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A complex systems approach to operational planning Alex Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "A complex systems approach to operational planning Alex Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 A complex systems approach to operational planning Alex Ryan

2 Operational Planning An operational plan is a description of military operations, with a prescribed order, that are intended to achieve a desired end state. Operational planning is one of the functions in military command and control (C2).

3 Advantages of Current Planning Process Robust Flexible Well understood Tried and tested Achieves synchronisation to Commander’s intent Scales with tasks from low level tactical to operational

4 Disadvantages of Current Planning Process Doesn’t scale with complexity: –Of objectives –Of context Emphasises control over mission command Not designed for pushback Not designed for “Edge” organisations Hard to automate Time consuming Enemy centric

5 A Simplified Account of the Current Process Strategic JTF BG JOC CT ⅓ ⅔ t Synchronisation

6 Fragmented Planning Do we really need a synchronised, monolithic plan? Planning fragments can be viewed as a network More responsive Allows parallelism Allows self-organisation Facilitates automation and re-use Closer integration between planning and execution

7 Caveat Emptor This idea is embryonic, oversimplified and high risk. It has not been fully thought out! However, it seems to be a good fit to the IOCS theme… so let’s discuss it

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