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1 Rodríguez-Roselló Luis Rodríguez-Roselló Director a. i. DG Information Society Emerging Technologies & Infrastructures. Applications

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1 1 Rodríguez-Roselló Luis Rodríguez-Roselló Director a. i. DG Information Society Emerging Technologies & Infrastructures. Applications _f/index.htm eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland 15 - 16 April 2004 The EU eInfrastructure initiative – new strategic roles and activities

2 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 2 Contents  Overall context of Research on eInfrastructures  Grid R&D  Deployment of eInfrastructures  GÉANT (GN2)  Grids  Test-beds  New Research Policy Agenda  Conclusions

3 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 3 Grid Research and Deployment Grid Technology  Architecture, design and development of the next generation Grid  Enabling application technologies Research Infrastructure  Deployment of high-capacity/ high-speed communications network – GÉANT  Deployment of specific high performance Grids Applications eBusiness, eGov, eWork, eHealth, risks management, … Broadband, Security, Software Technologies, Research Networking Testbeds

4 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 4 Creation of a strong research community on Grid research Europe’s position strengthened in Grid middleware development Grid concept proven in eScience application pilots First steps taken towards maturing Grid technologies for industrial use Strengthened European contribution to standardisation Grid deployment in research infrastructures Achievements of EU Grid Research

5 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 5 Next Generation Grids Global Computing Complex Systems Global Grid Services Infrastructure? Evolution of the Web Evolution of HPCN Current Grids Grid Research - the Challenge (1) Complexity - Interoperability - Ease of Use -...

6 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 6 Promote Grid research to  Moving Grid from e- Science to Industry  Solve new complex problems with high economic and societal impact e-Science Industry & Business Grids Grid Research - the Challenge (2)

7 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 7 Grid research vision - 2007 and beyond  Building the Invisible Grid  Mastering ICT complexity  Grids of mobile and embedded systems  From to self-healing systems  From plug & play to connect & share  Meta Operating System architecture  Knowledge at the fingertips CtrlAltDel ++ network-centric person-centric Grid empowers AmI (Ambient Intelligence) Towards a Global Grid Services Infrastructure for Business & Industry local global AmI AmI +Grid

8 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 8 inteliGRID Semantic Grid based virtual organisations Provenance Provenance for Grids DataminingGrid Datamining tools & services UniGridS Extended OGSA Implementation based on UNICORE K-WF Grid Knowledge based workflow & collaboration GRIDCOORD Building the ERA in Grid research New Grid Research Projects (under Negotiation) Start: Summer 2004 EU Funding: ~ 52 M€ European - wide virtual laboratory for longer term Grid research - foundation for next generation Grids COREGRID EU - driven Grid services architecture for business and industry NEXTGRID Mobile Grid architecture and services for dynamic virtualOrganisations AKOGRIMO Provisional Information Grid-based generic enabling application technologies to facilitate solution of industrial problems SIMDAT OntoGrid Knowledge Services for the semantic Grid HPC4U Fault tolerance, dependability for Grid

9 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 9 ACI GRID E-SCIENCE DAS BE-GRID D-GRID METACENTER SWISSGRID HELLAS-GRID GRID.IT IRISGRID BG-GRID SGIGRID H-GRID NORDUGRID CYGRID Objectives  Build S&T excellency on Grid - EU-wide virtual laboratory  Achieve sustainable restructuring and integration  Disseminate EU research on Grid  Set-up a think-tank to create spin-off projects  Create the European “Grid Lighthouse” Research Focus  Knowledge and data management  Programming models  System architecture  Resource management  Scheduling  Problem solving environments 42 Partners European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large Scale Distributed, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technologies CoreGRID 6 EU Virtual Institutes NoE Provisional Information

10 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 10 Main Research and Development Areas: Grid architecture Foundations & core services Dynamic federation and VO Grid business models Reference implementations Standards and applications Next Generation Grid services architecture for business and industry Service providers: FujitsuBT T-Systems Datamat Application developers / users: SAP First derivatives Kino Technology providers: Grid Systems HPIntel MicrosoftNec Research org.: EPCCIT Innov. FZJUSTUTT KTHNTUA QUBUvA CNR-ISTI Main Application Areas: Data mining legal sector Broadcasting and entertainment Financial modelling Digital media Supply chain management IP Provisional Information

