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Influences on your healthy, active lifestyle
Topic 1.1.2 Influences on your healthy, active lifestyle
Lesson Objectives – Lesson 1
Develop knowledge and understanding of what influences peoples participation in sport. Learn about the different types of people who influence participation and understand the roles they play. Grade Your Learning C – Know the six main categories B – Understand how people can influence a persons participation within sport A – Can relate this to different people in the world today
STARTER On your tables discuss who / what influences people to take part in physical activities. Write your ideas down on page 3 of your work booklets.
Influences on Taking Part in Sport
The main influences on peoples participation in sport fit into 6 categories which are as follows: People Image Cultural Factors Resources Health and Wellbeing Socio-economic In the envelop you have just been given are the main influences of sports participation. Place them under the into category on page 4 in your workbook.
Influences on Taking Part in Sport
People Family Peers Role Models Image Media Fashion Cultural Factors Gender Race Disability Age Resources Availability Location Access to Facilities Time Health and Wellbeing Illness Heath Problems Socio-economic Cost Status
PEOPLE Factors - Family
Parents will encourage their children to take part in certain sports / activities. Parents / brothers or sisters may play a sport which you may watch resulting in you getting involved in. Children rely on their parents to get them to the sport / activity.
PEOPLE Factors – Friends / Peers
Most children play sports with their friends in their spare time and will play whatever the majority want to play. Most children will play for a team where they already know some of the other children who play there. Peers / friends often encourage other children to take part in their sport or to come and play for their team.
PEOPLE Factors – Role Models
People who excel in their sport and other people often children what to emulate them. Children / people are inspired by their actions and often decide to take up a sport in an attempt to be like them. They basically encourage people to take part in sport / try new sports. Positives Encourage people to play sports so by increasing numbers participating. Their good behaviour can positively effect the behaviour of children who look up to them. Negatives Poor behaviour can be seen by children as the correct way to behave. Can lead to people copying behaviour e.g. taking drugs, swearing at officials.
Attributes of Positive / Negative Role Models
TASK Look at page 7 in your booklet. With a partner write down and explain FIVE attributes of a POSITIVE role model and FIVE attributes of a NEGATIVE role model.
People Factors Task / Homework
Look at the people on page 8 of your booklet. Write down how these athletes could have influenced people positively or negatively due to their actions. COMPLETE FOR HOMEWORK
Lesson 2 - Objectives Develop knowledge and understanding of how image factors can affect sports participation. Understand the different types of media and how they can have a positive and negative effect on sports participation. GRADE YOUR LEARNING C = Understand the two IMAGE factors that can effect participation. B = Understand how the media can have both a positive and negative effect on participation. A = Link IMAGE and PEOPLE influences together in relation to sport in this country.
STARTER Using the information gained last lesson fill in the boxes on page 9 of your booklets, stating the 3 types of people who influence participation and writing down the reasons why they do this.
IMAGE FACTORS – Fashion / Look
Sports can go into and out of fashion depending on the times e.g. in the 90’s aerobics was very fashionable. Also the clothing people wear to take part in sports activities can be fashionable (trendy) which encourages people to take part. People want to look fit and healthy and will take part in physical activities to look good. WHY WOULD THIS INFLUENCE PEOPLE?
IMAGE FACTORS – Fashion / Look
Name a Sport that often becomes fashionable for a short period of time every year and why does this happen? Example – Wimbledon: due to the increased media coverage more people want to play it while the event is being played. Name a sport that has become unfashionable and explain why? Example – Aerobics: due to other fitness activities like ZUMBA, boxercise and spinning classes which are seen as more interesting.
IMAGE FACTORS – Media Gives people the opportunity to view, read about and listen to sports. This often influences people to take part in a sport for the first time. Four types of media coverage: TV Papers Radio Internet
Allows people to view a sport, encouraging them to give it a go. Sponsorship for a sport will dramatically increase if it is very popular with the media e.g. football. The media helps create role models for people to aspire to. Increased TV coverage often leads to a sport having more money to spend, giving more money out to people / clubs taking part e.g. large wages in football.
