly aimed at the entire school instead of a sixth form college or a particular year group. The blue typography also links in with the design of the magazine. A website reference for the magazine. Including this makes the magazine look very professional and is a way for readers to contact the editorial team too. The logo of the magazine is very clear here as it uses a different font style and is clearly “linked” together itself as a word; whilst portraying to the reader that the magazine will “link” them to the rest of the school. Making it seem that it is essential that the students read this publication. The main story published in the magazine is regarding a band, though due to the headlines being the same size & font, it is very difficult to tell if this is truly an “orchestra”. This is very misleading for me as an evaluator. This is all the same font (expect Technology/Disability etc) which is disappointing. The size of the two larger stories is also misleading as the main story should be about a band though the layout makes it magazine appear to be about business. This is confusing and could put readers off from reading this magazine. This ‘bar’ located at the bottom of the magazine illustrates a “boxed” effect on the cover. It makes the magazine look quite tidy whilst also telling the reader what else they can expect to read about. It is spaced out evenly and is capitalised to ensure that this is noticed by their readers; very nice. Positive Evaluative Point Negative Evaluative Point A ‘KEY’ to understanding my evaluation method
This is the “upper-banner” of the magazine which includes the school’s name, motto and the lexis choice; “Magazine”. The font style chosen for the motto is much too difficult to read; causing frustration for the reader. This could turn people off from reading the magazine itself. The name of the school however is a much larger size and a more traditional font style which portrays that the school is very proud and honoured of it’s traditions. The font style of; “Magazine” however adds a very luxurious twist on things, making the magazine appear more of a formal and expensive thing then it is. It makes the magazine appear more that it has been designed by a teacher than a student. This is the issue date. This clearly illustrates that the issue is released every quarter and continues to follow on the posh, luxurious connotations which were first illustrated with the upper-banner. Continuing this theme throughout the front cover is very important as not doing so could confuse the reader/target audience. The main story is pictured here. It is clear that the Fall edition of this magazine is going to contain a feature about the art achievements of this particular school. The school logo is also included on the jumper of the student though is cut off at the edge of the magazine which could cause a small issue with those not familiar with the school. The headlines/featured stories of this issue are written here. Due to the font style and size however, these are very ineffective. They are difficult to read and do NOT sell the issue very well as it is difficult to know what is included. Again, very small and difficult to read which could turn some readers off from even having a peek inside. However, the small banner does continue the “green & gold” colour scheme which was first started at the top. Positive Evaluative Point Negative Evaluative Point A ‘KEY’ to understanding my evaluation method
This is a very formal and unusual way to begin a contents page. Through using this particular method the magazine continues to portray a very formal approach, starting a new colour scheme which the contents page follows (Brown and Nude). The information regarding actual volume number is also included here instead of on the actual cover. The school’s logo is proudly included here and is quite large in size. This clearly proves that this magazine is about the “Taullulah Falls School”. The inclusion of this in the upper- right corner of the contents page also gives this the similarities of a formal letter addressed to the reader furthermore continuing the formality which this magazine seems to constantly be trying to portray. Each article/feature is listed here alongside a small caption which tells the reader what the story will be about. This is quite clever, almost acting as a blurb to entice the reader into wanting to read about what interests them instead of flicking through every page until they see something they may be interested in. However, the font style is (at times) difficult to read! This border has been used throughout the entire magazine but adds a calming effect to each page. It continues to make the page seem more of a formal letter than a magazine however, which could be negative depending on the target audience of this particular magazine. A “Stamp of certification” is the only graphology choice to overlap onto the border which enforces that this is a magazine for a particular school. The formal message also ensures this one step further by making the publication an “official” part of the school. Positive Evaluative Point Negative Evaluative Point A ‘KEY’ to understanding my evaluation method
The page is clearly labelled here and so the reader immediately knows what the expect. The larger sized text is emphasised through the blue working against the pink background as well as the actual size of the word; “Content”. A web address is also included which informs the reader of another method of contacting the magazine team for any issues the readers may have. The lexis choice of “Welcome” however brings with it a polite- tone to the reader, making them want to read the magazine more as they feel valued by the magazine team. “Regular Content” would be the same in each issue, so would remain the same. The larger text clearly indicates to the readers that this is various topics which is the same in every issue but will include new content for them to enjoy reading. Each image relates to a piece of text featured in this particular issue of the magazine. Due to each image being different (with the exception of two) this allows the reader to select one of interest before using the number to find what page it will be on. They can also use the number however to get a better description on the image through using the listed pages to the left. This works well though with some images (see image 3) the number is quite difficult to read which could cause some issues. In image 13; red eye also has not be removed from the photo. Most readers read downward when starting a page and the large text on a bright colour clearly stand out compared to everything else on the page. The only mistake which is included here however is the lack of a page number; how will the readers be able to enter the competition if they don’t know what page it is on!? Positive Evaluative Point Negative Evaluative Point A ‘KEY’ to understanding my evaluation method
. It is very important to make the title of the magazine large; people need to know what it is called. That fancy fonts don’t necessarily mean a fancy magazine; sometimes they make things difficult to read. A magazine that follows the same colour scheme throughout the page looks very appealing. Headlines of important stories inside the magazine need to be larger and bolder than other text (except logo) on the cover to ensure that readers can quickly digest the information. A contents page should be laid out neatly and MUST be easy to read to be effective. Using images on the contents page can be a benefit as it catches the audiences attention when they first open up the magazine. A border throughout the magazine can be very effective and add positively to the overall appearance of the magazine itself. Make sure that all colours used work together well and do not work against each other. That adding subtitles under parts on the contents page can improve it by helping the reader navigate to stories which interest them. A magazine cover doesn’t necessarily need to be created in a particular way, there are many styles which all have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is possible to make a magazine look very posh and be aimed at more than one target audience through font styles, colours chosen and layout. Typography colour needs to be taken into consideration; especially when placed over an image as it can be difficult to read if this is not thought about. Issue numbers and dates can be included elsewhere in the magazine, they do not have to be included on the cover necessarily. The main feature in the magazine should be the biggest image on the cover of the magazine
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