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Alternate Work Arrangements: What Are Your Co-Workers Thinking? By Chrissy Lee Baune.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternate Work Arrangements: What Are Your Co-Workers Thinking? By Chrissy Lee Baune."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternate Work Arrangements: What Are Your Co-Workers Thinking? By Chrissy Lee Baune

2 Technology makes alternate work arrangements possible Conference Calls Video Conferencing Laptops Internet Hi-speed connections Webinars

3 Why Alternate Work Arrangements? Work environments seem to be changing New life changes happen all the time Formerly part of an alternate work arrangement environment Reactions seemed to be mixed Seemed to be a conflict of opinion What do team members really think about the arrangements? I wanted answers!

4 Alternate Work Arrangements - Perceptions are changing “The attitude about flexibility used to be ‘Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile’ but now, it’s ‘Give them an inch, they’ll give you back a mile’” Ellen Galinsky, President of the Families and Work Institute in NYC (Koch, 1998)

5 Alternate Work Arrangements - Advantages to Companies Over 50% of larger companies have some sort of flexible work hours. (Clifton & Shephard, 1996) Allowing employees to work alternate arrangements can result in 15 – 20% increased productivity. ("Flexible Staffing”, 2003) Telecommuters are 30 – 40% more likely to stay with a company. (Koch, 1998)

6 Alternate Work Arrangements - Disadvantages to Companies Employee could accidentally bring a virus to work on a disk (Koch, 1998). Lack of input and feedback is missing, feeling of “we’re all in this together,” (The Upside, 1995). Without social stimulation, “some employees become depressed, leading to dissatisfaction and a loss of productivity,” (Koch, 1998).

7 Research Question Do team members perceive that alternate work arrangements increase productivity?

8 Alternate Work Arrangements (AWA) are nontraditional work schedules Remote offices Working from home Compressed work weeks Part time

9 Research Methodology Sample Minneapolis Based Marketing Firm AWA is an employee benefit Random sample of existing teams Paper based survey Survey Questions Included… AWA working status Perception of productivity within the team Group morale Feelings toward AWA

10 Results – The Sample Population 302 participants 101 completed surveys (33% response rate) 42% work AWA 58% do not work AWA

11 Productivity – AWA Employees I feel my personal productivity can be tied directly to my alternate work arrangement 79% of those working AWA agreed with this statement

12 Productivity – Entire Sample Group Since my working teammates have chosen to work an alternate schedule, I have perceived more productivity 34% agree 45% no opinion 21% disagree

13 Morale – Entire Sample Group How much do you think alternate work arrangements affect morale for those team members that do not participate in flexible scheduling? 36% - strongly affects morale 32% - hardly affects morale 32% - no effect on morale

14 Recruitment – Entire Sample Group Would you choose your place of employment based on the option for alternate work arrangements? 69% agree 14% no opinion 17% disagree

15 Reasons for Avoiding AWA – Non AWA Employees I am afraid of how my co-workers would perceive me if I chose alternate work arrangements 48% of those not working AWA agreed with this statement

16 Reasons for Avoiding AWA – Non AWA Employees I may perceive resistance from my manager if I suggest alternate work arrangements 34% of those not working AWA agreed with this statement

17 Do team members perceive that alternate work arrangements increase productivity? Research Question

18 Answer to Research Question YES Those in AWA attributed their increased productivity to their schedule Working team members agreed, and expressed the desire to also do AWA but were hesitant due to perceptions

19 Recommendations Additional research is warranted What are other perceptions of AWA if in addition to increased productivity? Team morale and AWA; this research suggests there is a correlation Management roles in AWA; qualitative feedback suggests there is a relationship

20 Questions?

21 References Koch, Kathy. (1998). Flexible Work Arrangements: Do They Really Improve Productivity?” The CQ Researcher, August 14, 1998, Vol. 8, No. 30, pp. 697-720. Clifton, Thomas, & Shepard, Edward. (1996). Flexible Work Hours and Productivity: Some Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry. Industrial Relations, March 1996, Vol. 85 Issue 3, p.12. Flexible Staffing Practices. (2003). Corporate Executive Board. (May 2003). Retrieved Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 from The Upside and Downside of Telecommuting. (1995). Supervisory Management; November 1995, Vol. 40 Issue 11, p.8.

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