If a sport is not seen in the media e.g. female football, people will not be encouraged to take part in it. Bad media coverage of a sport e.g. drugs in cycling, can result in people not wanting to take part in the sport. Inappropriate behaviour by role models in often in the press and can lead to people viewing a sport differently. Sports who do not receive much media coverage often have less money and less sponsors leading to lower prize money and wages. This will lead to people wanting to play sports where they can receive more money e.g. football.
TASKS / HOMEWORK Task 1 Using the text books (Pages ) name and explain THREE different types of TV programmes that can be used to promote sport. Task 2 Using the knowledge gained over the past two lessons answer the question on page 13 of your booklet.
Lesson 3 - Objectives Develop knowledge and understanding of CULTURAL factors that affect sports participation. Link the factors to participation rates within England GRADE YOUR LEARNING C = Understand the four cultural factors that can affect participation. B = Understand why gender and race has such a massive affect on participation. A = Are able to link different cultural factors to participation rates in England.
Having a disability can limit the type of physical activity that you can take part it. Many sports centres nowadays have facilities for disabled people which has led to a increase in opportunities to take part. What prevents disabled people from taking part in sport? Lack of facilities in the local area. Lack of clubs / teams. Lack of media coverage (apart from when the Paralympics is on) Knowledge of activities available in local area e.g. advertising.
CULTURAL FACTORS – Age Some sports are more popular than others with different age groups. Older people (50+) often like less strenuous activities as they are more physically limited. Adults may have less time to take part in activities due to other commitments e.g. work, children. Younger people can potentially injury themselves in some sports due to them not being physically strong enough as they are still growing e.g. weightlifting. Competitions in high endurance activities often have minimum age restrictions e.g. marathons, triathlons. What do most sports do to help people of different ages play? Have different age levels. Younger people often have leagues / competitions in age groups e.g. under 11’s. Older people often have their own competitions as well where they play against people of similar ages e.g. seniors.
Task – 10 minutes Read pages in your text book. In your own words write the key points down under the appropriate headings on page 15 in your booklet.
KEY POINTS Men in Sport Play for fun, competition and to release aggression. Physical demanding sports / contact sports. Like to look big and strong. Like to be part of a team / social bonding. High media coverage / lots of role models. Women in Sport Sports with less body contact. Less competitive activities e.g. aerobics Emphasis on body shape and the way they look. Meet new people / socialise. Sports that maintain feminine image.
Some activities are often seen as male only sport e.g. rugby, so there are often fewer sports / opportunities for them to take part. Girls are put off playing these sports as they are often labelled butch / lesbians. Women's sport has a lower profile than men's and lacks media coverage. This means it is not seen as much and there are less female role models. Women get fewer sponsors resulting in less money in their sports. HOW CAN THE MEDIA HELP IMPROVE THIS?
Task – 5 minutes Read pages 28 in your text book. In your own words write the key points under the heading RACE at the top of page 17 in your workbooks. KEY POINTS Live in poorer areas in the country – less facilities. Sporting prejudices that already exist e.g. African- Caribbeans are seen to have less swimming ability. Family commitments resulting in less time to participate in sport. Lack of role models.
Why does it effect a person’s participation? Muslim women have to keep their bodies covered up preventing them from doing sports like gymnastics / swimming. During Ramadan people are not allowed to eat food during daylight hours. This means that during the day they may have little energy when taking part in sports. Also they must eats at night instead of train. Many people don’t take part in sports as they are afraid of being racially abused. In many sports there are a lack of role models for black / ethnic people to look up to and aspire to. HOW CAN SPORTS CLUBS HELP INCREASE PARTICIPATION?
Homework Using the information looked at today answer the questions on page 18 in your booklets.
LESSON 4 - OBJECTIVEs Develop knowledge and understanding on how RESOURCES, HEALTH and MONEY influence sports participation. Understand how where you live affects what sports you play. Discover how problems with your health can affect sports participation. Understand how status and wealth can influence the sports that we play. Grade Your Learning C = Understand each influence within the THREE categories looked at this lesson. B = Understand how each influence can affect participation. A = Can link this to certain sports and certain areas within the counrty.
