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High Energy Verification Status and plan for PY2005-2006 Shigeru Yoshida (Chiba University)

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Presentation on theme: "High Energy Verification Status and plan for PY2005-2006 Shigeru Yoshida (Chiba University)"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Energy Verification Status and plan for PY2005-2006 Shigeru Yoshida (Chiba University)

2 UHE/EHE in IceCube Energy Range (10PeV – 10 EeV) “ Signal ” : GZK, Topdown “ BG ” : Atmospheric  and bundles Detection Channel :  /  track with bunch of “ cascades ”

3 A Primary Study…. Looks encouraging!

4 Down-going events dominate… 1400 m 2800 m 11000m UpDown Atmospheric  is strongly attenuated… S.Yoshida, R.Ishibashi, H.Miyamoto, PRD 69 103004 (2004) Calculated by JULIeT

5 GZK in energy-direction plane GZK  GZK  Atmospheric  High E Low E Calculated by JULIeT

6 Events in Energy-direction plane By Monte Carlo GZK domain Atm  domain

7 IceCube EHE Sensitivity S.Yoshida, R.Ishibashi, H.Miyamoto, PRD 69 103004 (2004) 90% C.L. for 10 year observation

8 Verification : questions to answer # of PE, DOM hits work as a first filter? Can we estimate energy deposit? Energy – sec(  ) plane really works? Is the “ partial ” IceCube array capable?

9 Who ? Aya, Kotoyo, Sean, Albrecht (UW-Madison) Hiroko, Keiichi, Shigeru (Chiba) Paolo (UW-Madison) - MC production David (UW-Madison) – Reco software Gary (UW-Madison) - Likelihood “Advisor” More welcome!

10 Offline software Modules in IceTray Numerical Calculation by JULIeT   Juliet-interface Propagator/Generator PSI_PhotonicsLite Cherenkov Hit-constructor etc Weighting-module Weigher/Checker First analyzer Reco modules (wf-llh etc) Reconstruction

11 Juliet-interface Kotoyo (UW-Madison), Keiichi, Shigeru (Chiba)

12 Weighting -module Aya (UW-Madison) I3WeigherModuleJuliet MCWeightDict() PowerLawIndex JulietDifferentialFlux JulietPropagationMatrixNeutrinoFlux (GZK) JulietPropagationMatrixAtmMuonFlux (  ).. I3WeigherCheckerJuliet TTree MCEvent RecoEvent PrimaryCascadeTrack Weight I3MCPrimaryI3MCTrackI3MCCascade Npe, NhitDOM,..

13 MC data quick analysis Aya (UW-Madison), Keiichi (Chiba) By I3WeigherCheckerJuliet Log(Energy [GeV]) # of DOMs Log(Max. Cascade E [GeV]) 1 PeV Deposit

14 Energy loss profile in UHE/EHE Stochastic Loss Initiating high energy Cascades! By JULIeT

15 Cascade Reco Sean (UW-Madison) By wf-llh-reco  Log(Energy)/ Log(Energy) # of Events 1 PeV- 1000 PeV Likelihood of waveform (Gary UW-Madison)

16 To Do in near term MC data check and debugging Simple filter for High Energy events Complete Weighter-module (flux, interaction-weight) “ Effective Area ” estimation based on simple variables (Npe, cos(zenith) etc) Bright cascade reco – PDF by Photonics Composite cascades = EHE track reco Get Ready for analysis data from 10++ strings

17 After the 10++ String deployment Filtering “ high energy ” data Comparison with simulation data (Note: mostly UHE atmospheric  ) Npe, Multiplicity, Waveform, cos(zenith), “ Energy ”, Verify a method to distinguish signal (GZK ) from background (Atm  ) “ Standard Candle ” (N2 laser) ~10PeV

18 “High energy” verification organization The “gateway” website + Monthly video conference You are welcomed to join us!

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