11 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 11 Two testbeds - E-Learning - Hospital - Generalisation to other applications Telcom operators - Telefonica I&D (SP) - Telnor (N) - Tel Inst (P) Grid Providers & Industry - HLRS (D) - CCLRC (UK) - Uni Hohenheim (D) - Datamat (I) Universities - Uni BW München (D) - CRMPA (I) - NTUA (Gr) - UPC(SP) IT Industry (tools & services) - BOC (UK) - SchlumbergerSEMA Technology Vision NGG based on next generation IPv6 networks and supporting security, QoS, accounting /billing, user & context awareness. Use of mobile comm’s beyond 3G. Dynamic Virtual Organisations based on trust management Mobile Grid architectures and services for dynamic virtual organisations IP Provisional Information

12 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 12 Four sectors of international economic importance: Automotive Pharmaceutical Aerospace Meteorology Seven Grid-technology development areas: Grid infrastructure Distributed Data Access VO Administration Workflows Ontologies Analysis Services Knowledge Services The solution of industrially relevant complex problems using data-centric Grid technology SIMDAT End Users Capability Providers Grid Technologists IP Provisional Information

13 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 13 networking specific services joint research activities GÉANT. INFRASTRUCTURE networking specific services joint research activities GRID. INFRASTRUCTURE Technology testbeds User testbeds research results EU policies federated testbeds eInfrastructure – implementation components

14 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 14 eInfrastructure – GÉANT infrastructure Pan-european second generation GÉANT  GN2, led by DANTE:  continue and improve current GÉANT services  access to “dark” fiber and increased geographical footprint  user consultancy for demanding research communities  research on security, end-to-end services and seamless access/AAA aspects  test-bed to experiment new technologies and services  Inclusion of prospective study and benchmarking

15 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 15 eInfrastructure – Grids infrastructures Pan-European Grid infrastructure EGEE + SEE-GRID  EGEE, led by CERN:  mission critical for very demanding research communities (e.g. High Energy Physics, biomedics) / operational support to users  structuring effect / largest international Grid infrastructure  capacity of over 20.000 CPU's, federating 70 centers/20 countries  research in security, AAA and middleware aspects  SEE-GRID, led by GRNet, expands EGEE to South Eastern Europe

16 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 16 eInfrastructure – Grids infrastructures Grid of supercomputers DEISA  DEISA, led by CNRS:  distributed tera-scale supercomputing facility  Serving user communities such as material sciences, plasma physics, cosmology, life science, etc…  six major supercomputing centers / 30 teraflops  gigabit interconnection  focus on Global Filing System

17 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 17 Grid Deployment and Testbeds - Overview LOBSTER Traffic monitoring EUROLABS Experimental testbeds IPv6TF SC IPv6 Task Force support Specific Support Actions User involvement… …technology validation eInfrastructure EGEE DEISA SEE-GRID DILIGENT New user communities using Grids – Digital Libraries GRIDCC Real time Grid for remote control of instruments MUPPET Optical solutions for Grid infrastruct. EUQoS Flexible Quality of Service Assurance

18 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 18 The Policy Agenda in Research Financial perspectives Financial perspectives (February 2004) (February 2004) Communication on FP7 Communication on FP7 (May 2004) 1.Collaboration and Networking 2.Technological Platforms 3.Basic Research 4.Infrastructures 5.Human resources 6.Co-ordination of National Research 7.Space (ESA) 8.Security 6+2 Axes:

19 eInfrastructures policy meeting Dublin, Ireland - 15 - 16 April 2004 Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, European Commission 19 Conclusions  The EU is spearheading a European eInfrastructure for research (broadband++), fully connected to the world  GÉANT and Grids are essential components of this initiative  Research & deployment are two complementary strategic aspects  EU Research on Grids strengthened (standards, middle-ware,…)  The user basis of eInfrastructure is broadened through common policies (e.g. the eIRG eInfrastructure Reflection Group)  Agenda includes moving from eScience to Industry and business  eInfrastructure is a building block for an European Research Area  eInfrastructures promote growth ensuring cohesion and they are conceived as a vehicle to foster international co-operation, essential to address the challenges of modern eScience  eInfrastructures in the main stream of new Research policy agenda (EU FP7)

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