STARTER Place the following influences looked at so far in this booklet into the correct box on page 19 of your booklets: Gender Family Look Age Fashion Disability Peers TV Radio Role Models Media Race Newspaper
For people to take part in physical activities there must be suitable facilities and resources available e.g. football pitches to play football. Looking back at last weeks lesson which 3 cultural factors may this affect and why? Gender – if there are no girls teams in your area e.g. rugby; then they are unable to take part in the activity as they are not allowed to play with the boys. Disability – if there are no activities near you then participation will be difficult. Age – There may not be a team for your age group.
Certain locations are suited to certain sports. The environment can influence what activities can be participated in. E.G. Also some sports are more regionalised and are mainly played in certain areas of the country. E.G. How does where you live influence what you participate in?
Facilities need to be easily accessible, the easier the access the more likely they will be used. If facilities are further away transport will be needed but obviously this is more time consuming and costly. The size and quality of the facilities also influences how many people can take part, the bigger the facility the more people can participate. What sports can you access in your local area?
People need TIME to be able to participate in sports / activities. If they do not have free time then participation will suffer. This could be due to school, work or family commitments. Explain why time would be an issue for the people listed at the bottom of page 21 in your booklet.
HEALTH FACTORS Illness – Being temporarily or permanently ill can prevent people from taking part in physical activities. However some medical conditions can be helped by exercise e.g. people who suffer from asthma should go swimming. Discuss as a group how medical problems on page 18 of your booklets could influence the sports that you participate in?
HEALTH FACTORS Asthma: Effects the lungs ability to bring in oxygen and so can hinder people when participating in endurance activities. Diabetes: Can effect the bodies energy levels. People need to check their blood sugar levels constantly and can influence whether a person can continue. Joint Problems: Effects the joints within the body. This can obviously prevent someone from taking part in some sports that require certain joints when performing.
TASK Look in your text book and explain ‘How exercise positively helps influence a persons health and well being’. Write the answers in the boxes on page 23 of you booklet.
Weight Control gives a person more energy
Helps release stress and anger Lead to the creation of new friends, making a person feel good about themselves Ligaments become stronger reducing the risk of joint injuries The body becomes better equipped to prevent or deal with injuries. Bodies immune system is improved so it can fight off infection and disease better. Arteries become bigger and more elastic, leading to reduced blood pressure Tendons become stronger, reducing muscle injuries Quicker recovery from exercise Increase in fitness makes it easier to meet the demands of the environment. The heart becomes bigger and stronger, reducing the risk of heart disease. Bones become stronger and less susceptible to osteoporosis when you get older Cardiovascular fitness increases as the heart is more efficient.
MONEY and STATUS Some sports require expensive equipment E.G. Some activities you need to be a member to play which usually means paying membership fees which can be expensive E.G. You may need to travel to be able to take part in an activity which again costs money E.G. Think of THREE sports that cost a lot of money to get involved in and what influence goes this have on participation in these sports? Upper class – sports which are more expensive and more difficult to access are seen as upper class sports as people need money to get involved e.g. polo, rowing. Working Class – sports which are cheaper and more easily accessible are often seen as working class sports e.g. football, rugby.
HOMEWORK Looking back at all the different influences that affect participation, write a detailed description on what influences YOU?
Lesson 5 - Objectives Develop knowledge and understanding of the different roles that can be seen in sports. Understand the different qualities required to be a captain, coach or official. Understand how volunteers play a pivotal role within the sports we play. Understand the different levels of the sports participation pyramid. Grade Your Learning C = Know the different ways that a person can participate in a sport and the four levels of the participation pyramid. B = Understand the different qualities a person needs to be a captain, coach or official. A = Understand in detail each level of the sports participation pyramid and can link this to people around you.
STARTER Turn to page 26 in your booklet. Using the information gained from last lesson answer the questions on this page.
ROLES IN SPORT - Participate
These are the people who turn up week in week out to participate within a sport / activity. Most of them do this for fun and to be with their mates, but some do this as they like competition and they want to win trophies.
They are normally highly skilled in their sport and often perform well under pressure. Other members of their team look up to them. They must be organised as they are often needed to organise other peoples on their team during a game. They must also be decisive as they must make important decisions.
ROLES IN SPORT - Coach Coaches need a good knowledge and understanding of the sport they coach. They must have good tactical knowledge if they are to succeed within game situations. Coaches must be able to help and develop their players performances. They must be able to analyse their players performances and give them clear and positive feedback to hep them improve. They must be good communicators.
Referees / officials must know the rules of the sport. They need to be very observant and decisive as they must make decisions very quickly. They must be confident and authoritative (strong) so that they can keep control within games. They must be good communicators given clear instructions to performers before and during games.
VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are people who give up their free time without being paid to assist in a team / club. Volunteers can do a variety of things like coach, drive the team mini-bus, clean kits etc. Volunteers needs to be enthusiastic and have the ability to work as a team. They must also be good leaders, be organised and have good problem solving skills. People who volunteer to run clubs often make new friends and improve their teamwork / leadership skills which they may find useful outside of sport.
Task Think about the sport YOU play. Write down how VOLUNTEERS play an important role in this?
Sports Participation Pyramid
There are FOUR sections to the sports participation pyramid which are: Foundation – largest amount of people perform here. Participation Performance Elite / Excellence – Lowest amount of people perform here. TASK Turn to page 29 in your booklets. Using your text book to help you, decide which part of the participation pyramid each statement goes under and write it down next to it. IF you are happy / confident about your answers write them into the appropriate spaces on page 30 and 31 of your booklet.
ELITE These are highly skilled athletes who have reached a level of excellence in their sport. These performers compete at a national and international level, either as amateurs or professionals. PERFORMANCE At this stage participants start to train more seriously and show a higher level of commitment to improve specific sport related skills. Performers join clubs and teams to play their sport at a more competitive level and often receive coaching to improve. At this level performers, if they are good enough, could go on to represent their county in their chosen sport.
PARTICIPATION The performer shows an increase in competency in their chosen sport. At this stage participants play sports for fun, to socialise and improve their health and fitness. Often at this stage performers join sports clubs or do extra- curricular activities at school to develop their skills even further. This is when a person chooses to play sport on a more regular basis. FOUNDATION Participants might not understand the rules of the game, but as they play they are developing basic skills and movements required in the sport. Most people are at this level when they are at school and develop these basic skills when in PE lessons.
Task Look at page 49 in the text book.
Write down the NINE key points that are needed to help athletes develop into elite performers in this country. Increase club and government body membership. Increase numbers of volunteers. Increasing numbers and improving standards of coaches. Increasing numbers of trained officials. Increasing numbers of administrators at all levels of sport. Better access to better facilities. Appropriate competition. Talent is identified and developed. Better access to support services e.g. sport scientists, sport psychologists.
Homework Choose a sport and research using the INTERNET what they do to help performers get to the elite level?
Lesson 6 - Objectives Understand what INITIATIVES are and what they are designed to do. Understand how schools, local clubs and sports centres help get people / sustain peoples involvement in sport. Grade Your Learning C – Know what initiatives are and what the countries main priority groups are in regards sports participation. B – Understand how school, clubs and sports centres play a pivotal role in maintain sports participation. A – Understand why different initiatives have been set up and how they specifically can influence people to take part in sport.
STARTER Turn to page 33 in your booklet. Name each section of the sports participation pyramid looked at last week and give a brief description of what happens at each level?
Initiatives What are they? These are ways to increase the popularity and participation in a particular sport. They are often aimed at certain groups of people within a community e.g. Women and Girls, the elderly. Using your text books write in the boxes provided on page 34 in your booklet what the purpose of initiatives are?
Initiatives Increase the number of people participating in a sport.
Encourage development in a wide range of sporting areas. To raise the profile of sports within a community. Provide the opportunity for people to improve their skill levels in their chosen sport. Provide people with higher quality coaching. Encourage people to take up other roles within sport. To get people who not normally play sport involved. Increase the amount of time people play sport To sustain peoples interest in sport. Provides people with the opportunities to use better quality facilities. Provides people with more opportunities to compete against other people.
Priority Groups These are groups of people that the government wants to focus on and increase their participation within sporting activities. WHO ARE THEY? Lower social-economic groups Adults with a limiting disability or illness Women and girls Minority ethnic groups
Sustained Involvement is Sport
Schools People often start playing a sport at school within their PE lessons. Schools offer a wide range of sporting opportunities so children can hopefully find a sport that they like. Schools often have links with local clubs and organisations. This is where people first experience competition and if they enjoy it they are often encouraged by teachers or friends to take part more outside of school. Local Clubs These play a pivotal role in keeping people interested and involved in sport. Have coaches that help people to develop their skills. Allows people to focus on ONE sport which they love. Give people the chance to compete against other people of similar ability. They also provide other opportunities are people to keep involved within a sport even if they are to old e.g. coaches, treasurers.
Sustained Involvement is Sport
Sports Centres These provide people with the opportunities to take part in sports at a less competitive level, whenever they feel like it. There is no commitment required and people often pay on the day to play. They allow people in a local area to keep fit. What do sports centres offer to get more people involved?
Using the internet research the TWO initiatives on page 37 of your booklet. EXTENSION TASK Research sports centres in your local area and write down at the back of your booklets different initiatives they are using to get people participating in sport. NOTE: Make sure you write down what they are doing and who it is aimed at!
Lesson 7 - Objectives Understand the different opportunities ELITE performers get to develop their skills. Understand what agencies are involved in providing more sporting opportunities in this country. Grade Your Learning C = Know the places where ELITE performers have access to and the names of the different agencies involved in providing sporting opportunities in England. B = Understand why these opportunities help ELITE performers. A = Understand what the agencies roles are and what they do to help sport in England.
STARTER WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Attempt the questions on page 38 of your booklet with regards CENTRES of EXCELLENCE’S?
Centres of Excellence These are centres which provide elite performers in this country assess to: Better facilities Better Coaches Better equipment Better education in terms of diet and lifestyle choices. More professionals to help them develop further in their potential careers e.g. sport psychologists. National Sports Centres These are facilities that can be used by local communities as well as elite athletes. These again offer better facilities and equipment and help participation within sport by: Allowing clubs to be based there. Allowing the public to pay and play. Organising courses for people to get involved in.
Task Turn to page 40 of you booklet. Using your text book research SPORT ENGLAND and the YOUTH SPORT TRUST. Explain what these agencies are and do with regards sport in this country.
1) Improve PE for all young people. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? 2) Inspire learning and achievement through PE and sport. 3) Help young people to compete and support the most talented. 4) Develop coaching and volunteering. 5) Connect school and club sport.
National Governing Bodies
These agencies run sports within the country. Can you name THREE different sporting governing bodies in England? FA - LTA - RFL They run their sport from grass roots level all the way thought to professional level. Their aim is to provide opportunities within their sport for people to participate and get involved.
National Governing Bodies
There main work involves: Providing a national structure and direction for a sport. Formulate rules and regulations. To discipline clubs, players and coaches for breaking the rules they set. Increasing the quality and quantity of coaches, officials and volunteers within their sport. Organise competitions at all levels. Help develop facilities. Advise and help clubs with funding. Providing support and insurance for affiliated clubs to ensure participants can take part in sport safely.
RESEARCH TASK Turn to page 42 in your booklets.
Research using the internet the following initiatives: TOP Sports Young Ambassadors Fit for Girls Make sure you explain WHO they are aimed at, WHAT they aim to do and HOW will they achieve this?
HOMEWORK Revise for you topic test next week. Remember the test is on TOPIC All three tests are on MOODLE for you to look at and revise from.
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